Now for another progress report! I've done some of the epilogue tutorial, cleaned up some (well, a lot) of code, made changing suit modes alter your colour (with exception of Maximum Suit, so far) and added alternate fire modes to most of the weapons! Best of all once you change modes your weapon continues to be wielded! Even better the new weapon code structure allows me to easily create code which enables you to add silencers, grenade launchers, etc. to your weapon! (but maybe in a few versions)
Here is what each does: Handgun - Single shot Handgun Alt - Longer fire rate, stuns enemy, deals more damage, electrically charged (water + electricty = zap)
Assault Rifle - Automatic Assault Rifle Alt - Full clip burst (40 once)(subject to change)
Shotgun - Wide shot Shotgun Alt - Accurate shot
Laser - Single shot Laser alt - Bigger, stronger, longer fire rate, more energy consumption
Flame Thrower - Wide, mid range (about half of screen!!) Flame Thrower alt - Thinner, long range (WHOLE length of screen)
No-Requirement Gun - Single shot No-Req Gun alt - Rail gun-ish shot, weaker, goes through enemies, way faster
Fusion Beam - Constant, instant, accurate, passes through enemies Fusion Beam Alt - Constant, instant, inaccurate, stuns enmies, doesn't pass through
Plasma Cannon - Fires a ball which spreads electricity horizontally from it's facing Plasma Cannon Alt - Fires a ball which spreads electricity in 360 degrees, uses double energy, has double the zap
Scout Rifle - Single shot Scout Rifle Alt - Full clip burst (14 sniper once)(subject to change)