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Forum » New 3D Modeling Fun!!!

New 3D Modeling Fun!!!

ahrenjb 17 years ago
Alright, I figured this hadn't been messed with in a while. After a whole bit of practice, I put this out.


Nothing to say about it. I love it.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
It's not too bad actually.


(Sorry, I HAD to stick that in. It's in my blood. Sort of.)
ahrenjb 17 years ago
Hmm, I should contribute to that project in some way, shouldn't I?

Maybe once I can submit models with no shame
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
By the by, Google Scetchup is NOT a 3D Modeling tool per se, it's more of a CAD thingamajig.
Anarion 17 years ago
If you want my opinion (tho you're actually gonna get it whether you want it or not) Wings 3D is the best program to start off with.
Crazy 17 years ago
And i'd still say Truespace...

It'll take awhile to learn, but after you know even the very basic stuff, your options are limitless.
E_net4 17 years ago
Well I say Anim8or! It's simple and great.
ahrenjb 17 years ago
New content bump.
Crazy 17 years ago
OOooh. I like this one.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
"Crazy" said:
And i'd still say Truespace...

It'll take awhile to learn, but after you know even the very basic stuff, your options are limitless.
The website is so obscure that I can't find pricing info, but that super-ultimate-whatever version looks REALLY good.
Crazy 17 years ago
Ah. But don't buy it.

Professional modeling tools are expensive, so i really wouldn't like to taint the forums with this little message, but i have to.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
"Crazy" said:
Ah. But don't buy it.
... But it does procedural methods! *pulls an innocent face*
ahrenjb 17 years ago
Another content bump.
Anarion 17 years ago
[OT]The tri-barrel of that turret kinda reminds me of the Gaat gun from TA. [/OT]
ahrenjb 17 years ago
OT? Afraid I'm confused on that one. Unfortunately I haven't played TA, and Spring has a driver conflict with my hardware.
MageKing17 17 years ago
"ahrenjb" said:

"ahrenjb" said:
Unfortunately I haven't played TA, and Spring has a driver conflict with my hardware.
You poor, sad, deprived person, you.
Anarion 17 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"ahrenjb" said:
Unfortunately I haven't played TA, and Spring has a driver conflict with my hardware.
You poor, sad, deprived person, you.
ahrenjb 17 years ago
I make up for it with excessive other RTS abuse.
Binky 17 years ago
I don't think I've ever played either. I think I might of played the demo of TA once, but it was when my comp had bad drivers and DirectX was missing texturing on the models, so I had see-through stuff, and it looked like crap. Btw, are either of those abandonware?
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
"Binky" said:
I don't think I've ever played either. I think I might of played the demo of TA once, but it was when my comp had bad drivers and DirectX was missing texturing on the models, so I had see-through stuff, and it looked like crap. Btw, are either of those abandonware?
No, but Spring is free.


We're running a bit off topic methinks.
ahrenjb 17 years ago
Yes, so ideas to improve that MG turret?
Madgamer 17 years ago
Laser sight, belt-feeding mechanism, semi-opaque barrels, color (>.>, some kind of muzzle at the end of barrels, cooling mechanism, flashlight,... meh, can't think anymore.
Crazy 17 years ago
Yeah, why not build it IRL and take photos, huh? :S
ahrenjb 17 years ago
Anonymous1157 17 years ago

Sorry, no ideas for you.
E_net4 17 years ago
Great renders you have there.
Now make a render of that "BUMP" sign!
Valor 17 years ago
Man, TA Spring is awesome. I played it for like... five hours. Every day. For two weeks. Then I spent five days in hospital, recovering from intense cramping, nausea and headaches from not being at a computer. Screwed me up so bad... never doing it again.

On topic... uh... what is the topic? There has to be a post that isn't off topic somewhere in this topic but there just doesn't seem to be.

Posting in a week-old topic, lol
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
Funny. I spend fourteen hours a day 24/7 on my computer, and the only thing I've gotten is a strange...

... Nevermind. Oh, and the topic is OBVIOUSLY to comment on the stuff in the first post. But since we already have, there's no point in ever having posted for either of us. So, go write in an active thread PLZKTHX.
Forum » New 3D Modeling Fun!!!

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