"Acron" said: 1. 'Fire Spell' isn't much original name, I'd recommend you someting like 'Fire Blast' or 'Fire Missile'. Hmm... i'm planning at least 3 levels of 'spell' but i'll probably come up with a name later on... your suggestions have been written down, thanks!
"Acron" said: 2. On that screen, where you're choosing 'job', that help screen on the right should be rewritten to something more close to the age in this mod. As far as i know that's written into the Notrium engine... I don't think I can change it...
"Acron" said: 3. In original Notrium, there IS a golem, so why you used the brown aliens (Again, I don't have anything against it and don't want to insult you or something)? Maybe you just disliked him ? The quad-colour Brown Aliens are stand ins for the Summons... the Golem (sprite?) is used by the Alchemist... it's accually used for the Clay Golem and the Gemini Golem...
"Acron" said: 4. I understand that it's in very early stage, and maybe you planned to add this later. Anyways, Good Luck and hope it will success in a great mod ! Very early stage... it still has no plot...
Thanks Acron!
P.S. ANY suggestions for anything really, plot, objects, player races... all VERY welcome and much appreciated.
P.P.S. The shop buy/sell issue has been sorted, thanks!