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  • Virus mod- v0.09a Lite version now available!

    themados 16 years ago
    Booya Update Keep up the good work
    Gotta wait 5 ****ing Minutes *foams at mouth*

    for some reason i cant reach the star ship in training and you really shouldn't make all those weapons there i got some powerful weapons and had to wait 5 minutes for my 5000 shake to go down
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "themados" said:

    for some reason i cant reach the star ship in training
    That's why it wasn't finished.

    "themados" said:
    and you really shouldn't make all those weapons there
    I put them there for people who just wanna run around in circles with them, they won't be there once I'm finished

    "themados" said:
    and had to wait 5 minutes for my 5000 shake to go down
    Switch to strength and it'll only take 2 and a half minutes!
    But, seriously, I'll fix it.

    Any word on the suit modes? They took the longest to be put in.

    Destructible trees made.
    Plans on destructible buildings (the roof falls)
    themados 16 years ago
    oh i forgot suit modes i will try them next time
    Priok 16 years ago
    How do I download it?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Click here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _v0.07.rar</a><!-- m -->
    And do what it says.

    I'm gonna remove space travel. You'll get to fly an air vehicle instead.

    Crazy Promises
    Nuke gun. Yes, that's right.
    Advanced lighting effects. So far Notrium illuminates a whole object_definition. I'm going to change this so that it only lights it up where the light is.
    Cut scenes!
    Weapon modification. Attach silencers, laser sights, grenade launchers, scopes, etc.
    themados 16 years ago
    i played with the suit modes and they ain't really that fun they get a bit boring
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "themados" said:
    i played with the suit modes and they ain't really that fun they get a bit boring

    Thanks for the honest feedback. I'll put a greater focus on the suit modes and remove the more useless ones and re-make them into different features. Plans are as follow:

    Stealth: keep, make more useful.
    Armour: keep, make weaker.
    Strength: keep, add melee attack and increase movement speed (stronger strides)
    Jolt / bullet time: keep, increase use time.
    Optics: change to weapon customization add-on.
    Night vision: change to seperate item.
    Pulse: remove. Utterly.
    Disruption: remove. Utterly.

    I'm also planning on a new tutorial which is part of the story. It'll be a like a prologue. Following an attack on a military space base, you getting whisked away to an enemy space station. Luckily they keep your suit on, although they disable it. Whilst walking to your cell (under heavy guard) you will have the opportunity to escape captivity during an allied counter-strike.
    It follows on with different situations requiring different suit modes. Like using jolt to determine the frequency of bursts of fire coming from wreckage, strength to silently take out guards, stealth to sneak past stuff and armour to run through dangerous terrain. You then find an escape pod and blast of to a base which acts as a sandbox where you can train, hire people buy new guns, upgrade your suit, take missions and buy gadgets and gizmos.

    (TM) You saw it here first!
    themados 16 years ago
    also you don't need the suit for the stealth tutorial you can just get the soldiers to distract the gun and you can run straight through
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "themados" said:
    also you don't need the suit for the stealth tutorial you can just get the soldiers to distract the gun and you can run straight through
    Nope. You command no-one on this level.

    After a storyline change "Nano Pulse" is now called "Virus"
    themados 16 years ago
    so you changed the tutorial around now can you drive the starship and can you tell us hoe the storyline has changed and why it is now called virus
    Aegis 16 years ago
    The tutorial won't be spoon-fed to you. It'll be like a prologue with support.
    The starship will be removed. Instead there will be air-craft like fighter jets and helicopters.
    Here's the story (get ready to laugh)

    After Earth gets evacuated due to lack of resources several space stations are set up near the orbit of Earth. You are part of a military station and you get to enjoy an extremely brief tutorial before your base is attacked and you are whisked away to an enemy base so your suit and it's accompanying software can be studied. On a not so friendly march to your cell your allies counter-strike and you escape captivity in the confusion
    ***Cue tutorial***
    Once you escape you are rescued and sent to a bigger base where you can buy stuff, get missions, customize your suit, etc. Anyway it turns out that a super virus is being developed and you and several other people need to stop it. Expect several betrayals along the way.

    I'm already hiding several twists which will dramatically swing the story around the place. Lots of twist. I can't tell. Just wait.
    Crazy 16 years ago
    Hm. I like that fact that there is this huge exodus thing happening and for a change, your NOT the über-hero. While your playing, the world is frozen at this point of it's story and your mind really gets racing as to what happened before and what's going to happen.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Indeed, I like the basic plot premise. If you need help with specific writing, I could help with that, when I'm not working on my novel or coding project or any of a hundred other things, that is.
    themados 16 years ago
    Cool betrayals cant wait to play doing this at school in class hehe hope me teacher dosn;'t catch me
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Production update:
    Say goodbye to the health bar, it's hidden and gone. You'll know when you're on low health when the screen starts shaking and it gets harder to aim.
    Main base drawn up.
    New interface. Think most shooters, but with some extra stuff.
    New graphics.
    Actual intro. No 1337 $P33K, no "I promise it's coming soon", etc.
    All suit modes which were planned to be removed are now gone.
    The player has a name!?! I'm thinking of Auran. But that sounds so good that it's probably already taken , then Viper, or maybe Sabre. Or maybe Aegis!
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    I'm thinking of Auran. But that sounds so good that it's probably already taken
    "Auron" is a character from Final Fantasy X, and "Aran" is the last name of Samus, from the Metroid games. That's just off the top of my head.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    How about Aeron? I random search indicates that it is a type of chair, but who's going to complain about that?

    Update: Made weapon shop and cash bar
    themados 16 years ago
    can you please host an update
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Not for a while. I'm still coding lots of cutscenes and I still haven't even started the enemy base!
    SmokinBaraka 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Aegis" said:
    I'm thinking of Auran. But that sounds so good that it's probably already taken
    "Auron" is a character from Final Fantasy X, and "Aran" is the last name of Samus, from the Metroid games. That's just off the top of my head.

    "Auran" is the name of a australian game company stationed in brisbane i thinks that made the MMO Fury, the fury game is crap, the company went broke and had to fire many employees
    themados 16 years ago
    cant wait *drools*
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Say hello to the new HUD!
    Other updates include properly positioned bars, some more cutscenes and bug fixes.
    themados 16 years ago
    Can you please post a new update i cant wait
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Not yet. Can't you wait 3 months?

    Changes list:
    Grenades now work with HUD.
    You can select your grenade throwing range, the grenade stops approximately near the mouse.
    Weapon reload times increased.
    Enemies with guns need to reload.
    I made the bit in the Epilogue where the guard escorts you (I love eat objects)
    Gave your starting base some people (2 people to be precise)
    Introducing...Dirk Law. (Not much will happen to him the release)
    Changed Assault Rifle name and maximum clip.

    I have plans for realistic gun reloading. Real weapons can be reloaded one bullet over the "limit". Eg.
    You have an empty gun with a "limit" of 30 ammo. You place the ammo clip/magazine into a slot and flick a switch. The clip has 29/30 ammo and the the gun has 1/1 ammo (as there are bullets in the chamber). You reload the gun again, this time not flicking the switch to place a bullet into the chamber. Clip 30/30; Gun 1/1, so you have 31/30 ammo. Pretty picture:

    I 1/1 (chamber) -> -- _I
    I ________ ______I
    I I I I
    I I I __ I <- 30 / 30 (clip)
    ------ 31/30 Ammo!

    I apologize for my craptacular art skills with letters and symbols.

    Bar system:
    There are three main bars:
    Energy, Health and Self Control.

    Energy: Used for suit modes. When full you gain health and self control slowly. Acts as body armour in Armour mode.
    Health: When it empties you die. When it is very low you lose self self control rapidly.
    Self Control: At halfway everything starts shaking. At quarter way it shakes even more. When it's empty you lose consciousness (not good for gunplay).
    Redemption 16 years ago
    Sounds good.

    How does losing consciousness work?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Everything turns red and difficult to see plus you can't fire your weapons. I'm thinking about changing the player to an invisible race and dropping a plot_object of someone unconscious on the ground for consistency. I just need the graphic.
    Redemption 16 years ago
    You could recolour the forum's corpse rank picture for the graphic.

    Can the player run/crawl away when unconscious or are they dead unless they have an ally to save them?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Now I know some people are a bit impatient for my next release *coughthemadoscough* so I uploaded some downsized screenshots for your viewing pleasure. Although the next update may not have much compared to the rest it actually has quite a bit of core components such as dialog scripting and Advanced AI. Right now I'm working on my first crazy promise: Advanced Lighting (only using Notrium modding techniques)

    Previous Post: When unconscious the player cannot do anything whatsoever. Instead you must rely on your suit. When shot/knocked unconscious your suit will send out a medic request. If the medic doesn't arrive in time and no one is shooting you to death the suit will slowly heal you once at full energy.
    themados 16 years ago
    cool coughaegisstinkscough
    roburky 16 years ago
    Aegis, I just gave 0.07 a try, and I can't progress past the tank training. The door to the hoverbike section doesn't open for me.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    You need to exit the tank. (it's pretty dumb since you can just get into it again)
    Advanced lighting complete! Normal lighting effects light up all of an object, even if the light is barely touching it. I've fixed this by using multiple polygons. Semi-lighted walls for all! I've also made everything go slo-mo just before you fall unconscious. You have about 10 seconds of real time, but that equals only about 1 second of game time. Try to find a safe place to faint! I also have plans to remove the slo-mo suit mode and replace it with a new one which uses every single suit mode at once (that's incredible stregth, cloaking and losing energy instead of health) I've also perfected the escort bit. Now they fire at you if you go too far, too close or start punching them. I've also made an image of the player's unconscious body, it is very badly drawn. And I've also made auto-doors which open if you stand near them. Now here's a checklist of what I need to do:
    Finish other suit mode.
    Finish epilogue.
    Finish annoying door problem. (unrelated to auto-door)
    And more!
    roburky 16 years ago
    You might want to add some instructions to that effect to your tutorial.
    How do you get out of the tank? I thought you had posted that it was the Y key, but that didn't work.

    Also, I couldn't tell from the game what the different suit modes did, or which one I had activated at a given moment. You need some kind of indication as to what mode you're using. In Crysis, you had the colour of your on-screen hands as a clear and natural indicator. It also had a voice announcement of the name of the mode as you activated it.

    Could you post any images etc of your lighting thing?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Oops. The key is actually C.

    "roburky" said:

    Also, I couldn't tell from the game what the different suit modes did, or which one I had activated at a given moment. You need some kind of indication as to what mode you're using. In Crysis, you had the colour of your on-screen hands as a clear and natural indicator. It also had a voice announcement of the name of the mode as you activated it.
    I'm working on it. Soon I'll make the whole player's body change colour. I just need to change the textures for the player in strength mode, and maximum suit mode and it'll be pretty obvious which mode you're in. I'll also magnify the power of each suit mode and rebalance it so that each one is as good as the other.

    Also, I can't seem to replicate the advanced lighting, sorry, no images. I'll try to figure out what's wrong.

    EDIT: Problem found! Unfortunately Notrium lights all plot objects equally per tile. Meaning that all plot objects on one tile will all be equally lighted, I must have thought that my original lighting had worked because it had spread across 2 different tiles! Gah! Unfortuately this means that there will be no advanced lighting for anyone. Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up.
    roburky 16 years ago
    If you just put in a simple quick text in the top left with the name of the current suit mode, it would probably help in figuring out what they all do.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Now for another progress report!
    I've done some of the epilogue tutorial, cleaned up some (well, a lot) of code, made changing suit modes alter your colour (with exception of Maximum Suit, so far) and added alternate fire modes to most of the weapons! Best of all once you change modes your weapon continues to be wielded! Even better the new weapon code structure allows me to easily create code which enables you to add silencers, grenade launchers, etc. to your weapon! (but maybe in a few versions)

    Here is what each does:
    Handgun - Single shot
    Handgun Alt - Longer fire rate, stuns enemy, deals more damage, electrically charged (water + electricty = zap)

    Assault Rifle - Automatic
    Assault Rifle Alt - Full clip burst (40 once)(subject to change)

    Shotgun - Wide shot
    Shotgun Alt - Accurate shot

    Laser - Single shot
    Laser alt - Bigger, stronger, longer fire rate, more energy consumption

    Flame Thrower - Wide, mid range (about half of screen!!)
    Flame Thrower alt - Thinner, long range (WHOLE length of screen)

    No-Requirement Gun - Single shot
    No-Req Gun alt - Rail gun-ish shot, weaker, goes through enemies, way faster

    Fusion Beam - Constant, instant, accurate, passes through enemies
    Fusion Beam Alt - Constant, instant, inaccurate, stuns enmies, doesn't pass through

    Plasma Cannon - Fires a ball which spreads electricity horizontally from it's facing
    Plasma Cannon Alt - Fires a ball which spreads electricity in 360 degrees, uses double energy, has double the zap

    Scout Rifle - Single shot
    Scout Rifle Alt - Full clip burst (14 sniper once)(subject to change)
    Forum » Virus mod- v0.09a Lite version now available!
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