Hey guys. Some of you may remember me from a few months/years back. Well, I decided I could return here to host some kind of PnP game for our amusement (and my excess amount of free time). The games would be played on IRC, probably on #monkkonenrp. The system will probably be one of the following:
WFRP - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, it's in the medieval age of the warhammer world. GURPS - Generic Univresal Roleplaying System, can be used to play almost anything. DnD 3.5 or Pathfinder - a fantasy world based system. Paranoia - a sci-fi system centered about a city which is enclosed in a huge dome, which is controlled by a computer. RTD - Roll to dodge, a system where you roll only six-sided dice and depending on the result of the roll, you succed or fail. Not good for serious games. And last, but not least, there are 2 systems which one of my friends has made. One of the systems is used for playing in western based worlds but it probably could be used elsewhere. The second system is good for magic based campaigns. If anybody knows any other good system which we could use, please tell me.
The minimal amount of players is 3 (excluding me, as the GM). We will decide on the campaign, system and time of playing together. So, if you want to play, post in this thread.
Players interested so far: Grim_Reaper Shingo Endymion Murska Narvius