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  • Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2

    Crazy 13 years ago
    The juice of penetration, ofc. Which strongly depends on the penetration, really. I'd imagine Penetrade would have a variety of flavors, from "supple santorum" to "vaginal burst".

    I still can't believe i found a Gatorade poster with the "Is it in you?"-line when i was Googling for images to Photoshop. I nearly died laughing.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Quick! Censor your post! It contains PROFANITY!

    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Quick! Censor your post! It contains PROFANITY!
    ...I was about to object to this, but then I decided to actually look up the definition, and you know, it does.

    Not that I care, mind you.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Quick! Censor your post! It contains PROFANITY!
    ...I was about to object to this, but then I decided to actually look up the definition, and you know, it does.

    Not that I care, mind you.
    You DO care!You've spent some precious minutes of your life just because of this!
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "#MonkkonenChat" said:
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> Hmmm, why won't VLC global hotkeys work...
    <!MageKing17> I've never used VLC global hotkeys.
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> I wanted to set one to play/pause, etc. to play Those Minerals during ME2.
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> For no reason.
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> But it won't work.
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> Hmmm.
    <!MageKing17> Probably ME2 is intercepting the keypresses.
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> They don't even work just sitting on my desktop.
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> I'm not even in ME2 yet.
    <!MageKing17> Oh.
    <!MageKing17> No clue then.
    <+Crazy> Probably your desktop is intercepting the keypresses.
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> huurrrr
    <+Bink|MassEffect2> They don't even work when VLC is selected.
    <+Crazy> Probably VLC is-- Oh, wait.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    Apparently it's a thing now.

    [00] <!MageKing17> Probably probably IARPL is intercepting the keypresses.
    [00] <!MageKing17> Whoops.
    [00] <!MageKing17> Too much probability.
    [00] <!MageKing17> Probably typo is intercepting the keypresses.
    [00] <!MageKing17> *typos
    [00] <!MageKing17> Probably irony is intercepting the keypresses.
    Binky 13 years ago
    I don't know.
    <Crazy> Huh. Not even TVtropes can answer why the people in the Buffyverse don't just get one protagonist (or at least malleable) vamp to turn the Slayers?
    <Crazy> Technically, the slayer would die and the next one would be called.
    <Crazy> But the last slayer would remain active as well.
    <Crazy> I mean. An army of vampire slayers.
    <Crazy> Er.
    <Crazy> Vampire vampire slayers.
    <Crazy> ...
    <Crazy> Vampire slayers who are also vampires.
    <Bink|Minecraft> .....
    <Bink|Minecraft> Vampiric vampire slayers?
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    "Kario" said:
    I miss the balls.
    CONTEXT: It's Very Important.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Oh lord. We have a new playtoy on the channel. My first interaction went like this.
    <Amarth> Cakebot?
    * [cakebot] (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->: Supybot
    * [cakebot] #MonkkonenChat
    * [cakebot] :Abjects IRC Server
    * [cakebot] idle 19:15:44, signon: Wed Jun 15 01:43:12
    * [cakebot] End of WHOIS list.
    <Amarth> @help
    <cakebot> Amarth: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
    <Amarth> @cake
    <cakebot> Amarth: Error: "cake" is not a valid command.
    <Amarth> what
    <Amarth> @alias list
    <cakebot> Amarth: Error: The "Alias" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "list" in it. Try "list Alias" to see the commands in the "Alias" plugin.
    <Amarth> @list alias
    <cakebot> Amarth: add, lock, pie, remove, and unlock
    <Amarth> @pie
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #0 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #1 added.
    <Amarth> @alias pie
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #2 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #3 added.
    <Amarth> oh dear
    <Amarth> help
    <Amarth> help
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #4 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #5 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #6 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #7 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #8 added.
    <Amarth> @help alias
    <cakebot> Amarth: Error: There is no command "alias".
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #9 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #10 added.
    <Amarth> @help alias pie
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #11 added.
    <cakebot> Amarth: (alias pie <an alias, 0 arguments> -- Alias for "echo [scheduler add 5 pie]".
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #12 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #13 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #14 added.
    * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!)
    * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #15 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #16 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #17 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #18 added.
    <Amarth> @scheduler remove pie
    <cakebot> Amarth: Error: Invalid event id.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #19 added.
    * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!)
    * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #20 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #21 added.
    <Amarth> @list scheduler
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #22 added.
    <cakebot> Amarth: add, list, remove, and repeat
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #23 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #24 added.
    * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!)
    * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #25 added.
    <Amarth> @scheduler list
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #26 added.
    <cakebot> Amarth: 25: "pie" and 26: "pie"
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #27 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #28 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #29 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #30 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #31 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #32 added.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #33 added.
    * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!)
    * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #35 added.
    <Amarth> @scheduler remove 35
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #36 added.
    <Amarth> @scheduler remove 36
    <Amarth> @scheduler remove 37
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #37 added.
    <cakebot> Amarth: Error: Invalid event id.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #38 added.
    <Amarth> @scheduler remove 38
    <cakebot> Amarth: Error: Invalid event id.
    <Amarth> @scheduler remove 39
    <cakebot> Amarth: The operation succeeded.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #39 added.
    <Amarth> @scheduler remove 40
    <cakebot> Amarth: Error: Invalid event id.
    <cakebot> The operation succeeded. Event #40 added.
    * VilleBot has kicked cakebot from #MonkkonenChat (Stop flooding!)
    * cakebot (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat
    After which it finally stopped, Cakebot: flooding the channel like a boss. I can't imagine what would happen if I didn't know how Supybot worked.
    Kario 13 years ago
    Amarth i hope he comes back i want to meet him. As long as he doesn't turn out to be like that magebot i met.
    Kario 13 years ago
    sorry for double post but i found this funny
    <Enlymion> also talk
    <Kario> talk?
    <Enlymion> yes.
    <Kario> oh wait now i get you
    <Crazy> "zomg my mouth works"
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    ville said:
    Creativity cannot be hurried. That's what I always say when I'm working on Driftmoon. Actually I don't say that at all. But it's true anyway!
    Venom31 said:
    ville said:
    ...Actually I don't say that at all...
    But now you've finally said it!
    Narvius said:
    Technically, he wrote it. ;P
    E_net4 12 years ago
    I'm reviving this!

    12:25 PM - Narvius: The boss I'm currently facing is considered to be the most annoying and hard boss of the game.
    12:25 PM - E_net4: Is it your employer?
    12:25 PM - Narvius: Almost no time to hit, hard-to-avoid attacks and so on.
    12:25 PM - E_net4: Yes, your employer.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    "IRC" said:
    * Topic for #MonkkonenChat is: Welcome to the official chatroom of | Read the network rules! They apply! | Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages. (NO IRC WAREZ MONKEYS) | Cortex Command 1.0 has been released!
    * Topic for #MonkkonenChat set by MageKing17 at Sat Sep 29 08:05:09 2012
    <!MageKing17> New Machinae Supremacy album came in the mail today!
    <!MageKing17> Bink: I command you to be happy!
    <+Bink> Sure.
    <!MageKing17> Happier!
    <+Bink> Cortex Command is still horribly unfinished, though.
    <+Bink> And AVG keeps detecting Steam things as viruses.
    <+Bink> Jeez.
    <!MageKing17> What, nobody else changes the title around here?
    <!MageKing17> Lazy bums.
    * MageKing17 has changed the topic to: Welcome to the official chatroom of | Read the network rules! They apply! | Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages. (NO IRC WAREZ MONKEYS) | I like pie! | And Machinae Supremacy!
    <!MageKing17> There.
    <!MageKing17> Happier yet?
    <+Bink> Yes.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    Note exactly Forum or IRC, but this happened during our last Fabletop session:
    mageking17: private → kitchingham: You not only find a MechaGoblin glyph on the base of the metal stick, but you also deduce that it indicates the blocking of non-MechaGoblin communications somehow. You're not sure how you deduce that from a picture of a goblin, some wavy lines, and an angry stick figure, but you do.
    Forum » Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2
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