"E_net4" said: Unfortunately, I don't seem to find out a way to enable that kind of scripting with Visual Basic. Sure, this would be an awesome feature, and I'd be glad to add it to Sorced Combat.
Edit: After some searches about the fact, I've seen to get a way to do scripting. I'll be testing it in another project. I might inform you about the results in the Programming thread. A lot of the times it's not really supported, but the trick is this... The trick is to just use variables and fill in the blanks with descriptions on what the variables do. So you're just popping these variables into the game somehow right... Than you're allowing the modder to edit these variables. The last step might be thought to be saving them, but it's the next to last. The last step is that after the new variable has been saved that it can be successfully recalled without crashing the whole thing . Does that help at all or am I just telling you something you already know ?
I used to do stuff like this even using the Game Creators, because they'd allow you to write and read from ini files. So that's all you need to do, is do something like what I did with inis, or what Notrium did with data files. This is at least going to make things a bit more complicated. On the plus side, if no one mods it, you can still add content or make small changes much quicker, without having to change hardcoded stuff.