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  • AETAS Discussion Thread

    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Oh, and if the council is still going to be there, I'd like to be the council enforcer. Me being a mod and all, I can delete and edit other people's posts and all that, when needed.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Idiota... You were already on the council in my mind... Without a moderator onboard, how would the council enforce their decisions?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    three applications now, are we really that popular? Come on, spend some time writing up your details!

    We cant start a thread with just three people, we need more!
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Maybe I should start whoring myself out to the masses...

    "Free Zombie! All you've got to do is join this RP! Scammers will be shot and will not get their free Zombie."
    Pete 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    Maybe I should start whoring myself out to the masses...

    "Free Zombie! All you've got to do is join this RP! Scammers will be shot and will not get their free Zombie."

    Hey? I dont get this post...


    Ah! So that is it! NOW it makes sence...

    Hey, are you talking about meople making their back stories? Its simple for me if you want it...

    Name: Pete

    Job: Mercenary starship captain
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Pete" said:

    Name: Pete

    Job: Mercenary starship captain

    Hmmm, maybe you should explain it more, like what type of starship, crew, history of Pete, name of the ship, nad so on.
    void 19 years ago
    That stuff doesn't matter. You know his name and what he does, if you want to find out more you have to ask his character in the RP. All that other crap is just baggage. It should start out as simple as possible and grow.
    Pete 19 years ago
    Heh. Exacty what I was going to say.


    And thats all you need to know.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    LOL. Ok, you have a point there.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    three applications now, are we really that popular? Come on, spend some time writing up your details!

    We cant start a thread with just three people, we need more!

    Not everyone is willing to post in front of everyone's eyes. Once the council is formed, I will present my empire to the council members. There is a lot of very sensitive stuff in my empire description that I cannot let anyone see without a very good reason. If everyone knows about my empire, someone may make a correct conclusion/guess off of incomplete evidence, and that would be very bad for my poor empire. I am being so cautious because it is almost a certainty that I will be the primary villain, and I do not want people to be traveling to my home system to kill me after a few attacks because of some impossible detective work.

    "Void" said:
    That stuff doesn't matter. You know his name and what he does, if you want to find out more you have to ask his character in the RP. All that other crap is just baggage. It should start out as simple as possible and grow.

    Actually, a good description of every ship class is unbelievably important. Length, mass, crew, weapon systems, defense systems, cruising speed, and maximum speed are all very important details about ships. If they are excluded from descriptions no one will know why they were defeated by someone's ship(s).

    Additionally, every member of the thread should describe the race of every named character within their posts.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I WOULD like to post up my character, but I'm too busy with other stuff to think him up...
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    I am being so cautious because it is almost a certainty that I will be the primary villain, and I do not want people to be traveling to my home system to kill me after a few attacks because of some impossible detective work.

    hmm? Primary villain. Let me correct that for you:

    secondary villain , if you catch my drift.
    Zombie 19 years ago

    Some may call Lamia a villan... But the cool ones will all just smile and nod whenever she is mentioned.

    Ohhhhhh yeah...
    Murska 19 years ago
    I am gonna make my empire after the thing starts. I want to see how do you decide to do everything and how do people start. Then I make my own guy. I have got a clear goal at the start. I'm a single person, and after a while I'm gonna be an empire.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Notice how I did not really describe Lamia at all? All I gave were the basic details about her and that is it. The major description is of her race and whatnot.

    Anywho... Seeing as this is going very slowly, I think the following people should be granted a spot on the council:


    That list, of course, excludes me because I think it incredibly rude to nominate myself. Let the nominating commence, and I will tally up the nominations as they go along.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I'd like to add:


    to that list.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    5 people in that counsil! We should have five people!

    My nomination: Grim Reaper.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    I would like to second the nominations of Zombie, Idiota, and (as long as he comes back) Mageking.

    Are we using parliamentary procedure (nominate, then second, then vote) or do potential council members require a minimum of nominations?
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Maybe we could copy the UN system. You know that counsil that has some countries that have a permanent seat(like China, USA and France) and some countries with temporary seats.(I don't know what the name is in english)
    void 19 years ago
    Unlike Zombie I don't think it incredibly rude to nominate myself. That said I choose not to nominate myself on the grounds that I'm incompetent which is based on my stance on self nomination. I hope this has cleared up any confusion.

    Can we get this new thread up soon because we've just been talking about the thread for ages. Maybe we should have started by making a thread to discuss the 'New EEToEE Discussion Thread' so we wouldn't run into this problem?

    Please, lets keep this new EEToEE simple to start off with so it can grow into something rather then starting as something and growing in to nothing.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Thou shalt speak of the New EEToEE as AETAS.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Void" said:
    Can we get this new thread up soon because we've just been talking about the thread for ages. Maybe we should have started by making a thread to discuss the 'New EEToEE Discussion Thread' so we wouldn't run into this problem?

    Please, lets keep this new EEToEE simple to start off with so it can grow into something rather then starting as something and growing in to nothing.

    It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that I am the only one with extensive role-playing thread experience.
    Anyway, all role-playing threads will eventually crumble in time, but by building a firm foundation we can delay the inevitable crash for quite some time. Your continued impatience will only accelerate the process that will eventually kill AETAS. Perhaps if you had assisted with the foundation process AETAS would be started by now, but by doing nothing you have only increased the amount of time before the AETAS starts.
    In short, the everyone who did not contribute caused more of the delay than people who did contribute. If anyone wants AETAS to start sooner, then they should contribute to quickly finishing up the foundation instead of suggesting we leave it incomplete (or worse, rip it all up).
    void 19 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    Actually, a good description of every ship class is unbelievably important. Length, mass, crew, weapon systems, defense systems, cruising speed, and maximum speed are all very important details about ships. If they are excluded from descriptions no one will know why they were defeated by someone's ship(s).

    Additionally, every member of the thread should describe the race of every named character within their posts.

    That is insane. I don't want to read pages of statistics about people's ships and their race if I was after that kind of system I would go play a space-sim mmorpg. The reason I play this is because it isn't limited by stats, imagination is all that really matters.

    As for the reason people win battles, that is karma, depending on how you post and the way it effects the story you will win or lose battles. This is of course why we must have a council and why I must voice my opinion that you not be on it while you believe the AETAS should be about stats and not imagination.

    Zombie, Mageking and Idiota are all good writers and for that reason I want them to be on the council, they will be able to mold the thread well and keep it interesting. I also think you would make a good council member if you didn't want all that crap above, but you do, so sorry but I vote against you being in the council. Does anyone agree with this? Maybe I'm wrong, lets hear some opinions.

    That almost sounded like a flame sorry if it did.

    EDIT: I just saw the post above this, I take it back I'm pleased if this sounded like a flame.

    EDIT: That was a stupid thing to say, sorry.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Hmm... I agree with void on the imagination is what matters thing, but I have to say we shouldn't rush things. We dont need stats, I agree, but the reason I wrote up my empire history and all that was to determine my writing style. I think I now know how I would react to certai situations and when my neighbour is invaded from space, I will aid them just because my empire was invaded in the past too. It shouldn't take too long to write it up, but the contribution it has to the quality of the RP is immense.

    That's what I have to say and please, keep this thread as civil as possible. That means no flaming. Discuss things and do not flame each other. I'm glad I got online again in time to prevent a flame war here.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    "Void" said:
    As for the reason people win battles, that is karma, depending on how you post and the way it effects the story you will win or lose battles. This is of course why we must have a council and why I must voice my opinion that you not be on it while you believe the AETAS should be about stats and not imagination.

    First off, if karma is what affects battle victories, we have some major problems. Amoral tactics (an example is gas weapons dropped on major cities) usually have the greatest effect. But when karma determines the victor, people who use effective but morally uncertain methods have a major disadvantage.
    Additionally, you have one major misconception. You believe that I believe that AETAS should be about stats and not imagination, but I really believe that 'stats' should complement the imagination. I am not asking for cubic meters of steel vaporized per blast. I am asking for what type of weaponry your ship has aboard. If you say your ship has guided rockets equipped with nuclear warheads, that would be enough to satisfy me. Or, if you say your ship has energy beam weapons, that would be enough to satisfy me. You could even satisfy me by saying your ship has a mix of energy beam weapons and gauss rifles. If you create a named character, all I want for a 'race description' is the name of the race and, perhaps, a link to a file or webpage that gives a physical description.
    I may go above and beyond this, but that is because I have the free time and desire to do so (being a Dee Em causes some odd quirks in me). Any time that I define 'excessive stats' for my ships, I will make sure to provide a quick summary in my actual post and include a link to a webpage or file with complete details.

    The reason that we need, minor, amounts of ‘stats’ is to prevent highly improbable occurrences from happening. Take, for example, the situation where a 'small' ship with 350 crew members boards a 'medium' ship with 3,500 crew members. Does it make sense that the small ship should capture the medium ship? 'Karma' may handle the situation realistically, but it is just as likely to give the victory to the small ship because of an original use of tactics. With minimum quantities of 'stats', there would be no doubt on how to handle the situation.

    "Void" said:
    Zombie, Mageking and Idiota are all good writers and for that reason I want them to be on the council, they will be able to mold the thread well and keep it interesting. I also think you would make a good council member if you didn't want all that crap above, but you do, so sorry but I vote against you being in the council. Does anyone agree with this? Maybe I'm wrong, lets hear some opinions.

    Being a 'good writer' may be (and I will personally say IS) a fine qualification for a position on the council, but what is the good of a council that only has one type of qualified person? I am not saying that Zombie, Idiota, or Mageking are only qualified as good writers, but having various other 'specialties' on the council will result in a more adaptable power structure.
    Why do you think that it is the council's job to mold the thread? It is the job of participants to mold the thread, and the job of the council is to prevent a participant from molding the thread too far.

    "Void" said:
    EDIT: I just saw the post above this, I take it back I'm pleased if this sounded like a flame.

    Shame on you! Even if I had flamed in the post referred to, that is no excuse to flame at me back. Since I did not intend to flame in that post, you has no excuse for a flame. I was merely a little annoyed that the same argument of 'hurry up and start the role-play thread' came up yet again. I did suggest a temporary role-play thread way back on page 1, but as, almost, everyone shot it down I do not think anyone should be attacking me for the thread taking too long to start. I was the one who anticipated this situation back at page 1, and so, naturally, I feel a little annoyed that I am the one being attacked here.

    I suppose it is not assumed that I am not trying to flame, and so I state that I am not trying to flame.
    void 19 years ago
    Saying can we get this thread up was not intended to be an attack at you and because you thought it was and basicly said I should shut up because I haven't been involved I got annoyed and so I didn't care weither or not my post offended you and I said it, sorry, I shouldn't have used the word flame so lightly, but it should be clear that my post had no intention of being a flame when I was writting it. (except the edit part which was written right after i read the post above it... sorry about that everyone my bad)

    As for all the stats I have no problem with someone expressing the size of it or power of their ship. In a post a short while ago however you seemed to say that everyone should have length, crew, speed, mass, defensive system, weapons system, race background, and all that stuff explained. I don't mind if you want to do that but I don't think imposing that on everyone else is a good idea at all. I think people should be able to state just a small bit about themselfs and then the rest can be learnt as the thread progresses and people encounter each other.

    All that said.

    The idea of putting links to extended material on your race and ship stats sounds like a good idea. I just had an issue with you wanting to turn this thread into a text-based space sim basicly. Anywho that isn't happening so it's all good.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I'd like to nominate Grim Reaper too. Then we are five, Which is an odd number yet still small enough. I say we lock the council with Grim Reaper included.

    What would you guys say to that?
    Cejer 19 years ago
    Well, unless you just seconded my nomination, I have not yet been seconded. I would be fine with locking the council after we get five members, but we still need one more.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Ididn't do that yet? Ok, I nominate Cejer to our list of councilmembers.

    The first council problem.

    Mageking. First off, who knows where he is?

    second, how long will he remain gone

    (third: Will he ever be back? (I remember him saying he would never leave, so this question is between brackets.))
    Zombie 19 years ago
    So far the nominations are as follows:

    Cejer - II
    Idiota - II
    MageKing - II
    Zombie - II
    Grim Reaper - II

    All five nominees are seconded. I declare, if no one has a problem with it, that the council be locked. A quintuplate councilship seems to be rather efficient.

    The AETAS is not going to be a one-shot RP thing. It will restart when and if a restart is needed, each restart following the same rules and such as the last. The difference will be made by the players and their actions.

    After the council positions are created and whatnot, we may start the AETAS. Problems should not be worried about before the happen, but when they arise.

    Any problems with that?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I agree we should swiftly start AETAS, which is what I'll be doing.
    Pete 19 years ago
    Can I nominate?

    Nomination: Grim Reaper.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    He is already nominated, Pete, by someone else and by me. He's in the council.
    Pete 19 years ago
    I know. But this makes it solid
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