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  • Surviving Notrium v1.33 - Tips and Helpful Hints

    Idiota 16 years ago
    I suggest we keep it friendly in the future. No need to go at eachother's throats.

    And crazygamer, they do have a point. Everything you need to know about alien evolution is in the journal.
    dorkan 16 years ago
    ok i have one main tip: as human search everwhere that is not the hive or beyond until its completly dry or too much trouble. anyway some more tips(i will leave out soem information to avoid spoiling stuff for new players) as human give the radio to the hermit get the pistol chassis under the big tree near the hermits hut(somewhere a bit to the northwest) tehn combine it with a powered exelerator to make a psitol, then drop it near the hermit and he will be very good if you do my first tip(he can heal you break through to the areas beyond the hive. IF the ship grave AND the mining area(or soemthing, i have noot been there in a while) storm in and search fo rthe goodies while shooting evryone(you may find the VC pistol somewhere which is an upgraded regular pistol). that is all for now.
    crazygamer 16 years ago
    "Idiota" said:

    And crazygamer, they do have a point. Everything you need to know about alien evolution is in the journal.
    Well, if that's the case there's something wrong with my game as all my journal says is what aliens to kill to evolve, not how many and what abilities I get when I evolve, not how to use them, which is what I am after.

    Oh, and what happened to my question about how to use berserk?

    p.s. You made a mistake in your spelling.*evil laugh*
    Narvius 16 years ago
    How to use them and what they do is in the respective's ability description, which you can see upon opening your inventory and hovering over the item representing given ability. Even how to use berserk is there!

    Of course you don't know how many you need to kill and what you'll get. That's point- and useless.
    Kaizer 16 years ago
    the first time i played this game i putted it in easy because i believed it was going to be a bit difficult, but it was very, very easy, if you get trapped in some situation, try easy difficult (if you are using this, try to go slow and not be a beserk). and dont play werivar mod first, a lot of places are diferent and you will get killed very easily if you dont know the game, but if you know it, go on, is great

    when you got something new, click on it in your inventory and move it over all your items to see if there is a new combination, but if you find one, continue checking all your inventory, sometimes you will find something better

    Alien: The best is run around monsters attacking with your claws ant calculate the distance to evade the crash with them (this is very usefull against mobs), when you get able to lay eggs, get 5 (or was 10?) firewoods to make a nest, put it in swamp (like gorge) and lay your beatifull and deadly babies, they are sooooo cuuuuute! The blue alien is pretty usefull to clean areas, because his second stance (use right click) is the one of "search and destroy", he will go random everywhere and kill what it see. By the other way, the brown alien is awesome like a guard, with you or your base, use him to kill boss, just make him follow you, go to the boss and see the onslaught, but to help them, use the acid spit to "frezze" the enemy

    Human: if you do the first " " you will get the peble shotgun, not very great damage, but can trow away the aliens. If you arent good chasing items, maybe you will like to kill the hermit and get the radio, but i think is best give him the pistol, he got a great aim, unlimited ammo, and can be healed (he will say "im hurt" or something like that, "give me a medipack/healing plant") and you can make him guard a place or follow you (right click) so use him. if you find the mining field, you will need to save and go with the hermit, if he is killed or he go away, load and make him guard a place, maybe a safe one in other area. Look for googles, a lighter and a glass marble, you will need them, and later go to the desert (in the evening) and if you are lucky, you will get a light diode and the night will cool down your tÂș. If you want to continue looking, make a Nightvision googles with the light diode and the googles, and look for other light diode, it will be your aim laser or your laser pistol. The sand is very usefull too.

    Android: maybe the same that human, exept for the hermit, just kill him , but the shotgun will be very usefull while you look for batteries or something, specially in desert, try to evade all the robots, because they will drain your energy. The best place is maybe the ship graveyard, here you will find all what you need.

    Psionic: The way to get items is not only the two giant robots, if you get the second token, the token of life, you will be able to carry items with the combination of "the token of strenght" so try the first tip. In order, the places to get tokens are the ship graveyard, the eden and the mining fields. The best place for psionic is maybe the eden, your life essences will grow like... a plague? and is not only that... .

    Play the alien if you are fast with the keyboard
    Play the human/android if you got great aim and good eye
    Play the psionic if you got a combination of all, but not enought to master the others

    P.S: I remember i posted some of this hints, but this is just like a collab
    Winner4Life (guest) 12 years ago
    Not all 'newbies' hate to read. I'm a newby myself and I read every journal entry. I play a human but have a question about the psionic race. Where do you find water to go into the dreamscape with? I can't find any.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    For the first dreamspace you dont need water token (or whatever it is called) to enter it, you need to combine tokens and then use it. (psionic motion + psionic heat = psionic focus)
    and to go into the dreamstpace you need to find it in the ship cemetery (map). it looks like huge water droplet.
    Winner4Life (guest) 12 years ago
    Thanks for the advice. I got a bit annoyed about not being able to find any information online so I'm constructing a PDF with lots of information in it. Any tips would be helpfull and does anyone know how I can put it on the internet when it's done?

    Fathul (guest) 11 years ago
    I Want to Know How To Build Flame Thrower
    Grim Reaper 11 years ago
    Fathul (guest) said:
    I Want to Know How To Build Flame Thrower
    Lighter + Glass Tube -> Welding Torch,
    Welding Torch + Specimen Container -> Welding Torch B,
    Welding Torch B + Long Metal Rod -> Flame Thrower.

    These and many other item combinations can be found here and here.
    kinORnirvana 11 years ago
    I'm playing Notrium 1.33 as a human and can't find Particle Accelerator to build some weapon... I searched the first map, I searched 1/2 of map to the right - nothing.
    Edited 11 years ago
    INFERNUS 11 years ago
    You need to go further up, above the hive area. It is on the Ship Graveyard map.
    Elyel (guest) 9 years ago
    Hello everyone. Im new and i'd like to get some help about the psionic. I live in the eden whete there is no danger. I am stuck thete and they say i should go back to the hermit's hut and look for some thing. Please help me. Thanks
    Elyel (guest) 9 years ago
    Hello everyone. Im new and i'd like to get some help about the psionic. I live in the eden whete there is no danger. I am stuck thete and they say i should go back to the hermit's hut and look for some thing. Please help me. Thanks
    E_net4 9 years ago

    As odd as this might seem, I have not found anything in the crash site back when I played that far. Unless I overlooked, it was just something that was going to be added during development, but at some point became forgotten.

    But do not worry. More journal entries will appear if you keep on playing, and the last one should reveal the story behind the Psionic's race. If you want to leave the Eden anyway, simply move towards another area and try to find your way back to the ancient ruins. If you forgot how to get there, it's only a matter of exploring the map until you find it (areas of Notrium's surface do not disappear).
    Yuriq (guest) 7 years ago
    So how exactly do I EAT? Says alien can eat blue corpses without cooking, but there is NO eat key or an eat box in inventory.
    it would be more obvious if the MOUTH slot was for eating.
    ville 7 years ago
    Open the inventory (I) and hover the mouse over the item, then press use (U). I can't seem to recall if there was something special you needed to do with the alien corpses, but that's how you normally eat any portable rations.
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