"Quanrian" said: while maintaining an oddball or two for varities sake. Those oddballs can be random tribes. Combining several cultures into one might be a bit tricky, it might seem a little dumb to people who meet a virtual person from Asia, who has Roman body armour, worships Zeus (Aegis is Zeus' shield, by the way ), and drink tea while saying "poppycock" like the English . 'K, how about this: Greek architecture, everyone speaks English (so I can understand ), Chinese ninjas, martial artists, and Lord Poopingmyer's magic civilization of mages and magicians.
We also need to decide upon the percentages of the world, I've discovered yet another world builder which has the following options: Map width and height (no particular measurement) Map size - in thousands of the random measurement above The wrapping of the world - what shape the world is (the Earth is round, I repeat ROUND , SHOCK HORROR!) The creating method - 0=none, 1=random height generator, 2=not as random height generator, 3=island based Presence of incredibly extremely tiny islands Whether the poles should be on separate continents Average temperature of the planet - 0 to 100 (CELSIUS RULZ!) but in this case it actually isn't Celsius, anything below 50 is cold Percentage of map that is land - Earth has 30%, but no-one would want the game to have 70% of nothing Amount of hills and mountains (a bit dumb, but we might be able to replicate it somehow) Amount of water on land - rivers, lakes, etc.