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  • Ideas for future Notrium versions

    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    As we know, there were no teleportation devices in Notrium 1.
    In the Ship Graveyard (IIRC), there's an instantaneous travel platform to the transmitter range.
    Venom31 15 years ago
    There was a whole lost civilization of psionic race on the N1 planet. Their portals were not that technological, however, but who said we've found them all in N1? There could be more! Including, perhaps, on some other planets of the Notrium system.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    As we know, there were no teleportation devices in Notrium 1.
    In the Ship Graveyard (IIRC), there's an instantaneous travel platform to the transmitter range.
    Uhh... but that's not exactly interplanetary.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    As we know, there were no teleportation devices in Notrium 1.
    In the Ship Graveyard (IIRC), there's an instantaneous travel platform to the transmitter range.
    Uhh... but that's not exactly interplanetary.
    ... That's different.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    In the Ship Graveyard (IIRC), there's an instantaneous travel platform to the transmitter range.
    Uhh... but that's not exactly interplanetary.
    ... That's different.
    Indeed it is, because you can establish a wire connection between two places in the same world, but not from one planet to another.
    Anyway, I think this conversation has gone too far.
    ville 15 years ago
    I haven't extensively planned what Notrium 2 will be like yet, so I'm very open to all ideas - please don't shoot the new ideas down fellas.

    My previous plans for Notrium 2 were actually placed in an abandoned underground prison. You would have had to find scraps of food and fix ancient scifi machinery.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I haven't extensively planned what Notrium 2 will be like yet, so I'm very open to all ideas - please don't shoot the new ideas down fellas.

    My previous plans for Notrium 2 were actually placed in an abandoned underground prison. You would have had to find scraps of food and fix ancient scifi machinery.
    That would make a wonderful beginning! You'd just have to write the backstory.

    It could actually take place after the Captain takes over Ville Corp. He would be captured by a rival corporation, or something.
    Venom31 15 years ago
    OR this could be some marine not succumbed to new chief as the cap'n. However, it only implies 1 out of 6 endings of original Notrium if interpreted that way. I agree, the Ville Corp. commander ending is surely one of most seeked of , but I'd suppose leaning away from anything that would tell us how N1 has ended. Just another story - other heroes, maybe even other races, don't know...
    Narvius 15 years ago
    Or maybe a prequel.
    I've head these are popular these days >
    Venom31 15 years ago
    Er-r... that's right, but how do you make a prequel for this one? N1 story starts when cap and his crew come to the Notrium system, and get shot down, and bla-bla... So where are they gonna be in prequel? Anywhere out of Notrium system would make it no longer Notrium (just logically).
    E_net4 15 years ago
    AFAIK, the prequel is based on Wazzal. Though I can't say it's the same character, the time and place is the same. I suggest you not to think about making a prequel.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    I seem to remember it being definitively stated at one point that Wazzal's main character was the same as Notrium's main character, despite the forty year gap between the games. I guess the future has good longevity technology.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I seem to remember it being definitively stated at one point that Wazzal's main character was the same as Notrium's main character, despite the forty year gap between the games. I guess the future has good longevity technology.
    ... Or maybe the captain from Notrium is an old fart who likes bodybuilding. (It would explain why he gets heat strokes in mere seconds running through the desert. )


    I think it would be nice if the sequel resembled Metroid Prime: Hunters. You've found out where the rest of Ville Corp is, and you fly to that system to take them down, and explore the various planets to collect resources and moar wepon and fight bad guys and new kinds of aliens and stuff.

    ... On second thought, this implies that there was a "right" ending to N1, specifically taking down the Ville Corp presence on Notrium.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    Or maybe we could perform a second crash into another planet of Notrium.
    ...too dull, you say? Fine.

    "MageKing17" said:
    I seem to remember it being definitively stated at one point that Wazzal's main character was the same as Notrium's main character, despite the forty year gap between the games.
    "Wazzal storyline" said:
    The year was 2314 and you had just been hired as a crewman of a small cargo vessel Wolf IV.[...]
    It's still a bit odd that a space pirate gets to buy the Var' Equinallin in the end of Wazzal.
    Also, another idea: [SPOILER ALERT]
    "Captain's personal log" said:
    It's been so long, but my past seems worth mentioning in this journal. If I die and someone finds this journal, I can at least tell them where I came from and why I ultimately arrived here...
    My home was the violently destroyed planet of Earth. I have spent a lifetime in search for the ones responsible.
    After founding a colony with some of the survivors, I joined the interstellar exploration fleet in hopes of somehow finding the prey I seek. The latest trace lead me to Notrium, but there is nothing to be found here. Only death.
    I don't really think Ville Corp did it. Then who? Could the responsible for blowing the Sun be found on Notrium?
    Venom31 15 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    I don't really think Ville Corp did it. Then who? Could the responsible for blowing the Sun be found on Notrium?
    Yeah, this question always freaked me out. There was no answer to it in N1, no clean & clear one that is. I'd surely hope to find it out at least in N2
    ville 15 years ago
    In my mind the Notrium and Wazzal captains were always the same guy. He's really got no name or character, so Notrium 2 doesn't have to be about him. My only requirement this far is that it should be a survival action game with a top-down view.

    The N2 plot I mentioned would have been based on planet Notrium, a Ville Corp prison that would have been forgotten there after the corporation moved away. All the prisoners would have been left in, and were seeking a way out. Something akin to Ultima Underworld.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    In my mind the Notrium and Wazzal captains were always the same guy.
    I knew I'd read that somewhere.

    "E_net4" said:
    "Captain's personal log" said:
    It's been so long, but my past seems worth mentioning in this journal. If I die and someone finds this journal, I can at least tell them where I came from and why I ultimately arrived here...
    My home was the violently destroyed planet of Earth. I have spent a lifetime in search for the ones responsible.
    After founding a colony with some of the survivors, I joined the interstellar exploration fleet in hopes of somehow finding the prey I seek. The latest trace lead me to Notrium, but there is nothing to be found here. Only death.
    Wow, I really didn't remember that. It's been a long time since I played (still no free time to re-download and play through), but I have a sneaking suspicion I never even really read the journal entries.

    Suffice it to say, a good plot for N2 would be finding out who blew up Sol and why.
    Narvius 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    sneaking suspicion I never even really read the journal entries.
    ...hehehe :> I know at least one other person guilty of that.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Wow, I really didn't remember that. It's been a long time since I played (still no free time to re-download and play through), but I have a sneaking suspicion I never even really read the journal entries.
    Dude, you've missed so much! There's a complete story behind them.

    And I'm still intrigued about the connection between Wazzal and Notrium. If it really is the same guy, then what happened to the ships he had back from pirating? Where and when did he perform his academic training? It still doesn't look right, and if it's going to keep that way, then I suggest N2 making all this clear.
    thomaz117 15 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    Wow, I really didn't remember that. It's been a long time since I played (still no free time to re-download and play through), but I have a sneaking suspicion I never even really read the journal entries.
    Dude, you've missed so much! There's a complete story behind them.

    And I'm still intrigued about the connection between Wazzal and Notrium. If it really is the same guy, then what happened to the ships he had back from pirating? Where and when did he perform his academic training? It still doesn't look right, and if it's going to keep that way, then I suggest N2 making all this clear.

    havent really played much of wazzel but all im saying is that the captain sold his ships because he only wanted them to make money to be teleported away from the sun which was going to blow?
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    That's right, now I remember the ending to Wazzal. Man, I should not have been that surprised by it. I'm just really forgetful, I guess.

    Perhaps a Notrium sequel shouldn't be called Notrium 2 at all. I mean, Wazzal II could be considered a(n unofficial) Notrium sequel.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    We could even call it something completely different and say it's the sequel to both. It could be a trilogy!
    thomaz117 15 years ago
    so if notrium 2 did come out what would we call it depending on the story line between the 2 games
    E_net4 15 years ago
    That should be up to Ville, as he built the story in the first place.
    Redemption 15 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    Or maybe a prequel.
    I've head these are popular these days >
    I seem to remember in Notrium 1.2 there was a couple of entries in the captain's journal where he finds the journal of another survivor who crash landed on Notrium before he did. If I remember it right, he found a completely dead planet until he stumbled across some chyro chambers and releashed a whole bunch of things, with the implication being they were the ancestors of the current Notrium wildlife.
    Could make for interesting story if the player isn't the only one trying to grab a foothold in the ecosystem. And if the old survivor is human it could be a good setup for a "You ARE Ville Corp!" ending.
    ville 15 years ago
    As far as I'm concerned, the sequel should maintain the important parts of the gameplay, and fit into the established world. What those gameplay parts are, is up to debate. I do want the name to be Notrium 2, there's a lot of people who know the name Notrium.
    Pinaz 14 years ago
    First, the Warevar mod is a great place to start. this can become the new "normal mod." the original "normal mod," can become the "old mod." second, We need folders in the inventory. Maybe you could make a file system in the inventory that has no folders in it by default. That way, users could name the folders themselves. All species should be able to use all items. (the Psionic may not be able to carry them, but he could still use them in case of a jam.) I noticed that in the Warevar mod, the Warevarian was writing the Captain's log. I think that moding the species should be easier. a note pad would be nice. Once a turret is laid down, it has to be broken before you can easily move it. Maybe the inventory could be a four tab menu. The tabs would be: Inventory, Carrying, Journal, and Options. The options would include: Music vol., Sound vol., Main Menu, Save, Load, and Boss (quick exit). The journal would have the note pad. The Carrying tab would have the option to deactivate what ever it is that you are carrying. I would like to be able to build walls out of something more than sand and ice. I would also like to make doors. Multi-player is tricky, but maybe, you could make it like an MMORPG.I am hearing so much about Driftmoon, maybe you could make a Adventure RPG mod for Notorium, having the character interact with intelligent locals. Wow. I really need to play Wazzal.
    sheograth (guest) 11 years ago
    I posted my plot already on another topic but here seens to better, anyway, the game hasn't been made yet so even though it has been 4 years since last post I will post anyway, if it bothers anyone, feel free to remove it

    Here's my plot:After finally destroying the last alien queen, the captain manages to find the marines base and eliminates they leaders,preparing to depart, his now new soldiers are being attacked by the alien stowaway which was supposed to be dead by the explosion of their ship, in fact, stowaway found herself a last chance to survive before the explosion, she consumed a lot of the crew of the ship to create a super resistant carapace, when the ship exploded, stowaway was launched in the hive section direction and landed on the aliens territory, weakened, she starting hunting from the weaker to the stronger, but the captain killed the aliens queens, her ultimate prey, seeing him as her greatest foe and wanting to end what her started she easily killed the majority of the soldiers, with a special power armor,the captain and the alien dueled,with the captain vitorious but badly injuried, as a way to preserve her own being, stowaway used one last lethal bite, injecting her DNA sequence,almost dead, the captain and his remaining men runned to the ship, and departed in direction to the marines HQ, even though he was treated by the medics, stowaway DNA started to slowly fuse with the captain DNA, creating a hybrid abomination, after days of agony,the captain sucumbed to his new side, he easily subudoed his crew and infected then, when he arrived at the marines HQ planet it became an carnage, with stowaway senses e abilities and the captain experience and intellect, he seemed invencible, five years later, an new HQ sent an extermination team, to secure part of the once human planet, which was once full of trained soldiers is now domain of feral hybrids and their symbiotic creations, the team is composed of:Raslof, the captain enhanced with nano machines to face the hybrids,Simon 0T98, the medic cyborg, suffered great injuries during a fight with the hybrids and needed to substitute his two arms, one leg and 1/3 of his brain due to infection, he barely survived the procedure,Durlean, the hybrid scientist, an unpredicable scientist which was doing illegal tests with hybrids dead bodies, discovered how their symbiotes are created and managed to control one via strong will and an inibidor to the symbiote mental influence, using the symbiote to alterate the infection(he infected himself on purpose) stages, he can gain a lot of power, at the cost of less self control to himself, he now have three minds fighting each other for the body domain, his human side has prevailed, until now and Erica, the alien support, after the infection on the captain was complete, his fight with the HQ made him lost some of his blood, which resulted in Erica creation, her fisical body is pure alien, and resembles stowaway a lot, but her mind has the captain calm and good personality and stowaway female alien protective side of her kind and friends, she's lethal, but a lot innocent, she dislikes fighting and killing, but she rarely was seen losing her mind to her vicious side, cause she's part of captain body and mind, she shares a mental connection with him, and both suffer from the other thoughs and influences, she appeals to his human side but him wants her to join him, is the new HQ greatest informer.

    the game should start with the team arriving at the marines HQ planet, let's not forget that in the first notrium all the marines(except that crazy one on his hut) are agressive, and when their leaders are killed, they start working to you, this means they were manipuled by force and fear, probably they weren't given full information about their missions, the same goes to this "purge" in notrium 2, they work for the NEW HQ of the same marines, I believe the details should be discovered during gameplay by the captain or hidden on the new HQ computers, I think we should maintain a bit of notrium mistery in this one too, every individual in the team should keep their history as a secret, maybe telling their history to the ones they trust, they think they are just trying to save the planet, but what if the same greedy imoral HQ wants to explore the first hybrid(captain) capacities, maybe it would be very cliche, but something I would reaaaally like it some resources would respawn at some locations, this isn't hive sector and there's being a war between humans and hybrids.... so.... probably ships would crash, and we could loot then?Maybe some would be disappointed by the absence of the psionic,infact a very known bounty hunter werivar(yes, it was a great mod, his participation would substitute the psionic place) called william arrives with his crew searching for the captain to take him alive to another marine corporation or maybe your own corporation, thinking he would get a good reward, maybe an infection system too, like, if Raslof get's attacked too much by the hybrids he would get infected and would have to hurry to his ship and get's treated by an robot medic or Durlean would extract it with his symbiote, the more the infection spreads, the greater would be the debuffs and buffs too, like, body would change, would be more vulnerable to bullets, but would be resistant to hand-to-hand attacks in the first day, maybe, the more conflicts with the hybrids the quickest your character would get psichological affected, maybe infection should only be present on hard mode or hardcore mode.

    Oh, and maybe the other characters should be unlocked by some in game events or advancing with the humans campaign by playing with the captain(Raslof), maybe after finishing the humans campaign with everyone then we should be able to play the hybrids campaign(with our loved captain(it seems you need a name young abomination).To an really open game like notrium there should be a lot of endings, I think maybe, succumbing to the hybrids side, destroying the hybrids, taking the captain place as the hybrids leader, taking the captain alive to the HQ for experiments, joining William, Erica joining the captain(hybrid), the captain(hybrid) would come o his senses(due to Erica influence) and maybe kill himself to let the team purge the planet easily against unorganized hybrids,Durlean would lost control of his infection and go wild, Durlean would learn with the captain(hybrid) how to control his hybrid side, Durlean would cure himself,Simon should only take his revenge.there's no need to have ALL these endings but some would be pretty good to be on the game, but the answer to why I loved notrium so much was two things: survival and stowaway evolution, it's really, REALLY hard to find a game where you can play as an alien and evolute.

    Here's the link where I posted it:
    ville 11 years ago
    There's no need to post it twice, I did read it before. Let's hope Notrium 2 becomes a reality some day!
    Farsios (guest) 10 years ago
    Hello Ville. I am a Notrium fun and i have some ideas to improve the version 1.345. First of all the glitch with hoverbike should be fixed. I also have some ideas for the game plot. At the beginning, Kermit should not ask you the radio beacause is essential item. A minor change needed at this point. My second idea is to put more action in the game by making this change; the VC military base be placed permenately (not random) at the far end stage and become the "bonus stage" for the best ending (getting rich). At this stage day-night circle be realtime and the items that can found there be dispersed at the other stages . No items could be found except inside base and only marine patrols outside. The base itself be heavily fortified with closed gates and watching towers (create a new platform that gives extra view like using binoculals) and make base inaccesible. The only way that player can get inside is something like underground passage or a lost key card. The passage or card be placed randomally and have to find it. New itens also could created such grenades.
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