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Forum » The one and only item combination script to rule them all

The one and only item combination script to rule them all

Amarth 17 years ago
[This may be moved to Notrium section if appropriate]

I've started work on a Perl script to parse the data files from Notrium (or any mod) and generate a spoiler, listing the combinations. For now, basic stuff is done (reading everything in + parsing the combinations block), but I still need to take a look at the effects block to see whether there are important parts there. I also need to weed out impossible combinations (like with items that can't be carried).

This tool might also be valuable to mod-makers to check the consistency of their items.dat. I'll pass the Perl code on simple request (it's kind of long and unfinished though), and I might make a .exe version if there is enough support and if I find a decent Perl compiler.

When finished, I'll run it on a couple of popular mods.

So, now, post ideas, requests and general praise.

(incomplete) SPOILERS BELOW:
Barrier [94]: Sand [93] + Ice Pack [73]
Battery Charger [1]: Battery Charger Chip [133] + Fuel Converter [11]
Battery Extension [34]: De/Magnetizer [33] + Long Metal Rod [6]
Beacon Ray [110]: Radiator [28] + Pulse Beacon [67]
Biomass Detector [55]: Biomass Detector [54] + Computer Unit [7]
Brain Poison [156]: Psionic Focus [150] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140]
Cooling Unit [80]: Glass Tube [79] + Ice Pack [73]
Energy Unit [12]: Fuel Converter [11] + Fuel Cell [10]
Enhanced Power Armor [87]: Blue Alien Corpse [60] + Power Armor [35]
Enviro-Armor [159]: Power Armor [35] + Life Support Chip [36]
Escape Pod [47]: Escape Pod [8] + Navigation System [46]
Escape Pod [48]: Escape Pod [8] + Propulsion System [43]
Escape Pod [49]: Escape Pod [8] + Life Support System [39]
Escape Pod [50]: Escape Pod [49] + Navigation System [46], Escape Pod [47] + Life Support System [39]
Escape Pod [51]: Escape Pod [47] + Propulsion System [43], Escape Pod [48] + Navigation System [46]
Escape Pod [52]: Escape Pod [49] + Propulsion System [43], Escape Pod [48] + Life Support System [39]
Fixed Escape Pod [53]: Escape Pod [50] + Propulsion System [43], Escape Pod [52] + Navigation System [46], Escape Pod [51] + Life Support System [39]
Flame Thrower [78]: Welding Torch B [83] + Long Metal Rod [6]
Food Generator [17]: Replicator Cell [16] + Food Generator Chip [126], Replicator Cell [15] + Specimen Container [14]
Force Field Generator [21]: Force Field Generator [20] + Energy Unit [12]
Force Field Generator [22]: Force Field Generator [21] + Computer Unit [7]
Glowing Paper [107]: Tattered Paper [106] + Reaper Corpse [85]
Goggles [25]: Goggles [24] + Light Diode [2]
Ice Pack Generator [76]: Replicator Cell [13] + Cooling Unit [80]
Improved Targeting Beam [119]: Light Diode [2] + Motion Detector [29]
Laser Pistol [27]: test a [208] + test b [209], Light Diode [2] + Energy Unit [12]
Laser Turret [32]: Repair Unit [84] + Broken (L) Turret [68], Motion Detector [31] + Laser Pistol [27], Broken (L) Turret [68] + Repair Unit [84]
Life Support Chip [37]: Life Support Chip [36] + Replicator Cell [13]
Life Support Chip [38]: Life Support Chip [36] + Specimen Container [14]
Life Support System [39]: Life Support Chip [37] + Specimen Container [14], Life Support Chip [38] + Replicator Cell [13]
Lifeforce Drain [161]: Psionic Mystery [160] + Psionic Void Token [141]
Long Range Scanner [120]: Glass Tube [79] + Subspace Radio [3]
Machine Gun Turret [199]: Broken (M) Turret [200] + Repair Unit [84], Motion Detector [31] + Rapid Fire Pistol [71]
Modded Subspace Radio [9]: Subspace Radio [5] + Computer Unit [7], Subspace Radio [4] + Long Metal Rod [6]
Motion Detector [30]: Motion Detector [29] + Computer Unit [7]
Motion Detector [31]: Motion Detector [30] + Long Metal Rod [6]
Navigation System [46]: Star Chart [45] + Modded Subspace Radio [9]
Opened Security Box [121]: Security Box [95] + Security Keycard [96]
Pebble Shotgun [63]: Long Metal Rod [6] + Powered Accelerator [19]
Pistol [70]: Pistol Chassis [69] + Powered Accelerator [19]
Power Armor [35]: Force Field Generator [20] + Motion Detector [29]
Powered Accelerator [19]: Particle Accelerator [18] + Energy Unit [12]
Propulsion System [43]: Warp Coil [41] + Particle Accelerator [18], Warp Coil [42] + Fuel Cell [10]
Psionic Ally [167]: Psionic Mystery [166] + Psionic Liquid Token [139]
Psionic Armor [149]: Psionic Mystery [148] + Psionic Mass Token [137]
Psionic Blast [143]: Psionic Dash [142] + Psionic Heat Token [136]
Psionic Chill [147]: Psionic Blast [143] + Psionic Liquid Token [139]
Psionic Conversion [157]: Psionic Mystery [148] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140]
Psionic Dash [142]: Psionic Mass Token [137] + Psionic Motion Token [138]
Psionic Decoy [146]: Psionic Focus [145] + Psionic Heat Token [136]
Psionic Field [154]: Psionic Armor [149] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140]
Psionic Focus [145]: Psionic Mass Token [137] + Psionic Liquid Token [139], Psionic Liquid Token [139] + Psionic Mass Token [137]
Psionic Focus [150]: Psionic Heat Token [136] + Psionic Motion Token [138]
Psionic Focus [153]: Psionic Mystery [152] + Psionic Heat Token [136]
Psionic Immolation [144]: Psionic Mass Token [137] + Psionic Heat Token [136]
Psionic Mystery [148]: Psionic Liquid Token [139] + Psionic Motion Token [138]
Psionic Mystery [152]: Psionic Liquid Token [139] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140]
Psionic Mystery [160]: Psionic Heat Token [136] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140]
Psionic Mystery [162]: Psionic Motion Token [138] + Psionic Void Token [141]
Psionic Mystery [165]: Psionic LifeForce Token [140] + Psionic Void Token [141]
Psionic Mystery [166]: Psionic Mystery [165] + Psionic Mass Token [137]
Psionic Strength [158]: Psionic Dash [142] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140]
Psionic Teleport [163]: Psionic Mystery [162] + Psionic Heat Token [136]
Pulse Laser [56]: Laser Pistol [27] + Glass Marble [202]
Radiator [28]: Powered Accelerator [19] + Fuel Cell [10]
Rapid Fire Pistol [71]: Cooling Unit [80] + Pistol [70]
Repair Unit [84]: Battery [74] + Computer Unit [7]
Replicator Cell [15]: Replicator Cell [13] + Food Generator Chip [126]
Replicator Cell [16]: Replicator Cell [13] + Specimen Container [14]
Sniper Bullet [108]: Bullets [72] + Ether [75]
Sniper Pistol [109]: Pistol [70] + Long Metal Rod [6]
Subspace Radio [4]: Subspace Radio [3] + Computer Unit [7]
Subspace Radio [5]: Subspace Radio [3] + Long Metal Rod [6]
Tattered Paper [100]: Tattered Paper [99] + Beacon Ray [110]
Tattered Paper [101]: Tattered Paper [100] + Rapid Fire Pistol [71]
Tattered Paper [102]: Tattered Paper [101] + Propulsion Boots [112]
Tattered Paper [103]: Tattered Paper [102] + Flame Thrower [78]
Tattered Paper [104]: Tattered Paper [103] + VC Stun Laser [88]
Tattered Paper [105]: Tattered Paper [104] + VC Pistol [86]
Tattered Paper [106]: Tattered Paper [105] + Electro Sphere [97]
Tattered Paper [99]: Tattered Paper [98] + Sniper Pistol [109]
Thermal Heat Pack [77]: Ether [75] + Ice Pack [73]
Time Distortion [164]: Psionic Mystery [162] + Psionic Liquid Token [139]
Warp Coil [41]: Warp Coil [40] + Fuel Cell [10]
Warp Coil [42]: Warp Coil [40] + Particle Accelerator [18]
Warp Gun [57]: Warp Coil [40] + Tazor Stun Gun [26]
Welding Torch B [83]: Welding Torch [82] + Specimen Container [14]
Welding Torch [82]: Lighter [81] + Glass Tube [79]
Wooden Dart [125]: Queen Blue Alien Corpse [123] + Firewood [58]
Working Subspace Radio [44]: Warp Coil [40] + Modded Subspace Radio [9]

The following items might have interesting properties:
Alien's Nest [193] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Blueprints [198] might give Hoverbike Keycard [185].
Brown Alien Corpse [61] might give Alien Meat [59].
Crystal Ore [111] might give Ice Pack [73].
Ether [75] might give Generated Ration [127].
Firewood [58] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Force Field Generator [22] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Large Brown Alien Corpse [124] might give Alien Meat [59].
Lay Eggs [192] might give Alien's Nest [193].
Lay Eggs [192] might give Blue Alien Egg [195].
Lay Eggs [192] might give Brown Alien Egg [194].
Lighter [81] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Metal Tube [201] might give Looking Glass [203].
Opened Security Box [121] might give Electro Sphere [97].
Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Psionic Field (Active) [155] might give Psionic Field [154].
Psionic Field [154] might give Psionic Field (Active) [155].
Psionic Immolation [144] has script 19 (drop plot_obj).
Psionic Mass Token [137] might give Life Essence [151].
Robot Wreckage [65] might give Battery [74].
Sand [93] might give Glass Marble [202].
Anarion 17 years ago
Hey, now that's a pretty nifty idea. Good thinking Amarth.
E_net4 17 years ago
The program caught those spoilers, right?
Amarth 17 years ago
That is the output of the program, yes.

[EDIT] I have added a new section, it now also checks the effects block for a couple of scripts (give item, drop plot object, run script and activate script). If someone has more ideas, let me know.

Regions where to look for items comes to mind, but that might make the spoiler quite big, I think. Perhaps make it generate a website?

[EDIT 2] Perhaps I could group by the item's class or something - the Psionic tokens mixed with the Alien's abilities and the regular items are kind of confusing. I should check that out.
Amarth 14 years ago
I kinda remade the logic in Python, it's obviously a lot cleaner now. Cleaner next to being more existing I guess because I lost the Perl version. I'm only up to the point where items.dat is read in, but with a bit of toying around it shouldn't be hard to filter the resulting list in the main section to your preferences (for example, as above).

Code at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, under public domain.

I like how the code turned out. It's pretty concise really, over half of the code is a rather straight definition of how items.dat looks like.
Anonymous1157 14 years ago
I didn't remember ever having read this thread, and I was about to ask how you managed to lose the old version so fast. Then I read the date stamp.

But yea, anything to make modding easier for beginners would be useful. We do seem to get one or two new members every month who try to make a mod right away and end up giving up, presumably because the big jumble of text files is hard to work with.

... It's probably too much to ask, what with Driftmoon being in development and all, but an IDE would go a long way towards your average Joe making decent Notrium mods. (Not that you in particular should make it -- Of course I'd rather you use that time to code Notrium3D. )
Venom31 14 years ago
"Anonymous1157" said:
...because the big jumble of text files is hard to work with...
...Being 23 types of data files with numerous linkage to each other (and resources) - so you have to edit several at once to add 1 more feature. Not that I'm complaining, but it may be (at times) quite confusing. Especially when you're making a big mod and do not know where to start.
MageKing17 14 years ago
Wow, Amarth. That is some very concise parsing code you've got there. Waaay better than what I usually come up with, although it obviously only works for data files similar to Notrium's.
Forum » The one and only item combination script to rule them all

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