"Genoce" said: Now, you said something about scripts, could i make it that the food is spawned slowly on the ore fields yet quickly on the foundary, so it dosent go to the same ore feild yet can find its way back to the foundary You can do better than that, you can have it spawn the food ONCE on the ore field, wait for the bot, once the bot has been there for a few minutes spawn the food at the foundary, wait, spawn at the next ore field, rinse and repeat.
"Genoce" said: Less essentaily, could i make a script that spawns some robots after a few seconds ever time it goes to the foundary? Do you expect the robots to die? If not, I wouldn't recommend this, as you'll have a lot of robots getting in each others' way.
"Genoce" said: The basics of my mod will be pretty much this, robots will be creating more robots to find and kill you, you must survive I guess that answers the question. Yes, it can be done, and fairly easily.
"Genoce" said: simple or should i give up? You should never give up, and it should be fairly simple.