You are most definitely cupid. I did not dispute that. I merely suggested that you might not be so trusteable, seeing as you goaded us all in to killing our best hope for winning (i.e. the SEER).
God only knows why the wolves refrained from killing last night.... If you're that sure that I'm a bad guy, go ahead and lynch me. I hope you have fun. A mistake at this point in the game is close to irreversible.
My attack on you isn't so much of a "lynch Him!!!!!" thing, as a good scolding. Before you start just pointing fingers, please do your homework.
You, being cupid, are not a wolf. Therefore you're out've the picture. This leaves 1 Angel left, and at least 1 Wolf, and possibly one other Wolf, and/or a villager. Meaning, that if we lynch an innocent today, it's game over, or possibly, if we lynch the last surviving WW, it's also game over, but for the other team.
If you truly think I'm the wolf, I'll repeat it again: Lynch me.
If, however, you'd like to talk with me and discuss amonst all of ourselves, instead of this Cloak and Dagger business, then I'll meet you on das IRC.