I was hoping on adding random animations at some point, but the idea was too difficult to implement relative to usefulness. So sadly we won't be seeing the flapping wings of a dragon hovering in mid-air. Ville, that's what you said about vehicles.
What about an idle animation? 4 frames will do. Do think is posible to add? At the very least could you make it posible to have the option to play the walk animation even if you are stand still? This could be enough to make flaping wings and such. I'm not a programmer, and I'm sure most things are easier said than done, but surely Ville you could get the game to play a sequence of 4 frames at randomly generated times. The game already plays a set of 4 frames when a creature fires a weapon, so it makes sense that it could play it at random, maybe even if the player defined the possible intervals:
start random frames; 1;//frame from weapons.dat 2000;//random interval (milliseconds) 2;//frame from weapons.dat 500;//random interval (milliseconds) 3;//frame from weapons.dat 5000;//random interval (milliseconds) 4;//frame from weapons.dat 10000;//random interval (milliseconds) end random frames;
The above would make the game play all those frames in random order, but using the intervals to space it out. So: 500 milliseconds after the last random frame, frame 2 will play. If frame 4 was randomly picked, it would play 10000 milliseconds after frame 2, etc, etc.