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Forum » If you were stuck on notrium what would you do?
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  • If you were stuck on notrium what would you do?

    Fusion 20 years ago
    If it were me, I would construct a weapon, kill the big robots, grab the antigrav device, strap on a spacesuit air synthensyther or cryofrieze myself and float for the nearest colony. JUST KIDDING

    just post your thoughts here
    superknijn 20 years ago
    i'll just finish my game of Notrium and turn off my PC.
    ville 20 years ago
    I would definitely try to build a mansion there and live my life amongst the weird alien world.

    Secretly build an army of robots and enslave the universe!
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Sure you don't mean an army of elves?

    I think I'd put the darts in a replicator, duplicate them 1000 times to get 10000 of them, then combine the darts with the VC pistol. Hahahahaha!
    Bleach 20 years ago
    I would try to live and survive, if that doesn't work I would probably just end my own life.
    void 20 years ago
    I'd steal alien and robot body parts and slowly build myself into a superhuman at which point I'd use my super powers to fly to earth and enslave the human race with my mind control ability. Then I'd get greedy and try to take over a supiror race that would enevitably turn me into my regular wimpy self and dump me on a remote planet where the process would repeat itself forever.

    (Santa would probably be involved somewhere)
    Lochen 20 years ago
    hmm make a huge hole and build a tower in it and hide and make a food generator and a few fires and just sit there and hope someone would come and see the fire and if i see a alien just try to hide better in my tower and take my dartgun and railgun from my mod to help me live
    Click 20 years ago
    the regular me:
    I would run around crazily and unfortunally become an alien resturant

    the super smart me:
    I would run around crazily until i calm down and build a weapon but would soon become an alien resturant
    void 20 years ago
    So you dont have to fear click you could just build your iron grip around the inhabitance of notrium and use there combined power to take back your kingdom

    (and if you have time maybe open an emu farm mohahahahahahah )
    superknijn 20 years ago
    New idea, could fone the Borg, infect them with the Obey-only-superknijn-and-dont-assimilate-him-virus, and conquer Notrium, and using the DNA from the Aliens there to enhance my drones, and upgrading my Borg-cubes with a Bio-chemical-destruction beam.
    ville 20 years ago
    It's a bit off-topic, but this is so important that I'll tell you.

    Star Trek is a TV scifi series. One of the oldest if not the oldest, at least the first series dates back to sixties. You should find an ample amount of fan pages with Google. I'm a trekkie too, as you will find many others are.
    Fusion 20 years ago
    Ohh come on, i wanted to see some plans for escape

    Ok, first what i would do is i would scavange parts, create a concrete mixer and create the underground and work on a ship and then blastoff and drop a makeshift flag on the vile corp area saying "Kiss my Ass"
    Arcade 20 years ago
    This may sound random from the conversation up there but.

    If I was stuck on notrium I would build a home, and try to make some kind of garden, then I would live for years and years, slowly my loneliness will make me go crazy, and I would probably kill myself later on.
    ville 20 years ago
    I would grow a beard!
    void 20 years ago
    I'd use the satalitte dish to broadcast my hacker signal into all the robots which would then be forced to obey my every command.

    Next I'd lead my new army of robots into then jungles of notrium where I force the Queen alien to join me or die.

    Following this I'd stab them in the back and tie there corpses together to use as a spaceship to return to earth and become an evil overlord.
    Crazy 20 years ago
    id think: if i were stuck on notrium, what would i do?
    Eric 20 years ago
    I'd press ALT+TAB and switch back to the real world...
    ville 20 years ago
    You have windows in your brain? I tried saving/loading my real life once, I tell you it's not a good idea. People start accusing you of cheating.
    Eric 20 years ago
    *nod* Sometime it feels like I have Windows on the brain...

    And I know what you mean about the save/reload...
    Eternal 20 years ago
    ahh yes, the good ol' three fingered salute.

    I have a bad habit of thinking Ctrl Z! Ctrl Z!, whenever i say something bad or something.
    I_BeT_YouR_DeatH 20 years ago
    Well, I'll go to "Spaceship semetery", get some big guns from Wazzal ships, then go to mining area & do supergigaescape pod with 10 engines, fly to Earth
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    What's the point of escaping from Notrium if you're going to turn Earth into a new Notrium as soon as you get there?
    Eternal 20 years ago
    because he can rule the new notrium with his new superultragigescapepodthingywhatsitmadoodle, and be the supreme overlord of the new notrium.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    I would build a load of mind controlling micro-chips, put them in a dart and fire them at the blue and brown alien queen, they would be mindcontrolled then and obey me as their god then they would make their aliens obey me too and I would controll the entire alien race (on Notium). I would build a spaceship big enough to hold all of us ( the queens, me and some eggs) and invade other planets.

    that would be cool
    dancingkirby 20 years ago
    The first thing I would do is get some working plumbing ... Gotta prioritize. And then I would take my Bikez bike and start running things over.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Please, if you are going to post in this thread, at least try and make your post at least a little productive. How would you 'enslave all the aliens and rule all of Notrium'?
    LastDay 20 years ago
    Heh If it really was I and not the game...I would freeze or burn to death...or aliens would eat me
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago
    You wanna know what I would do? I would run like an idiot that's scared to death scavenging for parts, build a radiator (you can only find a single rod without the item detector, and it takes the whole game to find that one), find the rod for once and build a shotgun while destroying all in my path, create the biomass detector, go after the king sized robots, upgrade my pod, finally find the star chart, scan that into my modded radio, install to my pod and BOOM! WARP FX! I fly away and go to Artus Prime because the royal navy will defend me there and now i'm outta breath ops: . Plus now you know !
    Tyrian 20 years ago
    build a computer and a modem then download notrium and play it
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    ^^ ooh, good one why not make money by making some ad?
    Idiota 20 years ago
    maybe start eating rotten mushrooms untill I die. Who knows? like I will ever get stuck on that stupid planet.
    Odaisn 20 years ago
    I'll make myself a flame thrower and go on a rampage and slaughter all the marines. Then I'll take the electrosphere and lay it next to the blue alien queen.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    OK guys, I've gone and trimmed, cleaned, pruned and edited this thread because more than half of it is off-topic. It's taken me more than half an hour, so I'd appreciate it it you could keep this thread just for ideas on what you would do if you were stuck on Notrium.

    Please make your posts productive; that means I don't want to see any posts like: "I would kill all the aliens and rule Notrium", or "I would mod the tazor and give it 10000 range, speed and damage". Please give some details, I'd say 2-3 lines minimum.
    Any offending posts will be deleted, but if it keeps happening, me, Ville or Quanrian might have to lock up this thread.
    Fusion 20 years ago
    "Odaisn" said:
    I'll make myself a flame thrower and go on a rampage and slaughter all the marines. Then I'll take the electrosphere and lay it next to the blue alien queen.

    You wouldent even know what the electrosphere is!

    and Zex, THANKS!

    Ok now for my part :

    I would dissasemble my pod and widen it up so i could use it as a sort of home, albiet a small one. but i'd try and get it up a tree or in a secure location just to be sure, scrap metal would be my next priority, i'd find lead or iron and melt it down to create a sword or a spear or something...uugh i wouldent last 5 minutes
    Corcky54 20 years ago
    well duh..i would shoot myself in the face!! no..i would try to find some shelter..find a exelent weapon...clear out the area of the shelter..set up defence things...make a rutine of gathering food..water..and heat for surviving..and make a blow-up buddy ^_^ ...or something like that
    Forum » If you were stuck on notrium what would you do?
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