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Forum » Amarth's new project

Amarth's new project

Amarth 15 years ago
Alrighty! New project I've been brooding on for a while. I'm calling it a project because I'm not sure it will evolve into a fun game, really... It's a bit of an experiment.

I'll just post screenshots around here until I feel like giving more information. Which is probably not too soon. However, wild speculations and suggestions are most welcomed and perhaps you are right, or perhaps I just steal them...

Right now I'm at the few-days-of-doodling stage. This means that there's not much to show off with, there's much flexibility in where to go next and you'll (hopefully) get interesting pictures of the evolution of the project. I'm mostly posting it already right now because I want to see your reactions.

NeoGangster 15 years ago
big bang simulator!!!
Anonymous1157 15 years ago
It looks to me like you've created some sort of swarming AI, and that "Grr, so much for tweaking" monologue from the IRC channel was you trying to make it work well. If you're honestly getting only 15FPS out of YOUR computer, then I must inform you that you'll have to keep working at it for me to ever see it at 5FPS on mine. Other than that, whatever you have in store for us seems interesting enough.

Would you like some real sprites at this point? I'll doodle something up for you to replace those ugly thingers you have now, if you'd like.
E_net4 15 years ago
It looks like a bunch of noise textured particles. Hey, they could actually be MORE than just particles... A star is more than a dot that you see at night.
And yes, you have a neat project going. Keep it up.
Amarth 15 years ago
Yeah, tweaking it didn't really work out that well. The picture above was generated with 1000 objects at roughly 200 FPS. For 10000 objects I barely get 10 FPS. Then again, I'm mostly CPU-bound at the moment, and the calculations should parallelize pretty well, so if it turns out I need extra speed I'll just throw in a few calculation threads for those newfangled multi-core machines. My algorithms are far from optimal, but meh, no tweaking right now.

Also, no need for sprites at the moment. Perhaps later, when I have a clearer idea of the art direction I'm going for. Well, I have some ideas (or a lot of ideas), but I need to think about it some more.
Anarion 15 years ago
"Amarth" said:
Yeah, tweaking it didn't really work out that well. The picture above was generated with 1000 objects at roughly 200 FPS. For 10000 objects I barely get 10 FPS. Then again, I'm mostly CPU-bound at the moment, and the calculations should parallelize pretty well, so if it turns out I need extra speed I'll just throw in a few calculation threads for those newfangled multi-core machines. My algorithms are far from optimal, but meh, no tweaking right now.
It looks to me like you just got bored and used the spraycan in MS Paint on a black background.
E_net4 15 years ago
"Anarion" said:
"Amarth" said:
Yeah, tweaking it didn't really work out that well. The picture above was generated with 1000 objects at roughly 200 FPS. For 10000 objects I barely get 10 FPS. Then again, I'm mostly CPU-bound at the moment, and the calculations should parallelize pretty well, so if it turns out I need extra speed I'll just throw in a few calculation threads for those newfangled multi-core machines. My algorithms are far from optimal, but meh, no tweaking right now.
It looks to me like you just got bored and used the spraycan in MS Paint on a black background.
It actually looks to me that the particles were generated, correct me if I am wrong.
Forum » Amarth's new project

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