There's no default "wrap" around a planet implemented in the engine, no, so without a buffer map, the edges of the map will not allow passage. This means that you either need the aforementioned googol of plot objects lined along the edge of the border maps to actively 'port a player to the next one, or you need this suggested buffer map technique, which only requires painting terrain tiles, and gives a better indicator of motion than the plot objects, as well as showing a red impassable line.
And yes, it would be silly to walk around a whole planet, but folks've been talking about a round map for years. Might fit if you were playing, say, a starship flying in the upper atmosphere of a planet (Maybe someone can make a Star Control style mod? ). As I said - off topic.
In other news - I've now managed to implement, via tokens and such, an equippable targetting beam. This beam will also boost, temporarily, your accuracy stat, so long as the beam is equipped.
Due to system limitations, and as an anti-cheating measure, if you stay inside the inventory screen and equip, dequip, equip etc, you will amass an ever increasing amount of accuracy, and then the control script will strip you down and leave you at an appropriate state; unless you capped your accuracy stat and kept going, at which point your accuracy stat will punitively zero itself, and remain zero'd for several seconds until the system finishes handling your excess shame.
Since the maximum for a damage stat is higher than will be possible through legal play, the only way there will be issues is if the player tries to abuse the system.
I may be able to tweak this same formula to create a shield (I will not be handling armour this way, it requires one token per armour type) that adds to armour, rather than replacing it, though it will take a slightly different method and may require several further hours of bug cracking to get it going, so it'll have to wait until I've finished up some other stuff first.
To do for 0.1: Battery, Power Unit, Fuel Cell, Energy Unit, Energy Coupling, Bow, Arrow, Club, Spear, Blade, Laser Pistol, Pistol, pebbles, pistol chassis, kindling (fire starting), particle accelerator, gauss pistol. Three more item seeds and a second A.M. Images still to do: Bow, Arrow, Spear, Blade, Laser Pistol, Pistol, Pistol Chassis, Captain cell sheet, Android extra weapon cells.
First time in awhile that list's been short enough to display.