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Forum » CD Breakdown

CD Breakdown

Anarion 17 years ago
So there I was happily playing Worms Armageddon on my computer, just killing a few hours on my day off when all of a sudden there was this huge *crunch* from my CD drive.......

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Boy am I pissed. One of my favourite games too. Good thing I'd recently made a copy of the CD isn't it?
Idiota 17 years ago
Bugger... Did it just get crunched or did the disc actually explode in your system? That happened to my cousin once, wrecked his entire computer becausew of all the flying shards.
Anarion 17 years ago
Thankfully the CD pieces stayed in the drive, though by the way the face of the drive was bulging out they almost broke out.

I should've taken a photo of that too....

I'd say the drive is screwed. I think I got all the pieces out, but I have yet to test it to see if it actually still works.
Amarth 17 years ago
...Whoah. Friend of mine told me the same thing happening with The Sims a long time ago. Must be pretty scary.
The Gemini 17 years ago
The Sims? That happened to my cousin too!
E_net4 17 years ago
It never happened to me, though. What could be the reason for a disc to boom? Overheat?
The Gemini 17 years ago
I think its had something to do with the stress the CD experiences when spinning. Perhaps the CD had some kind of fracture, and it broke when the stress got a little too high.
Anarion 17 years ago
That would be my guess too. I have had that CD for many years now, so it may have aged to the point where it just couldn't take the force of being spun that fast anymore.

I just can't believe the fact the it didn't simply break, it shattered. Has anyone tried to break a CD? It's not very easy.
NeoGangster 17 years ago
First time I heard of something like that happend ._.
maybe it shattered because the cd was cold and got hot in your drive pretty fast
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
I almost got Sims 2: Pets to ruin my CD drive because it was statically charged. Nothing happened, but I kinda heard the CD crash with the drive, and it took forever to spin down and open up.

As for you... Well, I wouldn't bother testing it. Just salvage some chips and throw it the hell away.
FREAK 17 years ago
I never had this happen to me before.

Heard of it though.

Guess that game is a bit too destructive!

Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
I was installing Ultimate Online: Age of Shadows on notebook, and then i hear something, the instalation stopped too. So i take the cd out and the down side of it was "removed" a little.
FREAK 17 years ago
that sux...
Marevix 17 years ago
Ouch. Do you have a backup drive? Might need to use a CD/DVD drive emulator for a while.
Bien45 17 years ago
That happened to me to, I was playing Yuri's Revenge then I heard a grinding sound then crack. And now I also have another problem, when I insert a cd the light blinks 3 or 4 times then nothing, I go to my drive letter and theres nothing.
Forum » CD Breakdown

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