Forsooth, it is true. Even though the Taleworlds site doesn't have it yet, Mount&Blade version 1.003 was released. Meaning it is now officially out of beta.
The new version's even pretty cool. The animations are revamped, and I highly suggest you try at least one of the combat tutorials quickly to see what happens when you bash somebody from the side (spoiler: they stagger).
It doesn't appear to be bug-free (you didn't expect a perfect release from M&B, did you?), but the only problem I had was a BSoD, which is due to my usual graphics card driver problems (X3: Reunion has been doing the same thing to me, and Oblivion used to do it like crazy... I haven't dared to try it lately). As such, I haven't extensively tested it, but who cares? M&B is out of beta!
Go play it!