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  • WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!

    SpeedBlade 12 years ago
    It's been a while! I only come to check the recent posts.

    Anyways I remember the time when we put proof that we 'found' Zex in our signatures.

    Maybe we should flash spam him sometime...

    Edited 12 years ago
    Kario 12 years ago
    Yeah, what happened with that one riddle and the banana?
    Grim Reaper 12 years ago
    Kario said:
    Yeah, what happened with that one riddle and the banana?
    That was in vanilla Notrium, wasn't it?
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    The banana was a hint for said riddle that made no sense whatsoever BEFORE you answered the riddle and looks so laughably obvious AFTER solving it.

    It took me two years and a REAL dead giveaway to answer that riddle. I hate it so much.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    The banana was a hint for said riddle that made no sense whatsoever BEFORE you answered the riddle and looks so laughably obvious AFTER solving it.
    No, it still made no sense after solving it. It will actively mislead people trying to solve it.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    MageKing17 said:
    Anonymous1157 said:
    The banana was a hint for said riddle that made no sense whatsoever BEFORE you answered the riddle and looks so laughably obvious AFTER solving it.
    No, it still made no sense after solving it. It will actively mislead people trying to solve it.
    This. One should instead focus on "It's right under your nose." and "what is a word but a collection of ...". Grim's hint sort of spoiled it, I'm afraid. No hard feelings, though.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    I understand the logic behind the banana. I don't know how it doesn't make sense to you, 'cause I understood it right away after solving the riddle. But yeah, it's been established that this is a useless hint while you're still actually trying to solve the riddle.

    The most important hint is actually that last one, but I misread it because it's written in Outdated English(TM). I couldn't solve the riddle until after getting the one last hint that really does give away the answer.

    Edit: Ooo, found it. Thanks for the forum search feature, Ville!

    Edited 12 years ago
    Delgado (guest) 11 years ago
    how can i install wazzal 2 ???
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    fix the game after the mission to blow up the planets because it glitches for me and then my game crashes when i want to go to the ice planet or to the hostile alien world that i need to blow up
    MageKing17 9 years ago
    Bladekill1298 said:
    fix the game
    This is exceedingly unlikely to happen.
    E_net4 9 years ago
    As far as Notrium itself is concerned, there may be a chance that someone fixes those issues in OpenNotrium. For the moment, I only filed an issue that might be related to the crashes in Wazzal 2.
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    So, hi everyone!

    As you probably are very aware by now, my plans to finally finish Wazzal II fell through a few years ago. It's been a long time so my memory of where I eventually got up to is pretty hazy, but I do remember making some major progress since the last 5.03 build, including adding several new areas, a lot of new items and fixing up some of mod's (many) bugs.

    Since Notrium isn't quite as popular as it once was - and I am a lot busier than I once was - I'm not sure I will ever have a chance to get the mod to where I'd hoped it would get. I do however have all the mod code and files available, and would be very happy to share them open-source if anyone would like to pick up the project. So, my question is: would anyone be interested in using the code if I uploaded it, either just for fun or to edit themselves?

    While I did originally fix some of the mod's bugs, there's still plenty left so don't expect this to be in any way a polished "release" version. I just think it's a bit silly for the files to remain unused on my old laptop, and want it to go to a good home if at all possible! Who knows: however "exceedingly unlikely", maybe there might be a "last ever release" at some time after all!

    Cheers, Zex
    ville 9 years ago
    I'd love to get even the slightly updated version on the Notrium webpage, there are still a lot of downloads for the old version. Glad to see you're alive big Z!
    E_net4 9 years ago
    ZeXLR8er said:
    So, hi everyone!

    As you probably are very aware by now, my plans to finally finish Wazzal II fell through a few years ago. It's been a long time so my memory of where I eventually got up to is pretty hazy, but I do remember making some major progress since the last 5.03 build, including adding several new areas, a lot of new items and fixing up some of mod's (many) bugs.

    Since Notrium isn't quite as popular as it once was - and I am a lot busier than I once was - I'm not sure I will ever have a chance to get the mod to where I'd hoped it would get. I do however have all the mod code and files available, and would be very happy to share them open-source if anyone would like to pick up the project. So, my question is: would anyone be interested in using the code if I uploaded it, either just for fun or to edit themselves?

    While I did originally fix some of the mod's bugs, there's still plenty left so don't expect this to be in any way a polished "release" version. I just think it's a bit silly for the files to remain unused on my old laptop, and want it to go to a good home if at all possible! Who knows: however "exceedingly unlikely", maybe there might be a "last ever release" at some time after all!

    Cheers, Zex
    Nice to see you, Zex!

    Keeping the mod in a public repository such as GitHub would be ideal. As long as we have an active collaborator, we would be keeping an open door to further contributions to the mod that will remain centralized and visible to the end users, without keeping you from working on it yourself. In fact, having such a version-controled Notrium mod might help for future developments on OpenNotrium. At least so far, Wazzal II helped me identify a serious bug.
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Cheers guys. Uploading the files onto a public repository like Github was exactly what I had in mind. I will be busy for the next week, but around Christmas I will have a go at getting everything online.

    Will post an update here when things are ready!

    EDIT: I've just realised the version of the mod on the homepage is ancient: Build 3, which is nowhere near as complete as even the unfinished build 5.03. Definitely will be good to get the new version online!

    Edited 9 years ago
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    YAY! I can finally finish my favorite all time mod for Notrium
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Okay, everyone: here's the latest versions of the files needed in install the most up to date version of Wazzall II. They're hosted on Github, and can be downloaded conveniently using the "Download zip" button to the right of the screen. Extract that into the main Notrium directory, and you should be good to go.

    Github: Wazzal II: A Final Dawn
    Current known bugs/issues listed here

    I don't currently have a changelist between this version of the mod and the last (5.03), but from what I can recall from when I last worked on this four years, there's a whole suite of new items, areas and missions. Will update this as I track the changes down!

    There are also some major caveats to this version of the mod. I have given it a quick test, and found same major new bugs on the Steam version of Notrium which don't show up in the earlier 1.3.4 version. In particular, visiting the bridge of the Wolf IV results in a black screen with only some sprites visible. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this issue, Ville, because at this stage it makes that part of the mod quite unusable... would be fantastic if there was an easy fix (edit 22/12/2015: fixed by Ville)! The game's camera also fails to follow the "rocket" weapons correctly in the Steam version, but work fine in 1.3.4. I haven't done enough testing to test whether many of the older bugs are still present (i.e. random overburdening, appearance of huge groups of alien fighters) but again, will update the Github issue tracker as I find more bugs!

    Feel free to take this code and run with it. I will try and casually fix any major bugs which are easily resolved, but am pretty busy so can't make any promises. All in all I had great fun with this mod, and hope that even a few more people might enjoy a little blast from the past with this!

    Edited 9 years ago
    ville 9 years ago
    Thanks ZeXLR8er! Found (and fixed) two bugs in the Notrium code. The bugs had existed all along, but the new compiler is nicer to point them out instead of using forbidden memory areas. If you spot anything else, or if you find a way for me to reproduce some old existing bugs in the engine, I'm all ears.
    Edited 9 years ago
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Thanks Ville: the black screen on the bridge bug is now fixed. I'll let you know as I find any problems that are reproducible - for now, here's how to reproduce the rocket bug:

    1) Go to the bridge of the Wolf IV (B)
    2) Select "Rocket launcher" weapon
    3) Fire rockets one by one. On the second or third shot, the screen will go black, with the camera only sometimes returning to the player after the rocket (a creature) "dies".

    The other difference I've noticed between 1.3.4 and the Steam version is that the Wolf IV previously used a custom light ("Ship fire trail"; #13) called by a timed block to give the impression of engine flames. The flames work fine in the older version but don't appear at all in the new version. Is this a deliberate change?

    EDIT: Possibly a new one, or may be related to the rocket bug: Using my "wood" item to start a fire in Wazzal II can also cause another completely black screen. The easiest way for you to replicate this may be to use the editor to add one of these "wood" items to the Wolf IV's bridge, then test lighting a fire there.

    For now, I am keeping a list of possible bugs and steps to reproduce here using the Github issue tracker.

    Edited 9 years ago
    ville 9 years ago
    Fixed the missile yet again. I had fixed it before, but apparently I didn't realize you could shoot multiple missiles at the same time. Not yet released the fix though.

    I think the flames thing is caused by script, I checked that it's
    27;//effect number
    The 3 and 4 parameters handle light size, and since it's size 0, it isn't visible. If it's done something else before, now it's finally working corrently!

    I'm looking at the other bugs soon.
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Thanks Ville! That effect block certainly seems to be wrong - I will see if that's the simple fix. As for the other bugs, it is quite likely some of the ones I've tagged as "notrium bugs" may just end up being weird modding code on my part. A lot of the more serious issues also tend to be highly unpredictable, making them pretty difficult to replicate. I appreciate the effort!
    ville 9 years ago
    Released a new version to Steam, included is the rocket launcher fix, wood fire fix, weight fix, and the inventory fix.
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    where is the version to download on steam?
    E_net4 9 years ago
    Bladekill1298 said:
    where is the version to download on steam?
    Notrium mods have to be installed manually at the moment (that could change eventually with Steam Workshop integration). You should follow these instructions instead.

    Off-Topic Edit: Aaaand I mistakenly put Markdown here... Come to think of it, I'd love to be able to write Markdown here!

    On-Topic Edit: If you were talking about the new version of Notrium, then Steam should update the game automatically for you.

    Edited 9 years ago
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    Hey im trying to make an ally spawner and I was wondering how do i change the type of soldier it spawns so that they come out red instead of green. Also im trying to use a small confederate fighter picture as the spawner display but it isn't the same size as the stationary fighters or the fighters in the hangar for the Wolf VI.Here is the current code im using.

    Allied spawner;//name---------------------------------------
    2;//draw layer
    -1;//corpse item number in items.dat, -1=nothing, -2=whole corpse vanishes when dead
    0;//corpse item amount
    0;//attack type, 0=shooting attack, 1=close combat
    -1;//particle to show on radar, -1=none
    0;//primary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    5;//secondary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    3;//footstep particle from particles.dat
    0;//die after how many seconds, 0=doesn't die
    17;//eat item number from items.dat, -1=nothing
    3.1;//creature size
    100;//creature weight (affects pushing)
    0.0000;//maximum movement speed
    0.000000;//minimum movement speed
    0.00000;//leg animation speed
    0.00000;//turn speed
    0;//inertia level (acceleration/deceleration)
    0;//hide when behind walls
    0;//weapon number
    2;//blood particle
    1;//bars visible when player hovers mouse on top
    1.000000;//death animation speed
    0;//creature can move from area to another
    0.000000;//AI hear range
    0.000000;//AI see range
    0.000000;//AI see angle
    step0.wav;//sample name
    step1.wav;//sample name
    step2.wav;//sample name
    hit1.wav;//sample name
    10000;//interval in milliseconds
    10;//effect number drop creature

    Edited 9 years ago
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    Also you should consider uping the respawn time for the aliens on Errxelz 8 so the city can fall faster like in the beta version
    ZeXLR8er 9 years ago
    Hi Bladekill, I've highlighted the parts below you need to change. I would highly recommend you look at the following three things before modding; it will help! As for modifying Wazzal II, I wish you the best of luck - I wasn't particularly helpful with annotating my code a few years ago.

    1) Have a read of the old Notrium modding FAQ which I recently uploaded onto Github ('Notrium13_Modding_FAQ_2004'). It contains everything you need to know about modding!
    2) The "Effects and conditions.dat" reference file is your bible. Things in there are used in virtually every single modding file, and control everything that happens in a mod.
    3) Fire up the Notrium Mod Viewer (also part of the Github download; "NMV 0.83c" in your main Notrium directory). It's old, but still provides an excellent GUI to look at how all the mod files fit together, and has some very handy error messages for when things go wrong!

    Bladekill1298 said:
    Hey im trying to make an ally spawner and I was wondering how do i change the type of soldier it spawns so that they come out red instead of green. Also im trying to use a small confederate fighter picture as the spawner display but it isn't the same size as the stationary fighters or the fighters in the hangar for the Wolf VI.Here is the current code im using.

    Allied spawner;//name---------------------------------------
    85;//identifier ------ make sure you update this ID to a unique value!
    2;//draw layer
    -1;//corpse item number in items.dat, -1=nothing, -2=whole corpse vanishes when dead
    0;//corpse item amount
    0;//attack type, 0=shooting attack, 1=close combat
    -1;//particle to show on radar, -1=none
    0;//primary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    5;//secondary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    3;//footstep particle from particles.dat
    0;//die after how many seconds, 0=doesn't die
    17;//eat item number from items.dat, -1=nothing
    3.1;//creature size ------ change creature size here; increase it until it matches the stationary fighters
    100;//creature weight (affects pushing)
    0.0000;//maximum movement speed
    0.000000;//minimum movement speed
    0.00000;//leg animation speed
    0.00000;//turn speed
    0;//inertia level (acceleration/deceleration)
    0;//hide when behind walls
    0;//weapon number
    2;//blood particle
    1;//bars visible when player hovers mouse on top
    1.000000;//death animation speed
    0;//creature can move from area to another
    0.000000;//AI hear range
    0.000000;//AI see range
    0.000000;//AI see angle
    step0.wav;//sample name
    step1.wav;//sample name
    step2.wav;//sample name
    hit1.wav;//sample name
    10000;//interval in milliseconds
    30;//condition ------ this condition prevents spawning if there are more than 10 "Enemy Soldiers Pistol" on the map
    16;//parameter0 ------ change creature 16 to something else; in this case to "15" for creature "Soldiers Pistol"
    10;//effect number ------ this effect "spawns" soldiers every X milliseconds
    16;//parameter1 ------ change creature 16 to something else; in this case to "15" for creature "Soldiers Pistol"
    -1;//parameter2 ------ parameter2 here sets the side of the creature. You may want to set this to "0" for allies

    Edited 9 years ago
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago

    -1;//parameter2 ------ parameter2 here sets the side of the creature. You may want to set this to "0" for allies

    While I was reading the information you wrote back to me I noticed this. For some reason the -1 actually makes them on my side also if I use 85 for the ID it just makes it go to the the bottom which im totally okay with. Anyways thank you for replying and hopefully I will be able to mod more complicated things in the future.
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    Okay now im not sure how to change the amount spawned for the alien landed fighter and how fast to set them to be spawned could you show me what I have to change in that to know what to do. Also for 30;//condition ------ this condition prevents spawning if there are more than 10 "Enemy Soldiers Pistol" on the map. How do I know what im setting it too. Perhaps I set it to 40 will that be 15 enemy soldier pistols on the map or 20.
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    Landed fighter (Enemy spawner);//name--------------------------------------- soldiers in forest (in

    form of fighter)
    2;//draw layer
    -1;//corpse item number in items.dat, -1=nothing, -2=whole corpse vanishes when dead
    0;//corpse item amount
    0;//attack type, 0=shooting attack, 1=close combat
    20;//particle to show on radar, -1=none
    0;//primary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    5;//secondary AI tactic from AI_tactic.dat
    3;//footstep particle from particles.dat
    0;//die after how many seconds, 0=doesn't die
    17;//eat item number from items.dat, -1=nothing
    2.800000;//creature size
    100.000000;//creature weight (affects pushing)
    0.000000;//maximum movement speed
    0.000000;//minimum movement speed
    0.000000;//leg animation speed
    0.000000;//turn speed
    0.000000;//inertia level (acceleration/deceleration)
    0;//hide when behind walls
    0;//weapon number
    2;//blood particle
    1;//bars visible when player hovers mouse on top
    3.000000;//death animation speed
    0;//creature can move from area to another
    0.000000;//AI hear range
    0.000000;//AI see range
    0.000000;//AI see angle
    step0.wav;//sample name
    step1.wav;//sample name
    step2.wav;//sample name
    hit1.wav;//sample name
    explosion1.wav;//sample name
    explosion2.wav;//sample name
    2;//death type, 0=any death, 1=timed death, 2=killed by player
    44;//effect number
    0;//death type, 0=any death, 1=timed death, 2=killed by player
    19;//effect number Crater
    29;//effect number sound
    26;//effect number
    2;//effect number start alien attack
    30000;//interval in milliseconds
    10;//effect number drop creature
    25000;//interval in milliseconds
    10;//effect number drop creature
    resistance to fire;//description
    resistance to bow;//description
    resistance to fusion beam;//description
    No AI;//description
    INFERNUS 9 years ago
    begin_timed_block;// <-----------Make sure this code is between begin_timed_block;
    30000;//interval in milliseconds <----- Run this code every 30000 milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 sec)
    20.000000;//parameter1 <----- Max amount of ALL enemy creatures on the map
    10;//effect number drop creature ----------- Spawn 1 creature
    10;//effect number drop creature ----------- Spawn 1 creature
    10;//effect number drop creature ----------- Spawn 1 creature
    25000;//interval in milliseconds <----- Run this code every 25000 milliseconds (25 sec)
    20.000000;//parameter1 <----- Max amount of ALL enemy creatures on the map
    10;//effect number drop creature ----------- Spawn 1 creature
    10;//effect number drop creature ----------- Spawn 1 creature
    10;//effect number drop creature ----------- Spawn 1 creature
    end_timed_block; -----------Make sure this code is between end_timed_block;

    So, between begin_effects and end_effects; , you add each code block

    10;//effect number drop creature

    for each unit you want to spawn at the same time.

    Bladekill1298 said:

    -1;//parameter2 ------ parameter2 here sets the side of the creature. You may want to set this to "0" for allies

    While I was reading the information you wrote back to me I noticed this. For some reason the -1 actually makes them on my side

    -1 sets it to the same side as the creature that spawns it. So enemy spawner will spawn enemies, while friendly spawner will spawn friendlies

    Edited 9 years ago
    INFERNUS 9 years ago
    Bladekill1298 said:
    Okay now im not sure how to change the amount spawned for the alien landed fighter and how fast to set them to be spawned could you show me what I have to change in that to know what to do. Also for 30;//condition ------ this condition prevents spawning if there are more than 10 "Enemy Soldiers Pistol" on the map. How do I know what im setting it too. Perhaps I set it to 40 will that be 15 enemy soldier pistols on the map or 20.

    You need to use the effect list in order to understand what each one does, and what to change.

    Open the Wazzal II data folder, and open the "Effects and conditions list" text file.
    In there, you have a list of every condition and effect, and description of what each parameter does.

    Find condition number 30, in this case:
    "30=amount of parameter0 (-1=all) creatures in area is lower than parameter1"

    30;//condition ------Number in the condition list
    parameter0 ----- Either check all creatures (-1, Dont use this) OR check specific type (Creature ID, Use this) of the creature. You want to use the ID of the pistol marine here.
    parameter1 ----- Max amount of creatures is here. If amount of pistol soldiers is higher than that number, it will not execute the script below.

    It should look like this:
    30;//condition ---Condition ID, check "Effects and conditions list" file
    0.000000;//parameter0 <----- ID of the pistol marine ("Check creatures.dat" to find it)
    0.000000;//parameter1 <----- Max amount creatures on the map
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    Okay thank you for your help. I'll let you know on how its coming along soon
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    Okay well i changed the number of aliens in Errexlz B to 30 and i realized that most of the outer spawners have their aliens just roaming around not targeting the town unless i bring them to it. So i was thinking what is the point of the outer spawners if they don't do anything.
    Bladekill1298 9 years ago
    Is there a way to make the aliens act more like the enemy pistols back in the beta version of the mod. Such as they would always go to this location.
    Edited 9 years ago
    Forum » WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!
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