ATTENTION Anyone who wants to join the UBERCOOL Neptune's Pride game, which btw is COMPLETELY AWESOME, answer here! This to prevent further thread pollution of the new gaming thread and to keep it all a bit structured.
What is Neptune's Pride? It's a conceptually simple realtime but slow 4X game, with the twist that only one player can win and all alliances are on honor only - there's nothing ingame to force or prevent you from helping or betraying the other players. Webite, review, report of a playthrough. You need a Google account to play but that shouldn't be a problem right?
IMPORTANT! Note that a games of NP will easily take a month, with enough players probably more. If there is a high probability you cannot make it to a computer with Internet access and Flash support for 3 consecutive days during the next two months, do not apply. I will rephrase for lesser intelligence: do not leave during game! Game is long! If leave you, we mad and kill your mommy! Also, no more games for you! Life can happen for everyone, of course, but try not to ruin it too much for everyone else if you can prevent it.
Come on guys! It's going to be legen... wait for it...
EDIT: player list: Shingo, Murska, Endymion, Narvius, Kario, Crazy, Amarth.
EDIT EDIT: if anyone still want to join, I'll try to set the game up around Wednesday evening GMT. Can't do it now as I need to play more oldies before I can buy credits >.<