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  • Monkkonen D&D

    Murska 17 years ago
    It seems we will forget. Play by post D&D, maybe?
    Shingo 17 years ago
    I've just found it hard, in the past, to be a DM... For one thing, having played in Cejer's campaign, IRL, I'm painfully aware of my shortcomings as a DM, and then there's the fact that I'd much rather be a player anyways. I'm still willing to give things a try, though.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    I've just found it hard, in the past, to be a DM... For one thing, having played in Cejer's campaign, IRL, I'm painfully aware of my shortcomings as a DM, and then there's the fact that I'd much rather be a player anyways. I'm still willing to give things a try, though.

    Where's Cejer anyways? I'm supposing he wants to be a player too, but I think the setup of you DMing weekdays and Cejer with his own campaign in weekends was pretty nice, although the distribution could be evened out. I am willing to try playing again. Anyway, Play by Post would probably help in the schedule problems, but I don't know exactly what would it take for a DM to do that. And we'd have to make DM do every roll or find some other way of cheat-preventation.
    Cejer 17 years ago
    I'm around. I'm able to read most posts, but my internet is unpredictable at best. Except on the Wii, which is too annoying to post from most of the time.

    Since I'm having problems with reliable internet access, a game using OpenRPG wouldn't work for me right now.

    I'll be watching this discussion though.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    I'm around. I'm able to read most posts, but my internet is unpredictable at best. Except on the Wii, which is too annoying to post from most of the time.

    Since I'm having problems with reliable internet access, a game using OpenRPG wouldn't work for me right now.

    I'll be watching this discussion though.

    You can still reliably post once per a day or two? Or more?
    Cejer 17 years ago
    Eh, I can post once a day on average, but things may come up which prevent posting for a while (2-4 days). It seems like there isn't a whole lot of interest here on these forums. Or maybe there's interest, but I don't see anyone besides Murska stepping up to start making things work.

    Could interested people at least drop in and add something to this? Maybe mention your favorite group of levels, or what type of campaign theme you would like to see (standard high fantasy, low magic fantasy, survival/horror, etc.). Also, I'd like everyone who's interested to mention what they want to focus on (role-playing, hack and slash, puzzle solving).

    Myself, I'm pretty partial to low levels (1-4). If someone else feels they could do a good job of it, I'd enjoy some horror in the campaign. I'd say we should focus on role-playing if we're going to do a play-by-post campaign, but if we can find a time to use OpenRPG I'd like more of a hack and slash approach.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    I would like to play and would like roleplaying and puzzle-solving more than hack-n'-slashing.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    I would like to play and would like roleplaying and puzzle-solving more than hack-n'-slashing.
    Ditto, to all points.
    Murska 17 years ago
    55% roleplaying, 25% Puzzles and 20% Fights here. I haven't played D&D much at all, so I don't have a favourite type, but prefarably something simple with not too many house rules.

    Anyway, I suggest having most of the game PbP, but important, large fights in ORPG, just for the sake of simplicity in the DM not having to keep a map of everything happening and stuff. About levels, as I said, I haven't played much so I'd like low-ish levels, around 2-5?
    Idiota 17 years ago
    Boy, I'll do anything as long as it's D&D. I don't think D&D without fighting is a possibility, but I also haven't seen enough puzzles yet. I'd go for 40% roleplay 30% fighting and 30% puzzling.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Boy, I'll do anything as long as it's D&D. I don't think D&D without fighting is a possibility, but I also haven't seen enough puzzles yet. I'd go for 40% roleplay 30% fighting and 30% puzzling.

    I haven't seen ANY puzzles, and with me usually being the rogue, with the puzzle, trap and lock-related skills, that's been kind of boring. Usually, the one who plays a fighter has been dominating most of the game.
    Cejer 17 years ago
    My internet problems have made a big step towards resolution today. Sounds like role-playing is going to be the focus, so that's one thing nailed down. Now to try and nail down a couple more...

    Anyone have any preferences for the theme? Anyone else want to DM? If the answer is no to both questions, then I suppose I'll have creative freedom to get something set up.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    I'd prefer a campaign with players on the good side, if that doesn't hamper your crative freedom too much, or evil players battling good foes. Not evil players battling undead, for example.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    My internet problems have made a big step towards resolution today. Sounds like role-playing is going to be the focus, so that's one thing nailed down. Now to try and nail down a couple more...

    Anyone have any preferences for the theme? Anyone else want to DM? If the answer is no to both questions, then I suppose I'll have creative freedom to get something set up.

    Having the possibility of both evil and good characters would be hard to do, I imagine, but could add to the story /if/ the evil character is well played. Anyway, I'd prefer a Good-aligned normal campaign, but the "mini-scenarios" from the ORPG D&D were a nice idea I think.

    With mini-scenarios, I mean we have the main quest we'll play, and then maybe some more comical-oriented, maybe different-aligned, maybe even related to the normal campaign some way, small quests with pre-created higher/lower level parties. That could be a bit difficult to arrange in PbP, though.
    Cejer 17 years ago

    Do my eyes deceive me? Do I have players who actually want to be heroic do-gooders battling against evil? Did I just use a smily? AM I REALLY UP AND POSTING AT 11:26 AM?!

    I mean, wow. Sarcasm aside, one of the big ranty-type things you can't avoid on a D&D forum is how "no one wants to be heroes anymore."

    I suppose a useful question would be, are you opposed to a campaign rife with political intrigue where nothing is as it seems?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    I mean, wow. Sarcasm aside, one of the big ranty-type things you can't avoid on a D&D forum is how "no one wants to be heroes anymore."
    How odd. My first priority in playing RPGs is to be good.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    Cejer, I love that type of RPing.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Cejer" said:
    I mean, wow. Sarcasm aside, one of the big ranty-type things you can't avoid on a D&D forum is how "no one wants to be heroes anymore."
    How odd. My first priority in playing RPGs is to be good.
    My own morals prevent me from playing an evil character for anything longer than a few minutes at a time. I simply detest the character too much to play for longer.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Cejer" said:
    I mean, wow. Sarcasm aside, one of the big ranty-type things you can't avoid on a D&D forum is how "no one wants to be heroes anymore."
    How odd. My first priority in playing RPGs is to be good.
    My own morals prevent me from playing an evil character for anything longer than a few minutes at a time. I simply detest the character too much to play for longer.

    Same here, although that could be because the "evil" side in games like KOTOR and Jade Empire are more like "Annoying spoiled brats", who do evil things for no gain, and kill people just because they said something annoying. That's not the type of evil I want to be. Anyway, if nothing is as it seems, I'll kill everything and be very happy.

    I do have this tendency of wanting to try a character who's all for himself, meaning if he has to choose between himself and a realm, he'll choose himself. But thus far, there's never been an opportunity.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Hm. I've always thought that "neutral evil" chars are the easiest to play.
    Shingo 17 years ago
    Rawr. I want to play a pimped out spellcaster, augmented with information from the Complete Arcane and well as the Complete mage. =D
    Cejer 17 years ago
    Just so you all know, I've pretty much decided upon the start of the campaign. I've got a couple hooks to throw at you. I haven't typed it up yet.

    Anyway, I need your characters to have a backstory. Maybe a paragraph or two is required, but you can write up to three pages. Because I don't want to wade through a novel to find potential plot hooks. Something that should be in your backstory is why a barely trained adventurer is on a ship headed towards the country of Fasilla, well known for its rocky coastlines and superior steel.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    I'm on it.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Hmm, if I can manage to grab my character sheet from my dad's computer, I'd probably be willing to participate.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    Just so you all know, I've pretty much decided upon the start of the campaign. I've got a couple hooks to throw at you. I haven't typed it up yet.

    Anyway, I need your characters to have a backstory. Maybe a paragraph or two is required, but you can write up to three pages. Because I don't want to wade through a novel to find potential plot hooks. Something that should be in your backstory is why a barely trained adventurer is on a ship headed towards the country of Fasilla, well known for its rocky coastlines and superior steel.

    It would probably help my pitiful backstory-building abilities to know more about the world and the setting?
    Cejer 17 years ago
    Well, the setting is pretty barebones right now. There's not a lot of detail nailed down. For now you can assume that the traditional European fantasy cliches exist in at least part of the world. We can retcon proper names and such into your backstories as/if it becomes appropriate.

    I'm not really asking for a biography of your character. I would just like to know why he dropped out of training or never trained at all, and I would like to know why your character picked his adventuring career.

    In personal news, school has started. So I'm not likely to produce facts about the world that don't relate to your characters in some way. On the other hand, I'm assured of computer, not merely internet, access from now on.

    EDIT: Fassila terrain is dominated by a rocky coastline and borders of tall, mostly impassable mountains. It has a low population of humans, but the large amount of money made from the Fassilan steel means that it is a very urban nation. Most of the food is imported, and nobles have been replaced by merchant princes. Little open warfare has occured, so there is a small number of traditional ruins and dungeons. Instead of using armies, the merchant princes constantly wage a war of espionage and sabatoge against each other. There are two dwarven clans in Fassila. One is the famed weaponsmiths. The other clan is made of hardy sailors and seaman. The other common races are rare, without cities of their own.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    Well, I am kind of writing a biography write now. :p Just because I like to I guess, but I'll eventually reach the part as to why my character is on a boat to Fassilia

    EDIT: Ok, I finished it. How does this look?

    Raevin Yorgander was raised in an Orphanage in the city of Glennis, a coastal city located in human lands near the border with the more savage tribes to the north. Glennis flourished thanks to it's location. there's a river that runs right through it, coming from the Dwarven mountain kingdom to the west, to whom many traders seek to seek to sell their wares. However, only the wealthy, with the right ships to carry these dwarven items over the ocean, truly had benefit from this. Most of the people were very poor, most of them being located on the northern river bank.

    After giving birth to Raevin's little brother, a noble came to claim mother as his wife, because he was horribly attracted to her. Father could do nothing to stop him, but he did make a deal. Raevin's little brother was to be raised by the noble, and Raevin was to be allowed to work for them for half a day, in return for half a day of education. He still lived with his father though, who worked hard to buy enough food for the two of them. This went on until Raevin reached the age of 15, when his father drowned in the river. Raevin never got to know why. The noble did not welcome him anymore, since his father was dead, so Raevin was dumped on the street with nothing but his half education, a few coppers and his clothing.

    After a week of aimlessly walking through the city, he met a shady figure, who offered him work and a place to stay. Had he known what type of work it was, he probably would not have accepted. But he did not, and so Raevin started to steal valuables from people. At first, he was unsuccesful. He was caught and beat up more than the times he got away with it, but he did learn from it. But every day was the same: He stole goods, and his boss traded them for a piece of bread. Raevin didn't like that one bit; he wanted to escape his boss. And so, he started hoarding up his own little treasury. Not much, it would never be much. On succesful days, he added a few coppers to the sack, on unsuccesful days, he removed a few. But eventually, the stack grew and grew. And so, on the age of 24, Raevin found himself on the boat to Fassilia as a stowaway. With a few coppers and some adventuring gear with him.
    Murska 17 years ago
    Whoa, I actually finished mine. This must be a miracle. Basically, I've got a human fighter here.

    Kevry Larendo

    Kevry Larendo was born in a normal family near a border between two countries. When he was around 15 years old, a war broke out. The countries were evenly matched, until one of them enlisted the aid of some mercenary wizards. They turned the tide, and used, among others, teleport spells to send squads of soldiers behind enemy lines. One of those squads happened upon Kevry's family, and his father died protecting his house. His mother was sick, and with war turning against them and enemy squads causing damage around, the roads weren't safe for travel. Nobody came in time, and she died, leaving Kevry alone in the big house. He soon decided to leave, and took his fathers old sword. He travelled toward the capital, aiming to join the army and avenge his father. While on the road, he met a deserter-turned-ruffian. He tried to attack Kevry, but Kevry, probably by pure luck, thrust his sword through him, and killed him. Kevry was terrified at first, but soon understood that if he were to ever join the army, he would have to learn to kill. He arrived at the capital, and, being tall for his age, managed to pass as old enough for the army. He was recruited, and sent to the frontlines, because the country was desperate, and the war was being lost. By pure luck, he survived his first encounters and, over the next year of fighting a losing battle, hardened into a real soldier. Slowly but surely, the army lost ground to the invader, and were soon almost defeated. The capital was under siege and the enemy had conquered the whole of the country. Kevry was on a scouting mission when the enemy wizards launched their most terrible attack yet, blasting a huge hole into the castle, and allowing the enemy troops to pour in. Kevry, observing this from a far-away hill, realised the fight was lost. He fled, and managed to survive. During the next years, he worked first as a mercenary and later as an adventurer, but mostly just roaming around. He wanted to see the world, and was quite well-travelled. One day, he happened to be in a port city. One of the ships was leaving toward Fassilia, and as that was one of the places he had never happened to visit, he decided to step onboard. He bought a trip, and is now on a ship, sailing toward the (distant?) land of Fassilia...
    Idiota 17 years ago
    And my character sheet is ready now as well, should be quite ok. Still waiting for Cejer to check my story though, since he's the one who asked...
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    As some of you already know, I retrieved my character sheet, so a backstory should be forthcoming... if I can stop being distracted by the shiny new/old games I just got/rediscovered.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    I don't think you're amongst the people I expect to phail at their backstory :p
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I don't think you're amongst the people I expect to phail at their backstory :p
    Hey, I can write some pretty awful crap if I set my mind to it. You're just lucky I'm too busy to expend that kind of effort.

    Murska 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Idiota" said:
    I don't think you're amongst the people I expect to phail at their backstory :p
    Hey, I can write some pretty awful crap if I set my mind to it. You're just lucky I'm too busy to expend that kind of effort.


    I really can't. If I try to write, most often I won't be able. Some times, I get an inspiration, and usually that leads to something good. But never, even after trying, have I managed to actually purposedly write something awful.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    *bump* Heloo? Anyone? If this is to ever work we need some more applications people, as well as our DM to stop being aff (away from forum)
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Hey, I can write some pretty awful crap if I set my mind to it. You're just lucky I'm too busy to expend that kind of effort.
    Well, here's my attempt.

    Tumetrin (consider this a placeholder name), a half-elf sorcerer (IIRC. I'm too lazy to double-check my charsheet, but I'm pretty sure my non-half-elf characters are in Baldur's Gate II ), had been learning how to control his gift from an older Sorcerer he met somewhere (So I'm being lazy, it's not like they'll be important to the story), and was on a ship bound for some country near Fasilla (As I do not have a map handy, I can't really give you a name here), when a monster of some kind (a kraken would be nice, but I've no idea if they exist in this setting or not) smashes the ship to splinters. Tumetrin is knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself on a beach, limply clinging to a splintered piece of the ship. This is probably Fasilla, though as I don't know if it has beaches or not, I can't be sure.

    So, is it phail enough, or should I insert random spelling and grammar errors?

    Also, is it Fasilla or Fassila? You used Fassila first, then you started using Fasilla. :/
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