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  • The Soldat clan: Ville Corp [VC]

    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    To be honest, I can't remember even playing Soldat since... since when I last posted in this thread... or something... ops:
    burgerking 18 years ago
    To be honest... i didn't check the dates of the posts... September ops:
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    You can still join if you want.

    And VC shall not mean anything else than Ville Corp.
    NeoGangster 18 years ago
    A Clan always is a complicated thing, the Idea is easy to form but the rest is hard to do ;D
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    Yes, that's right.

    I would realy like if we could get this clan up and running as soon as possible.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    All right, I'll be in too. I completely suck at any multiplayer game (not to say any game), you've been warned. But perhaps I can get some organisation in it.

    So, who is able to run a Soldat server? I can't, Im behind NAT + router + firewall. The last two can be configured, but the first one, I'm sorry. But is there anyone who could kindly be the server?

    Then, when will we meet? My hours are pretty irregular ATM, so you guys say something.

    And, err... Later on, we'll see for more things.
    burgerking 18 years ago
    I'm Okay at soldat. I Just started a while ago though. I will join this should someone official organise\Inform us about hours and servers and such. My net is too slow to run a server for more than four people (otherwise i lag too much) Can join big games though (not sure why)
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "burgerking" said:
    Can join big games though (not sure why)

    That's simply because your computer has less stuff to calculate, my good fellow.

    Also, I can't be setting up any Soldat servers for us... My computer is simply too unstable.
    Murska 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:

    All who want can join. Only requirements are ownership of a copy of Soldat, and a valid forum membership.

    Damn. Does this mean I can't join? I have played soldat for a few years(With big holes, so I'm not very good.) but I still haven't bought the game. My name there is Bestrafer_fin.

    EDIT: I forgot, if I join, I will change my colours if necessary, but I really like my red hair...

    EDIT2: Hey, I am a tank suddenly. Cool.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Damn. Does this mean I can't join? I have played soldat for a few years(With big holes, so I'm not very good.) but I still haven't bought the game. My name there is Bestrafer_fin.

    You just need to own a copy of Soldat. Those who have registered and those who haven't don't have any difference in this clan.
    Murska 18 years ago
    Good. Then I will join. But can I keep my hair? Or do I need to switch it yellow? I don't have a problem with that though. I can use barret.(Not camping though.) I use most weapons. I hate people who whine and yell about everything. I don't care about campers. That's about it.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Good. Then I will join. But can I keep my hair? Or do I need to switch it yellow? I don't have a problem with that though. I can use barret.(Not camping though.) I use most weapons. I hate people who whine and yell about everything. I don't care about campers. That's about it.

    Well, so far the only actual requirement is to have the body colour as yellow.

    If you want to have the full marine-ish look, I suggest you use olive for the pants and make the skin cyan or something.
    Moxsen 18 years ago
    *Steps into the room wearing LOTS of camo-clothes. A barret on the back and a spas-12 in front.*

    IM IN!

    (Love soldat y' know)
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    I have an unregistered copy of Soldat, and am fully willing to fight alongside you guys, but I don't think I'll join the group. Mainly because of the yellow. *shudder*
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    I thought this clan idea was dead silly me, unistalled soldat because of this. It was never fun anyway to me
    Crazy 18 years ago
    hmm... yeah, i'm actually with mage for the same reason. So... im stepping out

    But hell, i'd love to play!
    DRL 18 years ago
    or colours EVERYONE should use:
    Main: Yellow
    Hair Yellow
    Skin: Cyan

    To change the skin colour, get the Soldat Skin-Colour Changer.

    Pants can be coloured in what colour you want, same goes for the flames.

    To the modders: PLEASE do NOT edit the poll of this thread, unless I ask you to.

    Edit: Sorry for the mixup between HH and void. Fixed it.
    Edit2: Included the clan name and tag in both post body and topic subject.
    Edit3: Added the armor colours.[/quote said:

    CYAN??? YEALLOW????, You are scaring me;

    Truely, I play Soldat, but I can´t ask you for join whilst you have this *odd* rule...
    Murska 18 years ago
    I think we should not say any colours. Too annoying.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    even if there are any colours, lets not have any colours.
    I will eat your children!

    Seriously, we should change the colors. And agree on somekind of talk style. As in "For the motherland!", "Time to die, comrades", "Die, infidels", etc. is much more characteristic than "i will kill y00!"
    Murska 18 years ago
    Just don't talk noobish or stuff like that and don't whine. That's all right for me.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    All we really need is a tag in front of our names to signify we're in the clan. Nothing else is really neccessary.

    Maybe if it were a larger clan we could have a sort of rank system. I.E. lowest-level grunts have a specific uniform they MUST wear, next level up gets to choose their pants color or something, officers get more freedom, etc. That way, the more skilled someone is, the more individualized their outfit is. You could identify a high-ranking member just by their clothing colors.

    However, as it isn't a large clan, we couldn't use a system like that effectively, so just screw it.
    Crazy 18 years ago

    And since teamgames just change your shirt and hat color anywho...
    Murska 18 years ago
    So how do I join? Just put the VC tag and I'm in?

    EDIT: I have noticed I am not so good anymore on anything else than R/S... Have to train... The weapons kill too slow!

    EDIT2: I want to bump this! Come on, is it forgotten already?
    Nobly 17 years ago
    Is this still alive?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    If people are interested, then yes.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Too bad you bumped, anyway.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    Heh, how odd.

    I started playing this a week before just because of personal interest but it seems somebody wants to start it.

    Why not? I'd love to bust someone's skull in realistic mode with a shot from Ruger. Our clan tag is still VC if I'm correct?

    The rooms I usually play on is realistic CTF and Infiltration. Most of them are usually survival also >.>

    Also if you want to train, make a single room with 10 or more bots on deathmatch realistic survival in impossible mode. Methinks bots are too easy so I went up a bit ahead with teammatch having 15 bravo botsie with impossible mode and no bots on my side.

    Sometimes training is more fun itself but I prefer idiots who can't see me camping.

    Favorite weapon: Ruger something
    Alternate: Weapon #9. It's the machinegun with 50 bullets.

    I'd love to write a guide for the list of weapons but since I need to go to school, I'll do that after I come back.

    Edit: Actually I'll be going in 1 hour but what the hell. I need to do me's homeworksies.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    Gun Guide:

    Made for all your pwnage needs.

    Note: The notes I write on the bottom are based on realistic mode.

    Primary Weapons:

    #1: Desert Eagle:
    Clip: 7
    Fire rate: 3 shots per second (SPS)
    Reload: 1.5 seconds
    Special: Double shot
    Notes: A pretty solid mid to short ranged weapon. Damage is high if 2 shots are hit and only takes 3 bullets or 2 shots to kill an enemy. This is mainly a camping weapon in open fields and ricochet killer in very close spaced areas. Recommended use only in close spaced areas due to its ricochet kills. Also you can shoot so that it can go across the hill your enemy is taking cover at.

    #2: HK-MP5 (Heckler and Koch)
    Clip: 30
    Fire rate: 10 SPS
    Reload: 1.7 seconds
    Special: VERY low recoil.
    Notes: This gun is mainly used for close quarters and hill combat due to its ricochet and low velocity bullets. Also it has a very low ass recoil, you can actually hold your mouse for about 10 shots before taking another click to suffer from any serious recoil. It's even possible to keep the gun at full-auto for 30 rounds and still have it accurate if you know where to move your mouse. The ricochet and low accuracy makes this a near perfect close quarters and spaced area weapon.

    #3: AK-74
    Clip: 40
    Fire rate: 6 SPS
    Reload: 2.5 seconds
    Special: Holds 40 ammo instead of the usual 30 ammo from AK-47.
    Notes: This weapon is meant for mid to long ranged and open area combat. The recoil unlike the HK-MP5 is VERY F'ing high. You only need to take about 5 or more shots before seeing your mouse flying off the surface. Recommendation? Semi-auto it or use 2-4 shot bursts. If you're camping semi-auto shoot and while in motion use the bursts for higher probability to hit. Damage is not that great though, a bit lower than Desert Eagle single shots.

    #4: Steyr AUG (Bullpup)
    Clip: 30
    Fire rate: 9 SPS
    Reload: 1.9 seconds
    Special: Low recoil-age
    Notes: This is your assault weapon, although I really don't favor this weapon because of the stupidly low damage it deals. In fact, it takes about 6 to 9 shots to kill an enemy so unless you download your skills, I'd rather have it as a support rather than assault. Recoil is particularly low and takes about 8 or more shots before suffering your mouse flying like crazy. Basically it's an all purpose light weapon. Any range on your screen works best.

    #5: Spas-12
    Clip: 7
    Fire rate: 2 SPS
    Reload: 3 seconds for full reload
    Special: Lowest velocity, interruptible reload, spray, need I say more?
    Notes: Obviously you'd know this is made for close quarters combat but this also works very well in hilly areas due to its very low velocity spray. 1 full shot to the body will instantly kill and there's a trick to this weapon. When all your bullets run out, your character will automatically reload. Now when it reaches 1 bullet, shoot, and he'll reload again. It'll come to 1 and you can shoot, giving you only about .1 second delay each shot. Basically it's a happy semi-auto trigger heaven. Useful for assault and camps.

    #6: Ruger-77
    Clip: 4
    Fire rate: 2 SPS
    Reload: 1.2 seconds
    Special: STRAIGHT shot, highest recoil.
    Notes: Now we're talking. This weapon is made for all-purpose camping, and if you're good enough, try assaulting with it. The shot is so straight that I think it's straighter than Barret M82A1 bullet. This weapon is insanely accurate and deadly since it'll rip off 9/10th to 7/10th health. Use this as support since you'd want your teammates to injure your enemies and have yourself get the kill. Also this gun has the highest single shot recoil so you might want to play around with this weapon before humiliating yourself to me. This weapon is great for open range to close quarters just because the shot is so damn fucking straight.

    #7: M79
    Clip: 1
    Fire rate: .3 SPS or 1 shot per 3 seconds
    Reload: 3 seconds
    Special: Nade effect!
    Notes: This is just amazing for hilly and bunker areas due to having a low-ass velocity. The explosion will kill if not send enemies flying across the screen and cause them the ultimate suicide doom. But then again, that's about the only practical use it has other than for support. Watch it when using as assault, because you'll be pinned down no time.

    #8: Barret M82A1
    Clip: 10
    Fire rate: .25 SPS or 1 shot per 4 seconds
    Reload: 5
    Special: Scope, ALMOST-ALWAYS one hit kill.
    Notes: This is what most barretards love to use while camping. When one person uses it excessively on a server, expect others to do the same. Good for camping important sites such as flags and passageways. Despite having 99% one hit kill every time, the bullet WILL always go down a bit due to its medium velocity. Also, you have to hold on to the trigger for at least .5 seconds before it actually fires. It's ability to ricochet is VERY useful in long empty passageways. If you're going to use this weapon as assault, try going for 1 on 1 fight otherwise you'll definitely be screwed and pinned down no time. This weapon's aim is horrible when running, so at least stop before you shoot. If you can't (such as jumping and using jet), then crouch midair and try for a kill. Easy weapon to camp, insane to use in blitzkrieg battles. Try to hide in the surroundings to get the best effectiveness for this weapon.

    #9: FN Minimi
    Clip: 50
    Fire rate: 7 SPS
    Reload: 4.1 seconds
    Special: All-purpose weapon.
    Notes: This is mainly used as camping and assault. Works great in open and hilly. Infact, it's awesome just about anywhere! This is the heavier version of Steyr AUG due to its big reload time. The recoil you get while crouching is bare minimal, proning not as bad, and while standing its still good for its fire rate. You should be able to hold down your mouse for at least 6 shots before giving way. Also this weapon will kill your opponents in just 3-5 hits making it a lethal weapon. Here's a very good trick to using this weapon. Get the higher ground, crouch, and as you see enemies from below coming up to you, fire straight at him. The shots are so damn straight and the recoil is so freaking low you'll mince your opponent no time.

    #10: XM214 Minigun
    Clip: 100
    Fire rate: 15 SPS
    Reload: 6 seconds
    Special: Takes up a while to start, spray-mania.
    Notes: Here we have the lord of teh inaccuracy. The recoil is HUGE just even after 20 bullets and this weapon takes about 2 seconds to start firing. And after that, bullets that barely do any damage unless you're standing right infront of the unlucky bastard. This is mainly used as support and camping due to its huge recoil and the start-up time. This weapon pushes you back while using it and because of that, you could use this as a bullet jetpack and send hails down to your enemy. Fortunately you could keep on doing this, as long as your mouse is pointed straight down, and pour deadly piss while making yourself float. Unfortunately, you just can't aim. Best used for mid to long distance spray and you can even use this pointblank range for an effective kill although this is too damn risky.

    Basic Techniques:

    Grenade Momentum- While running throw a grenade. This'll make the grenade go farther at longer distances. Also works great while jumping.

    Spray- Meh, too basic. Figure it out. Other than that used for lucky kills offscreen.

    Aim for the chest- With an automatic weapon, try to aim for the enemies chest for full fire coverage.

    Crouch Midair- Crouch midair while the enemy is in horizontal sight of you so that its bullets well hit less often. Also with Barret, you can snipe far distance with it without big recoil.

    Clicking Happy- Preferably with AK-74 or FN Minimi and with a map that has decent amount of jet fuel, keep on clicking both buttons at the same time. Works wonders.

    Stay above your enemy- Try to stay above your enemy all the time for easier shots and headshots.

    Jet-Jump- You know you should jump before you use jetpack to propel yourself into higher distances. What you might not know is to use the jetpack during the mid-way of your jump to get the maximum efficiency of your jump.

    Camouflage- Hide yourself with the surroundings so your invisible or partially covered unless pointed with a mouse. Simple.

    Bullet Rain- In an outdoors map, spray into the open air above 40 degrees angle with a low-velocity automatic gun, preferably HK-MP5. Unfortunately, I believe this makes your bullets do half the damage they'd normally do.

    Mortar- During an outdoors map, use your LAW into the sky and watch it fall down into enemy territory. Not effective.

    Taking Cover- When taking cover behind large objects such as box, go BEHIND it, not too far, and go in prone position. When you want to shoot, go from prone position to standing position and fire then go to prone position again. When taking cover on small objects such as sandbags, go on it and be on prone. If for some weird reason you can't shoot while in prone, go behind the sandbag and take cover. When an enemy throws a nade at you, run either backwards or if you want to kick ass and die honorably, charge front. First option might be better though.

    Intermediate Technique:

    180 Degree Spray- With an automatic weapon, rush at an enemy camping near some type of block (Like sandbags, boxes, stuff) and jump over him while spraying the area. Risky.

    Nade Jumping- When a map has a low amount of jet fuel or none at all, throw a nade near you and jump after counting about 3 seconds. This'll give you a considerable boost.

    Knife Throwing- Throw your knife using weapon throw button (Default F). The longer you press the longer you throw.

    Chainsaw Massacre- Charge at your enemy while in crouch position midair and use the jet until you reach the target. Deemed near impossible.

    Burst Midair- Again, use either AK-74 or FN Minimi and instaed of single shots, burst while rapidly tapping jet button.

    Headshots- Aim for head. Harder than you think.

    Ricochet Nade- Throw a nade against a wall and hope it ricochets to the other side when normal throwing won't work.

    Suicide Charge- Run to a group of enemy full-speed, shoot while throwing nades in your general direction. Jump and use jetpack when you think you reached a certain point.

    Rush- Go infiltrate the enemy lines ASAP and shoot them in the back. Make sure the shots are 100% accurate.

    Advanced Techniques:
    (Note: Very risky, dangerous, and goddamn hard to pull off)

    Back Hit/Stab- Go behind an enemy, hit him once, run back, and fire at the unarmed asswipe.

    LAW Launch- You're more likely to kill yourself then to successfully perform it. Jump and crouch while in midair, take out your M7 LAW, and shoot it on the ground to cruise across the screen. Even then, surfing the skies into enemy territory is still freaking dangerous.

    Randomness- When an ammo of your weapon runs out while in a middle of a firefight, pick up a weapon from dead enemy and use that weapon against your enemy. Side-effects include weapons disappearing miraculously, taking longer to find the weapon then reload, and getting a crappy ass weapon that you'd not call it a weapon.
    Murska 17 years ago
    Hmm. Minimi is 9:nd, you forgot Barret and Minigun. Anyway, I like AK. It's got quite high damage and I always burst fire anyway, due to me playing Trenchwars, CS and other realistic modes. If the clan actually exists, I'd really like to join.
    Nobly 17 years ago
    Well I'd love to join if this thing is still alive...



    I was just reading your weapon guide and thinking, god what is he doing? That's all wrong...
    Well that was before i noticed you were talking about the realistic mode.
    Careful observation ftw.

    I personally dislike the realistic mode.
    The field of view is 180° and only changes vertically which makes aiming straight up very irritating and confusing.
    In addition the weapon balance is pretty much screwed.

    Nice guide anyway. Keep it up.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    I don't think the guns are unbalanced, they're balanced to make everything 'realistic'. The only not realistic one I can find is the USSOCOM. Usually with this weapon, it takes about 5 (!) shots to kill an enemy. That'll actually kill faster then most automatic weapon if all your shots are 100% accurate.

    I thought pistols normally killed people in about 10 or more bullets >.>

    Screw media, it's the worst fact finder, evah.

    And if you guys really want to know how n00b I was back then, flip a few pages and you should notice a BIG difference. Big is too soft a word here :S

    I don't think I'll be doing an update today. I need something to keep me up. Something like 'the last minute panic'.

    Edit: I lied
    Pete 17 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    I thought pistols normally killed people in about 10 or more bullets >.>

    What the hell? You would have to keep shooting him in the foot to archieve that! One hit to the right spot is enough. If you keep hitting non-critical spots, them it might take up to 5 hits, but youll die of bleeding out them.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    One shot in the torso is fatal in a lot of cases. And if you keep shooting someone in the foot: You can do that endlessly. shoot 15 bullets in his foot then tighten a piece of cloth around his anckle to prevent blood from going through, or amputate the foot and scorch the wound. Rawr medieval style.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Look what games do to us. Now we think we can survive a firefight if we cover our heads...

    Not really though
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Nobly" said:

    I personally dislike the realistic mode.
    The field of view is 180° and only changes vertically which makes aiming straight up very irritating and confusing.

    Uh, you usually AREN'T shooting straight up, espesially since usually you SHOULD be moving, in which case nobody should stay right above you for any length of time.
    Forum » The Soldat clan: Ville Corp [VC]
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