Hell-o! It is me, Lauri lack-a-pa--- ahem. Lauri the game design intern. And my mod's beta is coming really soon. If moon's and stars' positions are right I will press the publish button tomorrow! The only must-to-do thing is get all my written dialog from my proofreader and paste all fixed dialog into my bot's mouths. And my friend told that he'll do finish the last ones today.
So, here is my title for this mod:
 (Blood elf language. Means "blood" [i:r])
Plot (copypaste from interview): The apprentice of the royal advisor has a nightmare about his master, and after he wakes up, his master is nowhere to be found. Soon he hears that several princes were attempted to be poisoned. The Apprentice has to find his master to inform him what has happened so the master can in turn inform the king, since no one is allowed to see the king other than the advisor himself.
So what then when I have published this mod? Well I wait for comments and feedback to do some fixes you guys find. Also I promise to complete at least one ending (there are multiple endings in this mod. Woo!) before my internship ends.
Yeah that's right. Soon I am going back to the schooldesk to learn secrets of animation. This really makes fixing things and bugs and completing the mod slower. Let's hope that I manage to complete this mod without great delays.
BUT! No more sniffing around! Let's have a B&A pictures of our main location: Castle of Ïsah! Before:

Also have two screenshots:

So let's hope that I won't wander in valvetime anymore! Tomorrow it'll be! If I'm brave enough...
Edited 12 years ago