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Calling all forumers

MageKing17 17 years ago
First, a quick reminder about IRC (slightly modified):
"Grim Reaper" said:
For those of you that have an IRC client that supports irc:// URLs, go to irc://

For those of you that don't have an IRC client, go to (requires Java). You can also get an IRC client (with irc:// URL support) from here (ChatZilla, a Firefox Addon) or here (XChat, a standalone IRC client, Windows version).

For those of you that have an IRC client that DOESN'T support irc:// URLs, start up your IRC client, connect to the server and join the channel #MonkkonenWW.

Amarth and I have done a fair bit of collaboration on an IRC bot called "Wolfbot", which many of you know about. "Wolfbot" has been slowly accumulating features, to the point where it's very different now than it was way back when we first made it.

But the reason I'm talking about it now, is because we need players. A minimum of four players are needed to start a game. The pathetic thing is, we don't have four players. We've been forced to use sockpuppets just to be able to test features. But we'd really like to be able to play a real game, and that's where all of you come in.

See, Wolfbot's purpose, for those who don't know, is to allow us to play a game of Werewolf over IRC. Roles include wolves (multiple possible, though we need at least 8 players for that to happen), a seer, and an angel, with the ability to code in more fairly easily.

And we'd like you to play with us, if only so it doesn't keep turning into an everyone vs. the sockpuppets match.

So come on, and join #MonkkonenWW on, and play some Werewolf.
Amarth 17 years ago
You might want to join #monkkonenchat first, though, to poke other people to join you.

And really, the new stuff is awesome. Village Idiot, Doppleganger (almost), anonymous mode, a random AI to play with, random role distribution (different roles are used each game), ... MK is doing good work.
Anarion 17 years ago
Sounds kinda fun. I'm in.
The Gemini 17 years ago
Yea, me too.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
... And I thought I had everyone hooked on Clonk Planet.

Well, enjoy your game(s).
Murska 17 years ago
"Anonymous1157" said:
... And I thought I had everyone hooked on Clonk Planet.

Well, enjoy your game(s).

Get multiplayer to a workable stage and we can talk.
Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
I'm in. I'm bored, PC formated
Murska 17 years ago
"Nuklearni-okurka" said:
I'm in. I'm bored, PC formated

Well, might I suggest coming into IRC one day?
Forum » Calling all forumers

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