"ville" said: If somebody builds one of these, could you have it print one for me as well? Well, it appears that it's an "etiquette" to make 2 sets of parts(the one's you can currently make) for RepRap Machines, pro bono. It also seems to be a custom to have the very first thing that your RepRap makes to be a shotglass, so that you can toast the machine's inauguration.
A fundamental principle of the RepRap project is that anyone who has a RepRap machine will always be able to use it to build the next generation improvement. That way even if you start with the very bootstrap machine, you can always build your way back up to the full technology. Of course this may not always be possible, but we will try our very best!
The names will always commemorate famous biologists - after all, the point of RepRap is replication and evolution. The current machine is called "Darwin". The next one will be called "Mendel".
Impressive stuff...makes me want to get that thing even more.
Oh, and enjoy the videos: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.reprap.org/bin/view/Main/RepRapVids">http://www.reprap.org/bin/view/Main/RepRapVids</a><!-- m -->