Actually, I think that ban and kick abuse is something that has been going on long enough. It may not seem like it, but recieving one such ban/kick is extremely frustrating and irritating, and no one deserves being kicked for no reason. Now, I know that I'm not there a whole lot, and removing everyone's op/hop status is kinda extreme, so I'm just going to rant. It does make sense (at least it should), but you don't h ave to read it. From no one, no more random kicks and bans.
Being a moderator, an operator, or an admin isn't something to be taken seriously. But hell, it isn't something to be taken lightly either. You need to have some sort of sense of responsibility. What does that mean? Well, when you think that someone is crossing the line, you have to assess the situation. The first thing that should come to mind is wether or not the problem can be solved with polite interference. This is the case most of the time someone is being rude, aggressive, is spamming, flooding, etc. Most of the time, this is enough. If it isn't, then the subject has clearly shown that he is ignoring your authority, and can be removed and/or banned, depending on the severeness of the situation. This is, very formally, how an operator should treat offending chatters.
Now, our chatroom is different. In fact, it's quite rare that anyone is rude, agressive or anything like that. So most of the time you, being an operator, will not have anything to do. So instead of constantly hammering on the difference between you and the commonfolk with random kicks and bans, you should instead blend in. Just ignore the fact that you /could/ kick or ban someone. Treat them as equals, because they are. Your function as an operator is to step in when the need arises, and to mediate in conflicts. If you're not doing any of those, just ignore the '@', '!', or '%' and treat it as a '+'. We all know eachother, we can all converse without resorting to childish acts of power.
Ofcourse, it can be extremely fun to randomly kick or ban someone. But that someone should be able to fight back and it should never escalate to annoy the commonfolk. So while MageKing can have a lot of fun kicking Zombie from the channel, zombie can fight back. Shingo, however, is no match for the admin's horrible powah, so leave the chap alone.
If you ever feel the urge to kick someone randomly, just kick me, I don't mind. If you still wanna speak to me Shingo, I think I'll be on a bit more coming days.