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  • Star Craft II

    The Gemini 17 years ago
    At last, after all these years of waiting, the sequel to the ultimate strategy game of all time has been announced!

    Star Craft II on Gamespot
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Well! Great news!

    I do wonder whether they'll be able to improve on Starcraft 1, though. But ah, Blizzard will be able to do it, I suppose. I'm already glad it's not a MMORPG.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    F**king awesome.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    I do wonder whether they'll be able to improve on Starcraft 1, though.
    I wonder the same thing, but not because I think Starcraft will be so difficult to improve on, but because I doubt Blizzard's skill in making the needed improvements.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    I've been looking at some pictures, and well... This is going to be grand.

    Anyway, time to pay out the bets and start the new one. Which one will be earlier, DNF or Diablo 3?
    The Gemini 17 years ago
    How can you deny the awsomeness of Star Craft, MK17?

    I just can't wait untill I release my badass fleet of battlecruisers upon those arrogant Protoss in full 3D.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    How can you deny the awsomeness of Star Craft, MK17?
    Because I've played Total Annihilation.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "The Gemini" said:
    How can you deny the awsomeness of Star Craft, MK17?
    Because I've played Total Annihilation.
    QFT, although I've only played Spring.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    I never saw why Starcraft was better than any other RTS game out there.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Because, you know, it is the essentialness of RTSs. It is perfectly balanced, allows for 100s of strategies with no single dominating one. It sports three completely different races, a pretty impressive storyline and a very good map editor.

    It's a classic. A game alongside of chess and go, games you might not like but which are good games.

    You cannot compare TA to Starcraft. That's like comparing Deus Ex to Nethack on the ground that they are both RPGs. TA is good. Starcraft is good. Doom is good.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    You cannot compare TA to Starcraft. That's like comparing Deus Ex to Nethack on the ground that they are both RPGs. TA is good. Starcraft is good. Doom is good.
    Both Starcraft and TA were released in 1998 as commercial titles, and though i can understand that you were exaggerating with the comparison, i still find your claim invalid.

    I can see how it has different races and it's balanced and all, but that still doesn't quite raise it to the throne it enjoys.
    The Gemini 17 years ago
    What I find attracting to Star Craft is the athmosphere. Every unit, espesially the terran ones, have their own personality. The music fits perfectly to the different races, and the environment is fantastic! (Strange and alien planets, all those small places such as the gun store "Bob's Guns" you can find in the terran settlements.)
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    You cannot compare TA to Starcraft. That's like comparing Deus Ex to Nethack on the ground that they are both RPGs.
    Oh, Deus Ex wins. Totally.

    Idiota 17 years ago
    That's your opinion, mate. But so far I seem to detect a different opinion in most forumers, including myself. And I have no doubt or whatsoever in Blizzard's skill to make the game awesome. Look at Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3, which were both great sequels to great games imo.

    Although I'm a diehard WoW fan, it's good to hear that Blizzard has been working on a new project.

    EDIT: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    Barebones 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Because, you know, it is the essentialness of RTSs. It is perfectly balanced, allows for 100s of strategies with no single dominating one. It sports three completely different races, a pretty impressive storyline and a very good map editor.

    It's a classic. A game alongside of chess and go, games you might not like but which are good games.

    You cannot compare TA to Starcraft. That's like comparing Deus Ex to Nethack on the ground that they are both RPGs. TA is good. Starcraft is good. Doom is good.

    It's not that balanced, alot of new players use Terrans because they have access to nukes.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Which are expensive and very risky to use. The newbies might be going for the nukes, but once they have a couple of ghosts getting killed, it won't last long. Defiler Plague is at least as effective if you want to decimate defenses.
    The Gemini 17 years ago
    "Barebones" said:

    It's not that balanced, alot of new players use Terrans because they have access to nukes.

    Actually, Star Craft is counted as one of the most balanced games ever made. Through monitoring the multiplayer games, some people found out that the win ratio is 52% to the Terrans, 49% to the Zerg and 49% to the Protoss. As far as I know, no other game with more than two factions has such good balancing.

    I am a veteran on the Star Craft multiplayer net, and trust me, no one have neither the time nor resources to build up an arsenal of nukes. The gameplay is too fast paced.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    Might I also add that all the three sides have many unique abilities and units at their disposal. Kudos to Blizzard for still keeping a steady balance.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    Frankly, to me, this is nothing to seriously freak out over. It's resurrecting an old franchise with a new look, and it's doing what WC3 did for WC2.

    I'm not holding my breath to find out everything that SC2 has to offer. So far it looks like a graphical engine addon with some units stuck to it, but there's also the story to consider which they have not fully disclosed yet.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    You have to look a bit further than that. WC3 has 4 races, WC2 had 2. Most of the units are new and the gameplay is improved, as well as the hero units. Those are quite big changes for an rts, if you compare it with other titles.

    And then StarCraft 2. Did you take the time to download and watch the gameplay trailer? I reccomend it. In it, you could clearly see that Blizzard only had 2-3 of the same units per race, and that those old units had a new ability as well, although they only show the protoss. The concept is still the same, gameplay will be different, story will be different, and that's what making a sequel to a game should achieve.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    I found an extra argument in favor of Starcraft. There are a lot of different multiplayer types, one even stranger than the other.
    Marevix 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    I found an extra argument in favor of Starcraft. There are a lot of different multiplayer types, one even stranger than the other.

    A bit off topic, but is your s/n named after Amon Amarth by any chance?

    I'm looking forward to Starcraft 2, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the original cannot be outdone short of remaking the original with improved graphics.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    A bit off topic, but is your s/n named after Amon Amarth by any chance?
    Yes. But not the band.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    ...i should be counting these occurrences.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    I found an extra argument in favor of Starcraft. There are a lot of different multiplayer types, one even stranger than the other.
    Gee, wonder when you found that out.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "Amarth" said:
    I found an extra argument in favor of Starcraft. There are a lot of different multiplayer types, one even stranger than the other.
    Gee, wonder when you found that out.

    Yeah. Football, gathering Zerglings, etc.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Teamplay where you are both managing the same base...
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Teamplay where you are both managing the same base...
    Can't you do that in any other game by putting your HQ-type buildings right next to each other? 'Cause, y'know, I kinda did it. Works nicely in AoE2.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "Amarth" said:
    Teamplay where you are both managing the same base...
    Can't you do that in any other game by putting your HQ-type buildings right next to each other? 'Cause, y'know, I kinda did it. Works nicely in AoE2.
    Not what Amarth meant. We played this game with me and Amarth versus Murska and Anarion, and our units and bases were COMPLETELY shared (control, colour, everything)!
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "Amarth" said:
    Teamplay where you are both managing the same base...
    Can't you do that in any other game by putting your HQ-type buildings right next to each other? 'Cause, y'know, I kinda did it. Works nicely in AoE2.
    Not what Amarth meant. We played this game with me and Amarth versus Murska and Anarion, and our units and bases were COMPLETELY shared (control, colour, everything)!
    ... Oh.

    Yea, I've done THAT, too. TA Spring can do that if you set your color the same as someone else IIRC.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Teamplay where you are both managing the same base...
    Yeah, that was most definitly a new experience for me. Fun tho. It makes it easier in some respects too.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    Heroes didn't make Warcraft 3 that much different from Starcraft, plus the 2 sides in WC2 had many different unit types compared to the 8 different units for WC3.

    But seriously, I want to see something completely new with Starcraft 2. Maybe 2 layers of a map. Just something.
    The Gemini 17 years ago
    In my eyes, there's nothing you can improve with Star Craft. If the graphic is at the same level as Earth 2160, I'm happy.
    Arawak 17 years ago
    Do any of you know theres rumors about of it being an mmo?

    If it is I hope at the very least not "true" level based.

    either that or I'm VERY confused...

    EDIT: Seems to be separate. it doesn't like me .

    EDIT2: starcraft ghost never came out either.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    I'm waiting for Bioshock that and fallout 3 and fallen earth too...
    I guess I could add another to the list...
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Arawak" said:
    either that or I'm VERY confused...
    You are obviously confused. They announced StarCraft 2, not World of Starcraft. Now pull yourself together, sit down, and wait patiently for the release of the new RTS.
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