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  • The Werivar Expansion Mod.

    kopana 17 years ago
    I feel a bit like the girl in Socks, who woke up one day to find that she was a ghost. I come here and talk to people and it's as if I'm yelling at a deaf man. Sigh T_T

    I should probably add something to this, so it's not just some OT bitchery.

    Ok, I remember a version of Werivar I believe, where you could pick the humans powers and such upon level up. Why isn't that so anymore? I really liked that. Or am I just not realizing that you don't get to pick stuff until like level 30? Which I highly doubt as I can recall at least one occasion where I recieved one of the powers that you would choose at level up entirely randomly. The one where items began to glow in the dark and stand out.
    harwe 17 years ago
    "zerocoal" said:
    soo... in my opinion i hate the warp gun haha doesnt do much damage to the things i need it for (dires) and it knocks me back way too far... then again it does come in handy as a quick escape route. just turn around and blast it a few times and anything following you will either be obliterated or so far away you'll be safe
    theres a better warp gun in that mod
    voobman 17 years ago
    Erm just exactly how do you make laser rifle, double barred pebble shottys and above all, get a METAL TUBE for the glass marble in this mod?

    Oh, and for some strange reason, double barreled turretsd adn battle droids now live in the ancient ruins, not my new home, the refinery.

    (I think i wasted 1200 bullets getting them all out...)
    harwe 17 years ago
    btw, many things respawn.... anyway.... im not sure about all that
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    "kopana" said:
    I feel a bit like the girl in Socks, who woke up one day to find that she was a ghost. I come here and talk to people and it's as if I'm yelling at a deaf man. Sigh T_T

    I should probably add something to this, so it's not just some OT bitchery.

    Ok, I remember a version of Werivar I believe, where you could pick the humans powers and such upon level up. Why isn't that so anymore? I really liked that. Or am I just not realizing that you don't get to pick stuff until like level 30? Which I highly doubt as I can recall at least one occasion where I recieved one of the powers that you would choose at level up entirely randomly. The one where items began to glow in the dark and stand out.

    yeah you dont pick the human abilities anymore, you get them at certain levels. i think the item sight is 6 but you'll need to check the werivar readme for it. he listed them all there. and i know theres another warp gun i just dunno how to make it
    Nocture17 17 years ago

    The Scavenger is indeed supposed to drain food to attack with some abilities, much like other abilities drain energy.

    To make the necessary power units for constructing anything with immense energy requirements, one needs Power Prism Crystals and Fuel Converters.

    The Advanced Exoskeleton does upgrade more, but to upgrade it all the way, you'll need more than just basic armour plating.

    The Timer is a bar, by the way, and the script to reduce it is clearly marked.

    On low health, you will drain food faster. Much like real life, wandering around with a gaping hole in your chest will sap your energy faster than it would if you stopped to plug it up. This makes it more in one's interests to save health packs until you're low on health, rather than just keeping yourself topped up.
    This does, admittedly, make the game slightly less forgiving in certain circumstances.
    To offset this, I might combine the low health food drain with slow regeneration to a minimum level of health at a later date.

    Humans gaining abilities automatically was implemented in the original Werivar mod long before I involved myself in making the expansion. Now, the human gains automatic improvements with level, rather than being able to pick the best abilities straight away.

    Metal tube is, last I recall, still on the same map it is in Basic Notrium. Double barrel shotguns can be made by.... adding an extra barrel, curiously enough, whilst the laser rifle's barrel needs to be added to something a little more potent than the laser pistol.

    And, as I'm still busy with other things in life that prevent me from doing the more entertaining things like scouring through buggy code.... I guess that's all. Ta ta.
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    "Nocture17" said:

    The Scavenger is indeed supposed to drain food to attack with some abilities, much like other abilities drain energy.

    To make the necessary power units for constructing anything with immense energy requirements, one needs Power Prism Crystals and Fuel Converters.

    The Advanced Exoskeleton does upgrade more, but to upgrade it all the way, you'll need more than just basic armour plating.

    The Timer is a bar, by the way, and the script to reduce it is clearly marked.

    On low health, you will drain food faster. Much like real life, wandering around with a gaping hole in your chest will sap your energy faster than it would if you stopped to plug it up. This makes it more in one's interests to save health packs until you're low on health, rather than just keeping yourself topped up.
    This does, admittedly, make the game slightly less forgiving in certain circumstances.
    To offset this, I might combine the low health food drain with slow regeneration to a minimum level of health at a later date.

    Humans gaining abilities automatically was implemented in the original Werivar mod long before I involved myself in making the expansion. Now, the human gains automatic improvements with level, rather than being able to pick the best abilities straight away.

    Metal tube is, last I recall, still on the same map it is in Basic Notrium. Double barrel shotguns can be made by.... adding an extra barrel, curiously enough, whilst the laser rifle's barrel needs to be added to something a little more potent than the laser pistol.

    And, as I'm still busy with other things in life that prevent me from doing the more entertaining things like scouring through buggy code.... I guess that's all. Ta ta.

    haha thanks for all the info, i just still cant find that code >_< and i found out the prism thing cause i just placed a powered ether generator down somewhere and when i picked it up it said "after adding the power prism crystal" etc. last i recall there is a double barrel shotty in the cave at the gorge no clue what to do bout the laser rifle though, im gonna try messing with a sniper pistol or something, maybe the rapid laser pistol thingy (forgot the real name haha (im a loser!!)) oh, and i searched for the metal tube in the editor but i couldnt find it anywhere in the gorge maybe it was accidentally deleted?

    oh and sorry if its hard to read, didnt think about putting spaces between the stuff
    1scifiamo 17 years ago
    The Werivar mod says to unzip to the main Notrium directory but the mod is not available in the game. Where did I mess up?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    You unzipped it in the main Notrium\Data directory.
    1scifiamo 17 years ago
    OK, I think I am in the right place now, it wants to merge 2 folders named data, possibly replacing some files. Do I merge, and do I replace files?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "1scifiamo" said:
    OK, I think I am in the right place now, it wants to merge 2 folders named data, possibly replacing some files. Do I merge, and do I replace files?
    1scifiamo 17 years ago
    Thnx, now it works.
    voobman 17 years ago
    Simple and short answers:

    What is the gorge?
    How does one get a metal tube?
    Why does adding an extra barrel to the shotty not work?
    and, what is a laser rifle made of?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "voobman" said:
    Simple and short answers:

    What is the gorge?
    How does one get a metal tube?
    Why does adding an extra barrel to the shotty not work?
    and, what is a laser rifle made of?
    Actually those are questions.

    HERE are the answers:

    The gorge is an area located somewhere on Notrium.
    One finds it on the ground somewhere in VC Mines, if I recall correctly.
    Perhaps you're not doing it right?
    A laser rifle? Perhaps it's made of a laser pistol + long metal pole? Just a guess, mind you.
    voobman 17 years ago
    Isn't the gorge a dried up marsh?
    harwe 17 years ago
    this is renammed to that i think i dont remember
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    I noticed for the scavenger even after you get your goodies its extremely hard to take out dire reapers do they need to be rebalanced? And turrets dont stay stationary but rather go from map to map with you wich makes it impossible to make a base with them.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Second should be a bug.

    'course, i haven't played Werivar much.
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    think its due to the fact Alien can lay eggs and you can recover an egg in the marshes.

    Edit: with problem #1 I missed out on how to increase battery,carrying weight, and health so that explains it and I find dire reapers fun to burn to a crisp now....
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    For problem #2, you built the base at the edge of the map. OF COURSE it moves between areas with you. That's hard-coded creature behavior. Build your base a bit closer to the center of the map. A pinky's width on the minimap should be enough.
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    ah that explains it how bout on the edge of the red area?
    harwe 17 years ago
    you cant past the red areas, duh.. ;p

    check the tutorials
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    harwe 17 years ago
    oo i also ment to add that if you cant travel through it the items/turrets wont go with... (duh)... less thats not what you want to ask then how the hell do i know what you are asking...
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    yes that is wat I was looking for not an idiotic tutorial covered answer.
    harwe 17 years ago
    oh noes,..... you were just one from actually getting the full version of expansion... i waited too long... great now that we have no recent new mods to play....
    Nocture17 17 years ago
    Depends what you use as Scavenger to be honest. A fire breath scavenger with even comparatively minor armour should be able to cut through Dire Reapers like a supernova through butter, likewise, the Nightmare Claws are the most powerful melee devices in the game, and kill everything in short order.

    For simple anti-alien weapons, fire-based gear is much better than energy gear, especially for Dires, and Volcanic claws will serve much better than Omega claws.

    If you're that worried about my failure to knuckle under and reach a point where I can continue working on the mod Harwe, feel free to continue on it yourself.
    harwe 17 years ago
    just 2 more months before all my testings & school is over.... maybe i can start modding something else then
    Zodiac 17 years ago
    uuh, yea, did something happen to the mod?
    download and installation went without a hitch,
    but for some reason,
    i now have unlimited health, energy, food,
    this is for all races,
    i also start with all werivar abilities,
    and the scavenger cant level at all. (after 4 hours of running around and making approximately 400 units of fat, throwing copious amounts of pebbles ect, nothing has happened)

    so, is there something i should alter to fix this problem?
    (if so, pm or something with exact variables and values, i have no idea what im doing in there.)

    forgot to mention,
    human, and werivar ability growth, whatever it is, is constantly increasing at about 10k per second,
    and nothing happens.
    i can also die, if dealt like 400 damage at once.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    That's... odd.

    Like. ODD.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Zodiac" said:
    installation went without a hitch
    I'm tempted to doubt this...
    Zodiac 17 years ago
    problem was found!

    was using a fairly outdated version apparently...
    so nothin to worry about people

    (i told you that installation went fine, sheesh)
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Zodiac" said:
    problem was found!

    was using a fairly outdated version apparently...
    so nothin to worry about people

    (i told you that installation went fine, sheesh)
    I don't call installing the wrong version installing "fine", but whatever.
    hunter_leader 17 years ago
    Is there any other download links? The V0.9 link doesn't work anymore.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    this mod is pretty hard, there's no way of surviving if you don't get the particle accelerator, for which you have to go through hive. Damn hard.

    P.S. - what do i have to edit to lower psionics life token level cost.
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