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  • DOOM Mod / Aleryon Betrayal

    Redemption 17 years ago
    Bone fragments have been added to hard mode.

    I finally decided on calling the team A marine Rafer.

    FFFFER Cannon finally made. Right now it's pretty much just a beefed up shotgun that uses sniper shells, but I'll try and make a difference.

    There is more new stuff, but it eludes my mind right now.
    Pete 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    Bone fragments have been added to hard mode.

    I finally decided on calling the team A marine Rafer.

    FFFFER Cannon finally made. Right now it's pretty much just a beefed up shotgun that uses sniper shells, but I'll try and make a difference.

    There is more new stuff, but it eludes my mind right now.
    Bone fragments? Sounds nasty. Both to endure and to make.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    Any luck?

    Plus it's been about 5 months since you gave us the game. I think you're meaning of waiting for a long time is going a bit too far >.>;;
    Redemption 17 years ago
    The end to the beta seems a little rushed to me (even though I wasn't rushing) but oh well. Beta 9: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Not everything new is in introduced, so the map editor is available for adding anything I forgot.

    At the start there are two exits. The one to the right starts you off in the dropship, while the northern one leads to the Primary landing pad where the last beta ended (No weapon pickups).

    There is no tutorial for the multiple inventory system yet. Remember that 1=Standard and 2=Close quarters (The others aren't needed yet). If you think you'll forget just press 0 at the start, it'll select the master inventory.

    A good thing for me to know would be the overall killcount and time it takes to complete. My time was two hours and eight minutes, but I knew where everything was.

    New stuff I remember straight away:
    Quick Melee for middle click (Remember this, it's very useful),
    HUD finally upgraded,
    Dialog colour changed,
    Armor lowered (More so in hard mode),
    Grenades (map edit in),
    Starting dropship can be explored,
    Destructable walls,
    Turrets (LP SMG and flamethrower).
    Pete 17 years ago
    My modding skills suddenly seem small and unsignificant.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Yes. I played this for an hour or 2 last night. The work that has been put into is is very impressive. Nice work Redemption.
    harwe 17 years ago
    How could you?!?! you added a cheat button and i accidentally pressed it!!! shame shame....
    Natace 17 years ago
    Could this be uploaded somewhere other than that place, because it wants me to register, and I really don't want to be spammed by stupid emails from that place.
    I'd really like to see this mod, from what I hear, it's very well done, so...i'm all giddy to play it
    Maybe tomorrow i'll register to that site with a new email account or something. Just to download this mod.
    Pete 17 years ago
    *points at Harwes signature*
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Natace" said:
    Could this be uploaded somewhere other than that place, because it wants me to register, and I really don't want to be spammed by stupid emails from that place.
    I'd really like to see this mod, from what I hear, it's very well done, so...i'm all giddy to play it
    Maybe tomorrow i'll register to that site with a new email account or something. Just to download this mod.
    You don't need to register on the site. Thats just for the premium download. There's a free download link on the page too, it just doesn't stand out.
    Natace 17 years ago
    Alright, all sorted out, and mod is downloaded. I also hate filefactory, I registered for no reason, because even after registering I still couldnt download from there.

    On the topic of the mod, it is pretty well done in terms of level design, although, it seemed to be thrown together, like there are too many objects that are sitting around which shouldnt be sitting around, and it looks kinda silly, but ahwell, thats no worries there.
    I read the controls for the game, yet I ended up getting stuck at some big firefight, I couldnt access my inventory or anything, and it was really annoying because all my guys were kinda standing around walking around making those annoying footstep noises, like a machine gun, and I think I was meant to somehow open up a big door...the only problem was that I couldnt find anywhere to do anything.

    In the end, I ended up pressing all the keys on my keyboard and ended up with megahealth and some TZ thing or TY thing.....they arent cheats are they?

    Otherwise, the mod looks pretty good, and I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out eventually
    Redemption 17 years ago
    That cheat button would probably be 'M', because I remember getting rid of '9'.

    Natace: Sounds like you got stuck at the squad seperation level, head up.

    Is the third to last level with heaps of black enemies beatable? If it's too difficult I could get rid of a lot of them or slow down the wall dissapearance for that level.

    I think I mentioned an Aleryon based short story a while back, so I'll mention that I've made another. You won't see it though, because it has too many spoilers.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    It might not appear in the end product, but I'm going to try my hand at making a vehicle. What type of vehicle it will be is open to suggestions. Any specific characteristics and how it will be introduced is also open. My main idea is currently to give it the ability to drift (method already bubbling in head), and for that it'll need a new control style.

    Another idea I'll be working on will be dual nightsticks. I'm not sure how they'd work on other enemies, but these will be mainly for the unarmed scientists.

    The lack of any new stuff updates is because the lack of z,x,c,v,b,n and m keys (broken keyboard) got in the way of modding, specifically z, c and v for the .dats, and z and x for the map editor.

    [Edit] Made a basic vehicle (Quadbike until suggested otherwise). The drift was a big problem (couldn't get a weapon to fire forward relative to creature's legs), so it's been substituted with an omni directional wheel function. This is basically a continuous boost in the direction of the mouse while shooting. If I can I might make a mini upgrade to the beta with the .dats affected by the quad.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    I've started working on the mission after you take pHQ (the end of the beta), which is a rescue operation for one member of Team A (just one). I've thought of two ideas regarding what happens next.
    1st idea: You run and gun you're way through crazed scientists and enemy marines (unless you used the Killswitch) and rescue the Team A guy by bringing him back to pHQ. After he's safely resting in pHQ you find another clue to find another individual Team A marine, who you also have to rescue. This happens again and again until you have the entirety of Team A. This makes pHQ a base of operations with mini sub missions taking place there in a more structured manner.

    2nd idea: You run and gun you're way through crazed scientists and enemy marines (unless you used the Killswitch) and rescue the Team A guy by bringing him back to pHQ. You leave him safely in pHQ, then move back to where you first found him. There you find a clue of some sort that leads to where Team A, as a group, is. You run and gun your way to where they are, only to find that they are already gone, and that you are completely lost. You chase them in the direction you assume they went. This makes pHQ a simple stop on the road, the game will continue without the structure of the first idea, like it has been so far.

    Which idea I go with depends on what you think of it.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    I'd say that the first one sounds the best of the two.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    The second one sounds like Half-Life to me for some reason. I think you should go with that one, but there should be a reason to come back later in the game, except it wouldn't be the same area on the map, but a hell-owned, convincingly similar area. This would unfortunately defeat the purpose of the long-range scanner item from the original game (It'd make it obvious that it isn't the same map area), but I'm sure that thing isn't in your mod.

    ... Or, if you had something else in mind, you could just do the first one.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    "I" said:
    If I can I might make a mini upgrade to the beta with the .dats affected by the quad.

    You need to create your own map with the quadbike creature in it for this (terrain_maps.dat takes up 3.4 megs, too much to upload for just one test map). The omni wheel is what I put in to simulate drift (hold the left mouse button in the direction you're driving then take a sharp turn to simulate a skidding halt [not perfect]).
    The quadbike graphic sucks right now, I'll be changing it later.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Aleryon assault rifle made (Same as normal assault rifle, but with a sleeper gas spray on right click).

    Reached 200 plot_objects and 400 dialogs.

    Enemy marines AI upgraded slightly. They now flee when near death and get killed by punch scientists less quickly.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Shockwave grenade made. Stuns enemies for a while without killing them, good for keeping down the killcount.

    Concussion grenade made. This is like the frag grenade, but with a smaller area with more damage.

    Enemy marines now stop when shooting. It doesn't seem like much, but it makes them a lot more effective against the punch scientists.

    The path for rescuing the new Team A marine now has five maps. I'm not sure how many more I'll be adding to that because once you've found the Team A guy you will be going back through those same maps, so if I put too much in it might make it tedious (You will be slowed down by carrying the guy).

    Once I think of one, I'll be making a new energy weapon.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    The path for rescuing the new Team A marine now has five maps. I'm not sure how many more I'll be adding to that because once you've found the Team A guy you will be going back through those same maps, so if I put too much in it might make it tedious (You will be slowed down by carrying the guy).
    Allow a shortcut back? Teleport or something? You can always up with a story about a vehicle that just happens to break down when you are back or something.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Allow a shortcut back? Teleport or something? You can always up with a story about a vehicle that just happens to break down when you are back or something.
    There will be a few shortcuts on the way back, but no sudden skip back to pHQ. New enemies will be placed in the maps when you have him, so it shouldn't be boring.

    The path for rescuing the new Team A marine now has ten maps, I'll probably stop here.

    Enemy marines with SMGs made.

    Scientists now get killed if they escape the map.

    A turret disabling switch has been made.

    Welding torch weapon made. It has a very short range but can kill enemy marines real fast.

    [Edit] Enemy marines now have debris for blood, except when near death (As in armor fragments falling off, with blood when their armor is in tatters).

    Barricade that stops bullets but not creatures made, it should make a handy little island of safety from hails of gunfire. The effect was made by this polygon:
    haunter 17 years ago
    Hey redemption can u give me a link to ur mod?
    Narvius 17 years ago
    As always: look at harwe's signature.
    haunter 17 years ago
    But it's not there at all....???
    Narvius 17 years ago
    Just search the forum for one of harwe's posts, press that big "HERE" in his sig... and the rest you'll find out on your own.
    harwe 17 years ago
    Its under Betrayal folderi think
    Narvius 17 years ago
    Well, just click on the 'here' in his sig, and a list with "Aleyron Betrayal" as top most item will appear.
    harwe 17 years ago
    I made it bigger since people cant seem to SEE it hehe
    haunter 17 years ago
    lol hmmmm ur right
    Redemption 17 years ago
    The map where you find the new Team A Marine has been made, totalling at eleven maps for rescuing him. The guy has taken a shot to the leg, so he can't move very fast. To make up for this, you can pick him up and carry him around. You can drop him at any point by middle clicking or changing inventory. The guy has a shotgun, so it'll be a good idea to drop him when in combat.

    Next week I'll work on:
    -The path for going back to pHQ (Same maps as the way out, but with new enemies)
    -Trip mines
    -Military Cocktail gun
    -Maybe dual LP SMGs
    Narvius 17 years ago
    I just wanted to say this mod is awesome. But I won't play it until it's finished or abandoned.
    haunter 17 years ago
    Nice work man
    #1survivor 17 years ago
    You should have larry the medic find his way through the trail of bodies to the phq headquarters. You could use the extra help and you could make the game greatly harder.

    Also u should add in some game bosses about a lvl before you find a Team A Member.

    Idea- Further into finding other Team A Members you should run into a hazmat area with mutated scientists. Will include acid spills, radiation areas, and gas chambers, all leathal. another monster in that area, Sludge, crawls along the ground and does medium damage. hazmat areas are all pitch black. makes it more hostile. No light switches either. I bet u could do a few lvls on this.
    harwe 17 years ago
    patience is a virtue... waiting for the mod....
    harwe 17 years ago
    "#1survivor" said:
    You should have larry the medic find his way through the trail of bodies to the phq headquarters. You could use the extra help and you could make the game greatly harder.

    Also u should add in some game bosses about a lvl before you find a Team A Member.

    Idea- Further into finding other Team A Members you should run into a hazmat area with mutated scientists. Will include acid spills, radiation areas, and gas chambers, all leathal. another monster in that area, Sludge, crawls along the ground and does medium damage. hazmat areas are all pitch black. makes it more hostile. No light switches either. I bet u could do a few lvls on this.
    oh i ment to say your demanding alot...
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