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  • Virus mod- v0.09a Lite version now available!

    Crazy 17 years ago
    Ah, don't get your panties in a twist.

    Or however the saying goes.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    5. "?"?
    6. Of money?
    Hee hee, he doesn't get it.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Aegis" said:
    5. "?"?
    6. Of money?
    Hee hee, he doesn't get it.
    I remember seeing it somewhere before...Then an anvil with "ACME" written on the side fell on my head...
    roburky 17 years ago
    I gave this a go.

    The interface you've made is very impressive, and I like the layout of it. Can I ask what the blood bar does, out of interest?

    I had a play about with the weapons in the starting area. Grenades are impressive. Then I got into the spaceship. At that point, my ship flew off into the edge of the screen, and an almighty swarm of little ships, um, swarmed me. It took me a while to get my ship off the edge of the screen, and then I couldn't get the hang of flying it. I think possibly partly because I couldn't see my ship under all of the little enemy ships. I just kept zooming from map to map, and just as I figured out how to equip my ship's weapon, I died.

    I'd say that space section really needs work. A bit of peace when first taking off to at least figure out the controls would be wise, and I'm not sure if you intended for all of the enemies to instantly attack you.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Interface: Redemption made it.
    Grenade: Redemption made it. (but I did did the right click thingy!)
    Blood bar: Redemption made it.

    The blood bar is how much blood you have. You can't heal normal health without full blood.
    I added the ship at the last second, basically. It would be fixed, but I'm only working on the player at this point. I have part of a tutorial and I'm going to add it in next version.

    "roburky" said:

    I'd say that space section really needs work. A bit of peace when first taking off to at least figure out the controls would be wise, and I'm not sure if you intended for all of the enemies to instantly attack you.

    Why does the station need work? Are you talking about the massive amounts of energy and health you have once you get on?

    Crazy promises
    You can pick up everyday objects and throw them.
    A 1337 team of marines which follow you around, each with it's own special abilities.

    If one of the 1337 marine people dies, the storyline is directly effected.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Dual assault and shotgun finished. (It's really fast when I already have at least one dual-wieldable already)

    Having low blood makes some funky diziness effects.
    Tank bug fixed.
    Tutorial at start.
    W00t! Storyline!

    Notepad++ Custom Notrium code made! Huzzay!
    New suit mode: disruption. It messes with gravity and everythink!

    I'm not going to release the next version for a looooong time. Instead Im going to update cukkoo bananas then release it.

    New shield system. It is 110% different from mageking17's. It has perfect detection, it's easier to understand, it only requires 2 scripts instead of 1 script for each health loss amount. Look out for it in the library once I tweak it a bit.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    New shield system. It is 110% different from mageking17's.
    It's ZeXLR8er!!'s, actually, but I thank you for thinking I came up with the system.

    I actually came up with a really neat reactor-fuel system for Wazzal II Beta... 1? 2?, but I never updated it for the latest version.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Aegis" said:
    New shield system. It is 110% different from mageking17's.
    It's ZeXLR8er!!'s, actually, but I thank you for thinking I came up with the system.

    I actually came up with a really neat reactor-fuel system for Wazzal II Beta... 1? 2?, but I never updated it for the latest version.

    Doh! It's just that in the modding library you were the only one to mention that it was Wazzal II's system! Co-incidence or conspiracy?

    NEW (after 20 seconds): I'm gonna kick speed mode since Notrium doesn't like very fast moving objects Quantum Teleporting through walls, etc.

    NEW (after several hours): Alas, a crippling bug is 'sploding my mod from the inside out. It better work out...*fist shaking*

    NEW (after even more hours): The crippling bug isn't showing it's faceless face! Here's the bug: You can only fire any weapon once before all weapons fire, but no bullets come out!

    I BEG ANYONE TO HELP ME! This is worse then my first bug!
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Maybe the dual wieldable weapons scripts are messing up somehow.
    Try adding messages to all those scripts (or any latest/modified ones) to see if the message pops up when the bug appears.


    What were you working on when it happened?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I was working on a script which disabled the shield from charging whenever you were hit. The only effects it had on anything were scripts which charged the suit energy. I've also tried creating messages for all related scripts, but no scripts are related to every single gun.
    roburky 17 years ago
    I've experienced something similar. Weapons continue to fire, with all the ammunition drains etc, but no bullets come out. It was somehow related to my high temperature scripts with screen/mouse shaking, speed changes, bar drains et. I remember tweaking the timers on them, and it stopped. I still don't know the precise cause.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "roburky" said:
    I've experienced something similar. Weapons continue to fire, with all the ammunition drains etc, but no bullets come out. It was somehow related to my high temperature scripts with screen/mouse shaking, speed changes, bar drains et. I remember tweaking the timers on them, and it stopped. I still don't know the precise cause.

    I've tweaked the timers a bit but it still isn't working. I've also come to the conclusion that it isn't script related, as I have moved the end_of_file; right at the start, and the problem still persisted. Did you tweak anything else? Like player_races etc.?
    roburky 17 years ago
    As I say, it seemed to fix itself without anything of any substance changing in my files. It only happened when the player was at high temperature, so it was only the scripts file that I tweaked.

    If it begins after you've fired a weapon once, maybe it's something to do with your weapon firing effects?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Aaaaahhhh.... Problem fixed! *drools* If yoummust know what the problem is, here I go:
    Firing a weapon raised a bar which can't go over the maximum (so the bar needs to go down before firing again).
    A script usually does this but another script contradicted that script, and this happened because another 2 contradictions were forcing another script to contradict itself. Confused?

    P.S. Thanks roburky. Ye shall be hailed through thee ages!
    roburky 17 years ago
    I'm glad you fixed it, even if I don't understand it.

    Edit: Hmm, actually my similar problem has resurfaced. Would you be able to give me any tips back on what I'm looking for to get rid of it?

    Edit: Ah, I found what was causing mine. A firing effect on my weapon was adding to my temperature bar. But if the temperature bar was already at maximum, the effect wouldn't allow it to increase it further, and this somehow prevented the weapon from firing its bullet. Was this at all similar to your problem?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Update Log (for those who care :wink

    -You now keep your items wielded once you exit stealth.
    -More bug fixes.
    -Gun stutter bug fixed.

    -Speed mode kicked.
    -Some scripts fixed.
    -102nd script reached! (if you ignore the 17 unused ones)
    -Player_race bugs fixed.
    -Player health knocked back up to 100.
    -Bleeding now creates some funky cursor and screen shaking.
    -When you bleed you actually bleed now.
    -The usual bug fixes.
    -More tutorial.

    "roburky" said:
    Edit: Ah, I found what was causing mine. A firing effect on my weapon was adding to my temperature bar. But if the temperature bar was already at maximum, the effect wouldn't allow it to increase it further, and this somehow prevented the weapon from firing its bullet. Was this at all similar to your problem?
    Pretty much exactly the same.
    themados 17 years ago
    I know this is off topic but why am i the only person to cast a vote
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Because nobody else gives a damn.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Because nobody else gives a damn.
    Note to self: Add random, lucky, super-prize to increase voters.

    Update to those who give a damn (not mageking):
    Bug fixes
    Suit mode selection method thought up. Here's what it could do if everything works.
    Holding down middle mouse button will create a bunch of plot objects each displaying a different suit mode, hovering the cursor over these will highlight / change their size, then releasing the button will select the power.

    The only problem is that I don't know how to position the plot objects...
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Sounds like a great idea.

    "Aegis" said:
    The only problem is that I don't know how to position the plot objects...
    Use effect 68 (Unless you want the plot objects to be placed in an absolute location regardless of where you are facing [Using effect 55 could help with this, but could cause other problems]).
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Thanks Redemption, it works perfectly.
    themados 17 years ago
    Can you please update your download soon cause all these updates sound awsome
    Aegis 17 years ago
    There is a very annoying problem with the middle mouse button selection method. The problem is that the plot_object is dropped relative to the player's facing, meaning that only the top plot object can be selected, as it rotates with the cursor. Here is a screeny:

    (it won't resize because the forums have a limit)
    Got any ideas anyone?

    "themados" said:
    Can you please update your download soon cause all these updates sound awsome
    Not for a little while. I still have to:
    - Do more bug fixes.
    - Finish the tutorial.
    - Add 6 new suit modes.
    - Make the first mission.
    - Implement the storyline.
    - Fix graphical issues.
    - Add the suit selection thingy.
    - Add different suit graphics.
    - Fix the Marine destruct mode.
    - And more!

    - Added ISR suit mode (increased sensory reception)
    - Added targeting optics suit mode.
    - Armour is now the default suit mode, meaning that you will always be on armour of you're not on anything else.
    - Increased weapon shake.
    - Player health is now back to 50
    - Bug fixes.
    roburky 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    There is a very annoying problem with the middle mouse button selection method. The problem is that the plot_object is dropped relative to the player's facing, meaning that only the top plot object can be selected, as it rotates with the cursor. Here is a screeny:

    Maybe have the selection objects dropped on a press of the middle mouse button, rather than holding it down, and have them disappear only when one is selected.
    Could pause the game with the game speed altering effect while the player does this, perhaps. I don't know if that works.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    That's what I was thinking of originally, but I would like it if the player could continue moving as well, for near-seamless selection. I could always use that as a backup, though.

    Only 2 suit modes remaining: strength and ion shield.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    YES! YES! YESSS!!!!


    Yes my caps was stuck on...sorry
    Zeron 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    YES! YES! YESSS!!!!

    Oh dear.
    themados 17 years ago
    how much longer until next beta thing im drooling i cant wait *drools uncontrollably*
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Progress Update for non-Magekings
    - I've basically finished the suit selection method, and I must say that it is the perfect way to change suit modes.
    - I've finished suit-strength
    - Unfortunately i'm having a teensy bit of trouble with the plot_objects growing bigger when the cursor hovers over it (you see 2 at once) but you don't need that, do you? Anyone? Excellent.

    Well...I 've basically finished suit strength, and since everybody can't wait I guess that I'll have to cut my to-do list and change it to this:
    - Abruptly end the tutorial.
    - Make first mission
    - Complete suit-selection
    - Make Ion-shield

    First Mission:
    - Don't bother doing security cameras
    - Don't bother making civilians
    - Don't bother making key-cards to open different security doors
    - Don't bother making everything-go-dark-at-the-end-and-have-a-choice-between-an-extremely-weak-torch-you-found-on-the-ground-or-the-All-Seeing-suit-mode,- but-at-the-cost-that-you-can't-use-any-other-suit-modes.
    - Don't bother putting in the story
    - Don't bother making a weird mutan--- I've said too much.

    (edit: I probably actually will add that!)
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    Progress Update for non-Magekings
    Honestly, I only said once that "Nobody gives a damn", and it was a cynical observation about human nature and a joke. Now are you really going to bring it up every time you post a progress update?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Aegis" said:
    Progress Update for non-Magekings
    Honestly, I only said once that "Nobody gives a damn", and it was a cynical observation about human nature and a joke. Now are you really going to bring it up every time you post a progress update?
    But it was WRONG.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Aegis" said:
    Progress Update for non-Magekings
    Honestly, I only said once that "Nobody gives a damn", and it was a cynical observation about human nature and a joke. Now are you really going to bring it up every time you post a progress update?
    I knew it was a joke. And I'll probably stop bringing it up every single progress update I make...unless, of course, I absolutely need to. I'll let you use your imagination to decide when it'll be.
    harwe 17 years ago
    Not now, not ever?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Nah. I already did it.

    Progress update NEW!
    - I've made an NPC who will stick with you for a while.
    - You can interactively talk to him by choosing the topic from a list.

    Progress update NEW-ISH!
    -Mission 1 design etc. started
    -Story *half* implemented

    Does anyone mind much blood? There's lots of blood in Mission 1.

    Progress Update OLD
    - Suit modes finished
    - Suit selection finished
    - Added pre-selection effects
    - Beginning work on mission 1.

    Expect the release in 5 days to 20 years.

    I'm making slow progress because of all of these finicky suit scripts, they always want to contradict eachother, as I have lots of bars all over the place.
    But with the suit selection finished releases will pick up!
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Thats right, it's FINALLY released.
    There are heaps of changes, but the main update is the suit.
    New controls:
    Y: get out of tank
    T: TALK TO SOMEONE (critically important)
    Middle Mouse Button: Access suit controls.
    I forgot the rest...
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _v0.07.rar</a><!-- m -->

    Coming next version (yes, already)
    Smarter AI: uses eat objects, they talk to eachother, hopefully no more killing walls.
    Destructible trees: You shoot, they fall, it hurts. I just need the graphics.
    Mission 2.
    More to mission 1.
    Etc. etc. BLAH BLAH BLAH

    Uploads are talking so long that I think that I'll release a new graphics pack for each version, as a seperate file which requires the previous pack.
    Forum » Virus mod- v0.09a Lite version now available!
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