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Forum » Slyvena


Idiota 20 years ago
I've had it with her. She just keeps making totally useless topic, spams the hell out of the forum, flames people and everything else that is said to be wrong. Nobody likes her because of this, but she doesn't care. I cant keep track with the forum because she has posted more than 50 within roughly 5 hours. It's sucking up all my time to keep her on track. This has to stop somewhere. I dont know what to do.
Quanrian 20 years ago
Believe it or not, both me and Ville are aware of Sylvena and have actually discussed at some length in the past about banning him/her (I have serious doubts it's a female ). We could possibly warn him/her one more time, and see if that helps since banning is really a final option. I also think it's highly likely he/she will be back under another identity if we ban him/her.
Idiota 20 years ago
yes, but last night really did it. I was patient with him/her (it?), but now I can only feel anger... ...
ville 20 years ago
Idiota, PM her and tell her your concerns. If it doesn't help, we'll ban her for a while. It's impossible to ban anyone completely, so I hope she can take the hint. Just try to sound as official as possible.
Idiota 20 years ago
I already send her such a pm. I think Slyvena has gotten a bit more mormal now, but I'll have to observe over the coming days. World of Warcraft is sucking up 3/4 of my free time too, but I'll keep online as much as possible under the terrible reign of WoW.
ville 20 years ago
Apparently Slyvena lost her password, and cannot log on to the forum anymore. She's opened a new account, Nerd.
Forum » Slyvena

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