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Ïr mod thread.

SuffNorgh 12 years ago
Hell-o! It is me, Lauri lack-a-pa--- ahem. Lauri the game design intern. And my mod's beta is coming really soon. If moon's and stars' positions are right I will press the publish button tomorrow! The only must-to-do thing is get all my written dialog from my proofreader and paste all fixed dialog into my bot's mouths. And my friend told that he'll do finish the last ones today.

So, here is my title for this mod:

(Blood elf language. Means "blood" [i:r])

Plot (copypaste from interview):
The apprentice of the royal advisor has a nightmare about his master, and after he wakes up, his master is nowhere to be found. Soon he hears that several princes were attempted to be poisoned. The Apprentice has to find his master to inform him what has happened so the master can in turn inform the king, since no one is allowed to see the king other than the advisor himself.

So what then when I have published this mod? Well I wait for comments and feedback to do some fixes you guys find. Also I promise to complete at least one ending (there are multiple endings in this mod. Woo!) before my internship ends.

Yeah that's right. Soon I am going back to the schooldesk to learn secrets of animation. This really makes fixing things and bugs and completing the mod slower. Let's hope that I manage to complete this mod without great delays.

BUT! No more sniffing around! Let's have a B&A pictures of our main location: Castle of Ïsah!


Also have two screenshots:

So let's hope that I won't wander in valvetime anymore! Tomorrow it'll be! If I'm brave enough...

Edited 12 years ago
ville 12 years ago
Can't wait to get playing this one! I can see you've put a lot of effort into the details of the desk in the screenshot, got to love that. And even a Maniac Mansion reference, yay!
Anne 12 years ago
Looking good Lauri! I'm awaiting eagerly for a chance to play it from start to finish.

And everyone: Do remember to use the feedback function (press the letter "F" while playing) and help Lauri fix any possible bugs/typos with the mod. No matter how carefully you try to do things, there's bound to be some bugs when the first version (or a new version) of a game is opened to the public for the first time.

I know Lauri was wondering about the level of difficulty a little, so it might also be a good idea to send him feedback on that, if you have any thoughts about it. I'm pretty sure Lauri would appreciate it.
SuffNorgh 12 years ago
Thanks Ville and Anne! Now while you guy's are reading this my mod has already published! Yay! Now go my minions and play! MBWAHAHAHAHAA!!
Endymion 12 years ago
It's nice, looking forward to the next version.
SuffNorgh 12 years ago
And from yesterday, my intern is over. It was fun to do this mod and I'll surely keep doing it complete (in much slower progress). Thanks to my superiors Anne and Ville!

And because of that, I have a gift: A tiny patch! Here is the change log in mystery shadow since it might have some spoilers or not:
-Fixed "few" typos mostly at west side of the castle.
-Fixed cups in kitchen and other flickering things.
-Fixed missing link in King's dialog.
-Fixed Vergurd's bodyguard's name and she'll pull her sword as she does in dialog.
-Fixed Astunta's banner name and their leader from wandering out from his room.
-Fixed doors between kitchen and west side of castle.
-Added Nanar missing starting dialog.
-Added little more destruction in King's room.
-Added a plaque in cellar.
-Added new map (sadly, there's nothing to do there).
Anne 12 years ago
Thank you to you as well, Lauri! You've been a talented intern, and there's a lot of good stuff in your mod! I'm really impressed with many of the cool level design decisions you made.

Good to hear you made a new patch! (When I find the time, I'll go through the dialogues I haven't yet had time to send feedback on. There may be a few more typos hiding in there that might benefit from my attention. )

As I understand, you're still working on your mod, so this is the perfect opportunity to say: Keep up the good work!
SuffNorgh 12 years ago
Some of you might notice few weird things in my mod after the last update of Driftmoon (like Akmuo's gigantic head and noseless statues). No need to report about them, since I am fixing them as soon as possible.
SuffNorgh 12 years ago
Finally I got time to fix my mod (done some stop-motion whole week) and here we have little patch! I should have this version thingie but I have no clue how I should name them so I call the very first public release as version 0.5. In that way this patch is 0.52 i believe, correct me on this thing if I am not right about it. But here's the changelog in shadows:

-Fixed "bubblehead" Akmuo to normal.
-Fixed noseless statues into statue scripted bots in castle.
-Fixed some graphical thingies here and there.
-Changed cellar's architecture in sanctuary (was unable to do puzzle after the D's offical patch)
SuffNorgh 12 years ago
A very quick update before the grand celebration! Congratulations Anne and Ville! *Kablooie!*

-Capn' Faronma was giving away totally wrong keys. Shoulda fixed by now.
-Little lighting fixes.

Edited 12 years ago
SuffNorgh 10 years ago
Hoo-boy. I surely do something absolutely horrible by digging this thread up from these deadly depths. I promised to make updates very frequently but as you can see, the last update was over a year ago. I am extremely sorry about that.

I haven't done absolutely nothing on the plot. Nothing. En mitään. I have only done little fixes on it. BUT! There wil be soon an update (in Valve time). The update will contain I.A. new grafical elements on bots.

The main problem creating more poorly written dialog is... well... when I get some inspiration on it I just write few funny lines and then I just say "oh buck it" and Notepad will be turned off. This problem actually has made me to think that I should rewrite the whole story but... *Sigh*

Well anyways... There will be an update for sure! It's a Pinkey promise!
Endymion 10 years ago
Awesome! I'm (still) looking forward to it.
SuffNorgh 10 years ago
I actually had a secret promise for Myself only: "I will release my mod's update when I get 60 likes on my mod"


I actually have to apologize since I am actually little intoxicate since it's May day, which is pretty big holiday in Finland and it contains lot's of alcohol (depends where you are celebrating it!)

So enjoy! It sure is way too big that it needs to be since it contains few unused textures and stuff...

If I ever survive this drunkness I will release some sort of change log but let's say few things:

-New hair textures on bots!
-Some changes on the levels (Cellar has the biggest change of them all!!)!
-Some minor changes on items and probably few over hyped things. (sorry about that. It's a Pinkey promise!)

Edited 10 years ago
Endymion 10 years ago
I can't install the new version for some reason, it says installation error please retry. I think I remember it happening if some file was missing from the mod but can't remember which. My internet isn't very stable atm. so it could be just because of that.
ville 10 years ago
Looks like the mod is missing most of it's files for some reason. It could be a broken zip file or that the actual zip doesn't contain the stuff. I'll PM Lauri about it.
SuffNorgh 10 years ago
Oh dear. Well I rezipped the mod and reuploaded it. Hopefully it will work now.
Add-on to the May day changelog:
-Removed Poison Resistance and Phoenix skills
-Added some decorations in clan lords rooms
-Made Soiree way more greedy
-New textures on most of the bots
SuffNorgh 10 years ago
Ok! Thanks to Ville there was one little mean file that made things upside down. Now the mod should work.
Forum » Ïr mod thread.

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