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I gots me a question!

Ditchweed Danny 20 years ago
What exactly does 'Teidän sureidan maan aika on tuliut räjäytär teidän muussiksi' mean?

One of the aliens said it before I attacked it.
Grim Reaper 20 years ago
I think you mean: "Teidän surkeiden maan matojen aika on tullut! Räjäytän teidät muussiksi!"

It means: "The time for you earthling worms has come! I will blow you to smithereens!"

More or less.
ville 20 years ago
It's an alien tongue, nothing us earth people could ever hope to understand.
Idiota 20 years ago
"ville" said:
It's an alien tongue, nothing us earth people could ever hope to understand.
In other words, it's finnish

is it?
MageKing17 20 years ago
"Idiota" said:
"ville" said:
It's an alien tongue, nothing us earth people could ever hope to understand.
In other words, it's finnish

is it?
I think Ville just typed in random letters and gave some vowels accents.
Grim Reaper 20 years ago
No, he typed in clear finnish, as I've typed the (95%) proper phrase the alien said. Quoted below.
"Grim Reaper" said:
"Teidän surkeiden maan matojen aika on tullut! Räjäytän teidät muussiksi!"
ville 20 years ago
Nah, that doesn't mean a bit. It's just gibberish.
Grim Reaper 20 years ago
"ville" said:
Nah, that doesn't mean a bit. It's just gibberish.

Wery funny, Ville! But you can't fool us finns!
ville 20 years ago
Now why would I lie?
Grim Reaper 20 years ago
So you could fool the non-finns here...
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Hmm, it didn't fool me.. I looked it up on a translator and got a few words: "worms die smithereens!!" That was enough.
See Ville, we're not as gullible as you think.
ville 20 years ago
Oh blimey, you caught me.
Ditchweed Danny 20 years ago
Why can't the bloody things just speak Norwegian like normal aliens?
Grim Reaper 20 years ago
1: Normal aliens don't speak norwegian.
2: The game was made by a finnish dude.
Ditchweed Danny 20 years ago
"Grim Reaper" said:
1: Normal aliens don't speak norwegian.

Nonsense! in fact I met one in Las angeles 1998, his name was Keven Marley and he looked just like Che Guavera, he gave me a pair of PVC pants in exchange for tickets to a Sting concert I got for free from ANOTHER alien. True story.

"Grim Reaper" said:
2: The game was made by a finnish dude.

That's no excuse.
Forum » I gots me a question!

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