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  • Werewolf 10 - LR

    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    Neat, a bandwagon!

    Lynch Marvolo323 in L.
    Endymion 13 years ago
    Lynch Marvolo323 in L and in R too I guess even though I also considered voting for Murska since NeoGangster complained about not being able to and also said killing someone in both worlds would be beneficial only to wolves but since we have no way of knowing if Marvolo has switched to R during the night I see no reason not to lynch him in both worlds.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Endymion" said:
    NeoGangster [...] said killing someone in both worlds would be beneficial only to wolves
    Wait, what?
    "NeoGangster" said:
    Lynching someone in both worlds at the same time is only benefiting the wolves.
    ...Uh, no. Not really, no. If someone is a wolf in one world and a villager in the other, they're a threat in both worlds. If you could, somehow, figure out which half the wolf was in and only kill that one... sure, I guess that would be better than lynching both. But even if a seer scans one half of a player and finds a wolf, they could just swap to the other world, so the seer would have to make sure they died that very same day... and that's hard to pull off without giving away the fact that you're a seer and therefore a giant target. So no, lynching someone in both worlds at the same time is not only benefiting to the wolves.
    NeoGangster 13 years ago
    My reasoning behind that statement is that if we kill the human half of the wolf we can at least be sure that he won't switch his roles on the next night. So making people unable to switch makes it easier to pin down the wolves.
    Shingo 13 years ago
    Lynch Marvolo323 in L and R.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "NeoGangster" said:
    My reasoning behind that statement is that if we kill the human half of the wolf we can at least be sure that he won't switch his roles on the next night. So making people unable to switch makes it easier to pin down the wolves.
    ...and if we get the human half of a wolf, isn't it good to guarantee his wolf half won't survive at the same time?
    NeoGangster 13 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    ...and if we get the human half of a wolf, isn't it good to guarantee his wolf half won't survive at the same time?
    actually it would be awesome if we could keep the human half alive
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Not everyone is capable of enbracing balance. These blood-thirsty demons are a result of this: silently
    A simple decision was made. "The silent holds a secret." - they all agreed.

    Votes in L:

    Marvolo323 - NeoGangster, Shingo, Endymion, Grim Reaper, Kario, Narvius, MageKing17

    "Argh, screw you all. My soul is much better off the matter!" - he yelled. Threats were hopeless.

    Votes in R:

    Marvolo323 - Shingo, Endymion, Kario, Narvius, MageKing17

    He was nowhere to be seen in the village. The villagers looked around the vicinity and found him running away from a distance. He was outnumbered, being stricken down before the full moon night. It was exhausting, but the people were proven right.

    Marvolo323 was an Exorcist in L and a Werewolf in R.
    It's night time until monday @ 12:00 GMT (noon).
    Murska 13 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Murska" said:
    Jeesh. Why kill a villager?
    ...Do the wolves have a seer I didn't know about? How were they supposed to know you were a villager?

    ...For that matter, maybe you're not a villager in R. Maybe you're a wolf in R, and this is all a ploy to avoid suspicion.

    Or maybe not. I don't know. If I knew something, I would have voted to lynch already.

    Well, I told everybody that I was a villager in-thread.

    If the wolves can't read or aren't skilled enough to realize when people are lying and when not, then that's their problem. *shrug*

    Regardless. If we do not have a reason to suspect a player being a wolf in one of the worlds, I believe we should lynch two different people. Because it's the exact same chance of hitting a wolf, but if we kill half a player then that player can still contribute to the discussion, and the more people talking, the better for the Town.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Murska" said:
    Jeesh. Why kill a villager?
    ...Do the wolves have a seer I didn't know about? How were they supposed to know you were a villager?

    ...For that matter, maybe you're not a villager in R. Maybe you're a wolf in R, and this is all a ploy to avoid suspicion.

    Or maybe not. I don't know. If I knew something, I would have voted to lynch already.

    Well, I told everybody that I was a villager in-thread.

    If the wolves can't read or aren't skilled enough to realize when people are lying and when not, then that's their problem. *shrug*

    Regardless. If we do not have a reason to suspect a player being a wolf in one of the worlds, I believe we should lynch two different people. Because it's the exact same chance of hitting a wolf, but if we kill half a player then that player can still contribute to the discussion, and the more people talking, the better for the Town.
    *cough* Did you not notice the part where it's currently nighttime?
    Murska 13 years ago
    Oh, there's some sort of a rule on that? Sorry, I suppose my guy went to sleep a bit late.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Shame on you.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    The ticking of time was not on their side. How can it be? Is time the component of chaos?


    The werewolves weren't seen by the village guards, just like any other night. Except that a new victim was discovered in the morning: NeoGangster had no pulse by the time he was found.


    Murska was bleeding profusely when the villagers took him. His eyes were sliced out and he could barely breathe, let alone speak. The injuries were so severe that he could not resist the wish for his soul to be free.

    NeoGangster died in L and Murska died in R. Both were Villagers and are now completely dead.

    Amarth : ALIVE in R
    Crazy : ALIVE
    Endymion : ALIVE
    Grim Reaper : ALIVE in L
    kario : ALIVE
    MageKing17 : ALIVE
    Marvolo323 : DEAD
    Murska : DEAD
    Narvius : ALIVE
    NeoGangster : DEAD
    Shingo : ALIVE
    Speedblade : DEAD

    You have until next Friday before midnight to discuss and vote.
    Endymion 13 years ago
    No one has said anything yet
    So 2 wolves dead and no one important except 1 protector dead so far!
    Anyway lynch Crazy in L and someone in R or something...
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    I agree; lynch Crazy in L, but I have other plans for R.

    You know, something's been bothering me about this variant from the beginning. I couldn't quite put my finger on it until it finally dawned on me; the wolves can actually attack themselves (if one half is a villager) to divert suspicion from themselves. This is absolutely mind-boggling, because in every other Werewolf game, the logic in finding a werewolf lies in trying to figure out who would want to get rid of that player... in this variant, that player may have orchestrated their own attack. So, tell me, Amarth: if you get rid of your non-wolf half, how can you hide from someone who's been in contact with a seer?

    Lynch Amarth in R
    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    Being as rightly dead as I am (cringe-inducing pun very much intended), I'll just go ahead with the leftist Crazy-lynching.

    ...and in case someone decides to be a nitpicky little bugger, that means I vote to lynch Crazy in L.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    ...and in case someone decides to be a nitpicky little bugger
    Nah, the bolding and the context was good enough.
    Amarth 13 years ago

    As I see it, it's nothing but annoying to lose half your life, I'm just a sitting duck now with no threat to the wolves. If I were a werewolf, I'd be infinitely more protected if I still had both my lives. I could have switched by now, so you would be forced to lynch the human half of me too. The wolves would be stupid to half-lynch one of their own.

    So either the wolves don't have contact with each other (which I don't know what to believe about yet), or I'm not a wolf. On the other hand, Mage, you haven't died in either universe yet..
    Kario 13 years ago
    Damn MK is so convincing! he hasn't died yet!
    Crazy L
    Mk R
    Crazy 13 years ago
    Frankly, I'm surprised I'm still alive.

    I've made myself a target for both wolves and villagers at this point and I can't think of anything to extricate myself from this situation.


    But don't lynch me, because I'm really a Villager/Guardian.

    Not a very good one, but still.

    Anwyay, if you do still lynch me, I'd like to note - while I still can - that I'm still guessing MK and Shingo are wolves (and I was right about speedblade, woo).
    Endymion 13 years ago
    I very much doubt that any wolf would've arranged his own death(of course accidents and such are possible), but anyway I do agree with Crazy about who the wolves probably are and MK has no reason not to lie about seer contact as he or any other wolf wouldn't be lynched if Amarth turns out to be a villager(and MK has been acting strangely since the beginning) so I'm going with lynch MageKing in R.
    Kario 13 years ago
    "Endymion"(and MK has been acting strangely since the beginning)
    ...Argh too early to mindfuck myself[/quote said:
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Endymion" said:
    I very much doubt that any wolf would've arranged his own death(of course accidents and such are possible)
    True. The possibilities are that at least one wolf is a wolf/wolf and as such is coordinating the wolves in both universes, or Amarth's L-half died completely by accident... but I can guarantee his R half is a werewolf.

    "Endymion" said:
    but anyway I do agree with Crazy about who the wolves probably are and MK has no reason not to lie about seer contact as he or any other wolf wouldn't be lynched if Amarth turns out to be a villager
    ...I'm not sure I followed that one. If Amarth turns out to be a villager, it would be obvious I was lying about being in contact with a seer, since Amarth can no longer switch universes. On the other hand, if Amarth turns out to be a Werewolf, I'll have been proven right and you'll know I wasn't lying about that.

    "Endymion" said:
    (and MK has been acting strangely since the beginning) so I'm going with lynch MageKing in R.
    In what way have I been acting strangely, exactly?
    "Kario" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    ...Argh too early to mindfuck myself
    Because I mentioned that this variant results in a mindfuck? Well, it does! Wolves can attack themselves and live! Seers can scan people who seem safe but turn out to be wolves! Roles can suddenly shift universes! This variant is massively more complex than any variant we've played other than Quantum Werewolf, so I don't see how pointing out that any kind of doublethink about this variant is a mindfuck is "acting strangely".

    I'll tell you what, though, the fact that you and Kario are leaping to Amarth's defense means I will be recommending a scan of one of you ASAP, since we (meaning the Seer and I (and anyone else we may or may not be in contact with)) already know for certain that Amarth is a Wolf.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    Curiously, we have pretty much nothing to lose by lynching Amarth (sorry, buddy) - if MK really does know that Amarth is a wolf (irregardless of if he actually is in contact with a seer), we would be lynching a wolf and yay and stuffs. On the other hand, if MK is lying and we lynch Amarth and he turns out to be a villager, we would know for certain that MK is playing for the wolves and we'd double-lynch the bastard.

    Unless, of course, this is all a wolven endscheme and we lynch Amarth and lose all chance of winning.

    So lynch Amarth in R.
    Shingo 13 years ago

    Sent: *************************************
    From: speedblade
    To: ******************************************
    Crazy and Marvolo were wolves in L

    And THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is why we successfully lynched a wolf, yesterday. Crazy is a FUCKING wolf, and has previously attempted to use flawed logic to attempt to draw suspicion away from Amarth, in IRC chat. He has also claimed to be a guardian, but then announced it to the world, both on IRC and now in this thread. What kind of
    idiot guardian lets *everyone* know he is a guardian? Why, the fake kind of guardian. Anyways, that PM was right about Marvolo, and I'm damned sure it's also right about Crazy. Why? Because Speedblade sent it out after he realized how fucked he was, after which he suicided. Furthermore, it has been proven to be correct, as evidenced by Marvolo's wolfhood. IMO, we need to trust the advice of the seer's contact in lynching Amarth, and unless we find a better target, we lynch the everliving SHIT out of crazy in the other world. Also, I would love to know why Endymion is accusing me of being a wolf. His accusation, along with questionable activity in the IRC chatting only serves to deepen my suspicion that perhaps he might be another wolf - with his accusation of me being a proverbial nail in the coffin of my suspcion. In any case, I would welcome a scan, if any seer should choose to do so. I would also advocate that Endymion be a prime target for scanning, as well.

    Lynch Amarth in R, Lynch Crazy in L

    Edit: IRC logs that I refer to are easily available, if anyone wishes to peruse them. Just let me know if you want 'em posted in here, or if you want me to PM them to you, or whatnot. While I may not be logged in here much, I am almost always logged into IRC when I am awake.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Psst. You did it wrong. Use italics for out-of-character, not the opposite.
    Shingo 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Psst. You did it wrong. Use italics for out-of-character, not the opposite.
    No I didn't... Unless it's in-character for me to be talking about PMs and IRC?
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Psst. You did it wrong. Use italics for out-of-character, not the opposite.
    No I didn't... Unless it's in-character for me to be talking about PMs and IRC?
    So you said in the LR that you have IRC logs?
    Hah, you ninja'd. Still, the first paragraph is mostly in-character.
    Shingo 13 years ago
    Endymion, I want to know why you have accused the self identified Seer-mouthpiece as being a wolf. Can you elaborate?
    Endymion 13 years ago
    "Crazy" said:

    Unless, of course, this is all a wolven endscheme and we lynch Amarth and lose all chance of winning.
    This. Actually now that I think about it a bit more I realize it'll likely just come to a tie between the wolves and the villagers which isn't so bad but still.
    Shingo 13 years ago
    "Endymion" said:
    "Crazy" said:

    Unless, of course, this is all a wolven endscheme and we lynch Amarth and lose all chance of winning.
    This. Actually now that I think about it a bit more I realize it'll likely just come to a tie between the wolves and the villagers which isn't so bad but still.
    Crazy is ALL BUT CONFIRMED as a wolf. There was absolutely no reason for Speedblade to lie, since he immediately suicided after he sent out the PM. The fact that you are using something that this wolf says as support for why you want to KILL THE SEER CONTACT, is, yet again, highly suspicious. Anyways, something I'd like to bring up - there is a chance we'll end up targetting Crazy's non-wolf half (assuming he isn't a wolf/wolf, of course) when we target him in L, today. I wish it wasn't like this - but there's no way to tell which world his wolf side is in, during this particular day cycle. However, we don't have a better target, at the moment. Anyways, I'd like to urge everyone to get your votes out here, so we can at least see an attempted countervote from the wolves as early as possible, if it's going to happen. And to the villagers: Please don't jump aboard the "lynch MK" bandwagon that the wolf started.

    Edit: Damnit, I always mix up L and R. Going back to fix my posts.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    there is a chance we'll end up targetting Crazy's non-wolf half (assuming he isn't a wolf/wolf, of course) when we target him in R, today.
    Uh... you mean L, right?
    Crazy 13 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Also, if it turns out that Shingo is a wolf, I'd like to note I called it.

    I don't have any considerable proof ATM, I'd just like to note I'm calling it.

    Basically, I'm guessing, MK, speedblade and Shingo. And maybe Amarth. I'm not sure about Amarth.
    Ahaha, I'm so awesome. We may lose the game, but I'd just like to note that I so totally won.

    Also. Why, exactly, did Speedblade feel the need to send that PM? And could you provide us with a screenshot?

    But yeah, I'd lynch me, too, if I didn't know that I am, in fact, a (terrible) villager/guardian. We're so screwed.

    Anyway, it does certainly seem like a wolven endscheme, although Shingo retained deniability because he's claiming a PM from someone who can't argue it wasn't his PM (you know, as to why the Crazy you lynched turned out to not be a wolf). Of course, MK can also still claim that the seer was lying and accuse the seer to be lynched (also, this person will be a wolf/seer). Otherwise, I'm trusting my gut (also the fact that Shingo is protecting MK).

    But basically, it comes down to this - you either agree with me and lynch both MK and Shingo and we retain some chance or we lynch Amarth and me and we are screwed.

    So yeah, I change my vote to lynch MK in R and L. Or Shingo, if I can't vote against MK for some reason.

    EDIT: Actually, I don't care if Amarth bites it. Maybe it would be better to vote against Shingo, then Amarth/MK, then see if the rest of MK is innocent? Or hell, even Amarth/me and see of all of MK is innocent?
    Shingo 13 years ago
    Screenshot included.

    Crazy, isn't it about time to give up the act? The reason that the we knew to lynch Marvolo in the previous day cycle, is because of this. It's also how we know that you're a damn dirty wolf. You've attempted to implicate me, as well as the Seer's contact, and have only ended up making it more blindingly obvious that you and Amarth are wolves. You are going to die at the end of this day cycle, at least in one world, and Amarth's wolfhood is about to be snuffed out for good. Get. Over. It.

    In closing, I entreat all of my fellow villagers - get your votes out there, and get 'em out there as quickly as possible. Let's not give the wolves a chance to kill off the seer contact. Amarth in R, and Crazy in L.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    You've attempted to implicate me, as well as the Seer's contact, and have only ended up making it more blindingly obvious that you and Amarth are wolves.
    A seer's contact, you mean. I'm pretty sure there should be two seers (one for each universe), and we haven't seen a Seer die yet.
    Forum » Werewolf 10 - LR
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