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    E_net4 16 years ago
    It's too gory for little kids, yet you can get some fun out of it.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Pity they want money for it.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Actually, it's free. You can buy new looks for your ragdoll tho.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Wow, it's changed. I didn't even click on the link because I'd heard about it ages ago. Back then, most features were disabled unless you bought it.

    Looks like that's definitely changed. Sweet.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Soccer mod + 3 foward flips + grapple enemy + decap = Toribash!!
    Dragon Ball Z + Lemmings + Power levels over 400 million + Slow-mo + Destructible terrain = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Roughly 6mb
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Won't run for me - I have OpenGL 1.1, thus lack GL_ARB_multitexture.
    Can anyone help me with this?
    Idiota 16 years ago
    "Cheater" said:

    I solved the first one. Now I'm close to giving up.

    Had to bump this up, if anyone of you likes to puzzle, after the first one there are many puzzles that require a lot of thinking (if you don't let yourself be bombarded with hints that is). Kind of stuck at the 4th puzzle now, I am obviously missing something... >.<
    Amarth 16 years ago
    "Cheater" said:
    Won't run for me - I have OpenGL 1.1, thus lack GL_ARB_multitexture.
    Can anyone help me with this?
    GL_ARB_multitexture has been around for, what, 10 years now? Update your drivers and/or your graphics card. It doesn't hurt to do that after 10 years.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Both are quite new. Windows only uses OpenGL up to 1.1, obviously - it has no multitexture.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Well, OpenGL is implemented in your card's drivers (referred to as the ICD, for Installable Client Driver). It has nothing to do with what Windows "uses". Even if the Windows libraries are only OpenGL 1.1, applications can still use >1.1 features by using the OpenGL extension mechanism, which is exactly how GL_ARB_multitexture is to be used. The Windows libraries are just a thin layer passing the message to the ICD, which is able to handle the GL_ARB_multitexture call.

    So either the application (I'm not even sure which one you're talking about) is coded wrong (I doubt that is possible, but well), or your driver/card is outdated or not worth much.

    You can check with OpenGL Extensions Viewer what your driver supports.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Really, I've been looking around for different solutions. I have the extension viewer - my card *does* support it. I regularly update the drivers. I've read about stuff being used as extensions, and I know I should use it as extension - but I still have no idea how.

    It's the LBZ stuff.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    [OT]I'm addicted to the puzzles now. They're awesome.[/OT]
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Now that's weird - I did nothing, and suddenly it works.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Cheater" said:
    Now that's weird - I did nothing, and suddenly it works.
    Did your computer get restarted at any point in between?

    If so, that's what solved it.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    ...well, yes. It got restarted.
    harwe 16 years ago
    Dwarf Fortress

    confusing, at first
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Dwarf Fortress is very, very, very good. All must download it and learn how to play. The learning curve as a gradient of infinity, but once you learn how to play it is endless fun. Free cookie to anyone in this forum who can construct a fortress hanging over a pool of magma, and once a switch is pulled the whole fortress drops into burning oblivion.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Dwarf Fortress is absolutely the best non-roguelike ASCII-Game ever made.
    I'm so proud of being able to fend of immigrants, yay.
    Aegis 16 years ago

    Narvius 16 years ago
    I guess that bullet hit all legs and arms, additionally piercing heart, lungs at brain. At once.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    The only thing deadlier than bolts is carp.

    You leap at The carp!
    You attack The carp but She jumps away!
    [lands in water]
    The carp counterstrikes!
    The carp bites You in the head from behind!
    It is broken!
    Your brain is broken!
    You have been struck down.
    harwe 16 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    The only thing deadlier than bolts is carp.

    You leap at The carp!
    You attack The carp but She jumps away!
    [lands in water]
    The carp counterstrikes!
    The carp bites You in the head from behind!
    It is broken!
    Your brain is broken!
    You have been struck down.
    ahrenjb 16 years ago
    Cortex Command. Hell yeah!
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    Cortex Command. Hell yeah!
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Too bad it doesn't have online multiplayer.
    Narvius 16 years ago
    uh... is it just me, or didn't you all notice the Spore Creature Creator (or however that thing's called)?

    Is there actually something, except a chance to support independent game creators, I miss when not buying CC?
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "Cheater" said:
    uh... is it just me, or didn't you all notice the Spore Creature Creator (or however that thing's called)?
    Yes, I do think we all noticed the release of the Spore Creature Edi- ...I mean, Creator.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    I managed to find an interesting game some weeks ago. Withing a Deep Forest is a platform game where you control a special ball in order to save the world. As you play you'll receive new materials that modify your ball's powers. It's fun to play at first, and the musics are nice.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    I managed to find an interesting game some weeks ago. Withing a Deep Forest is a platform game where you control a special ball in order to save the world. As you play you'll receive new materials that modify your ball's powers. It's fun to play at first, and the musics are nice.
    IIRC, it's also pretty hard. Remains fun though. It's been a while since I played (and finished) this...
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    I played it a while ago. It's great fun, I heartily recommend it.
    NOSBoi 16 years ago
    New 5.0 Vegastrike release!

    Nice free game similar to Elite.
    Vega Strike is a free open source 3D action-space-sim that lets you trade, fight, and explore in a vast universe.
    It runs on my computer (which is craptastic).

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Narvius 16 years ago
    Urgh, not Vega Strike. For some reason I absolutely and forever hate it. I don't know why, really.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    I liked the concept, but didn't like the old version. I'll see if 5.0 is up to my standards.
    varsi 16 years ago
    Almost 4400 hours of World of Warcraft in the past (according to Xfire-profile), and it stopped yesterday.
    I've sold my previos maincharacter like 6 months ago for 250 euros, and the character I played mostly after that is now sold for 200 euros.
    I counted that I've been playing WoW 3 approx, which is 36 months. It costed 12.99e per month, so that's 467,64euros in total.
    450 euros came back from the sold account, almost got my wasted money back

    Oh and hello everyone, haven't been browsing for a while!
    Narvius 16 years ago
    You're crazy. 144h gaming a week?
    Amarth 16 years ago
    Ahum. Cough. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
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