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Forum » Question about modding

Question about modding

Wazubaba 13 years ago
I was wondering, can you make vehicals in Driftmoon like in Notrium ? Also, how difficult would it be to port graphics from Notrium ? I don't have Driftmoon yet, but I've been working on a Notrium mod and am wondering if I should focus on making the graphics instead of coding stuff in until I get Driftmoon...
ville 13 years ago
Driftmoon doesn't have any vehicles yet, but there will be some later on. I don't think the vanilla Driftmoon will make use of them, but it's such a popular request for modders that I already have plans for implementation. Vehicles in Driftmoon might be a bit different, since we have physics - there could be several parts in a vehicle for example joined by joints. Remains to be seen.

Porting graphics should be a no-brainer. Driftmoon uses png and jpg images, and both games are top-down, so it will be a piece of cake. You're of course free to use any images from both Notrium and Driftmoon in your mod.

It might be a good idea to get started right away, I'm giving Driftmoon modders my full support, which means if something is not working, I'll fix it. And it's also fully forwards compatible, so if you start on your mod now, it should work with all future versions.
MageKing17 13 years ago
"ville" said:
It might be a good idea to get started right away, I'm giving Driftmoon modders my full support, which means if something is not working, I'll fix it. And it's also fully forwards compatible, so if you start on your mod now, it should work with all future versions.
So someone should start making a Wazzal 3 mod, right?
Wazubaba 13 years ago
Ok, I have to get a new hard drive for my comp first. Can I use the Driftmoon demo for prototyping some of the stuff ? It will be a while until I can actually get it, so I'll probably just work on the resources for now.
ville 13 years ago
I don't have the exact plans yet on what will be included in the demo version when it comes out. We've been toying around with the idea of giving full access to the editor to encourage more modding, as well as allowing the demo version to play pre-approved mods. (Pre-approved to prevent people from posting the main game as an unrestricted mod )
But all of that's still pretty uncertain, you'll have to wait, possibly a month or two to find out.

We demand Wazzal 3! Get started!
MageKing17 13 years ago
"ville" said:
We demand Wazzal 3! Get started!
Okay, but first I'll have to find a sizeable chunk of free time, familiarize myself with the latest Driftmoon alpha (I haven't played in, like, three versions, or something), and learn how to use the editor.

It, uh... might take a while.
Forum » Question about modding

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