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Forum » If you were stuck on notrium what would you do?
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  • If you were stuck on notrium what would you do?

    Arcade 20 years ago
    I would take a volleyball and draw a face on it with my own blood and I would call the volleyball Wilson. Gee, it sounds like something out of a movie
    Crazy 20 years ago
    it is.

    i would try to fix the radio and build somesort of shelter. i probably wont go hunting queens. but i would fortify the base. with turrets if i can get any but just traps will have to do if i cant. but the thing is what i actually would do is run away from the first creature i see (a bug?) right into the lap of the queen.
    surf424 18 years ago
    i would press ALT+TAB and edit the game files so i was invincible, then go back and KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES WITH MY PULSE LASER!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "surf424" said:
    i would press ALT+TAB and edit the game files so i was invincible, then go back and KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES WITH MY PULSE LASER!
    Dude. You cannot Alt+TAB life. And that's exactly what this thread is about; What would YOU do if YOU would be stuck in Notrium IRL.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I would... I don't know, how am I even supposed to get stuck on it?
    Anyway, I would be making a small base to keep myself safe from those aliens.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Man. I'd go to Eden and totally chill out in the healing rain.
    surf424 18 years ago
    ...and get massacarred by the walking plants, Great plan Amarth!
    harwe 18 years ago
    kill em first, duh... id go with the buildin a base and rule the planet

    "Continuing Evil Genius Thread, I" said:
    Admiral 18 years ago
    I'd fix the radio then head straight to the Ship Cemetery and attempt to build a Radiator (I mean Fuel Cells and Particle Accelerators are everywhere there)
    Using some of the ship wreckage as a temporary home - Wait! I wouldn’t know where the Ship Cemetery WAS would I?
    Well, I would find an area where Fuel Cells and Particle Accelerators are abundant and attempt to build a Radiator.
    Using some of the local wreckage as a temporary home, I’d wait for a Ville Corp. patrol, kill one and take his uniform & pistol & ammo. Find the base of operations (Mining area) board the shuttle.
    Taxi up to the mothership, find the engine room, shove the Radiator into the Main Reactor on overload. Rush to a Shuttle & set course to nearest colony and get the hell out of there as the Mothership explodes behind me!
    Pete 18 years ago
    Id probably walk into the corner of my escape pod and cry myself to sleep.

    ...what? Thats reasonable! Like when you would crashland on a planet with no hope of rescuing you would feel good.
    Bien45 18 years ago
    Ill use some of the wreckage to reenforce the hermits hut and make a roof with skylights amd build a holo tv and make it run on solarpower and build lots of weapons and build a pelican class dropship (from HALO)and replicate my self 8 times using the replicator or improved ones at least
    Pete 18 years ago
    Ever heard of using more than ONE sentence in a post? And that new thing they developed in Japan, its called "spelling", we use that too. We also use these >>>.<<< at the end of sentences.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    In addition to what Pete just said, I seriously doubt that you even know how to build all that stuff.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    I still vote for alt-tabbing!
    zerocoal 18 years ago
    hmm.. i think i would climb out of my escape pod, see the hermit and crawl back in to hide... or blast him i the face with the fire extinguisher. that sounds fun. after that i guess i could try to survive in his hut for a little while until the aliens or marines come and chase me off. then i'd dig a bg hole like bugs bunny and live there until i get eaten again ^_^
    Arawak 17 years ago
    HAHA Your all slightly moronic for crash landing, However I would probably get stuck there by testing a prototype teleportation device that ill eventually make. (I have 100 years about after all)
    And me being me would come prepared who knows whats on the other side after all, possibly after two or three trips and getting lost once so the portal collapses, And by then somone else would probably know.

    Well unless im a hermit which is probable.

    the things I would bring would be

    A spear doubles as a walking stick favored melee weapon.
    A backpack.
    A full week ration's (M.R.E's)
    A water purifying unit (handheld) with replacment filters.

    An air tank for the first trip along with proper breathing apparatus with a level three combat-hazmat suit with detchable/replaceable segments along with extra segments.

    A lightweight airtight canister (for storing food animals eat "food" so this way they dont smell it,mostly as a specimen container.)
    A Expensive first aid-kit with steriod's and the whole enchilada.

    Two liters of water and a drinking apparatus.

    A hoversled with storage compartment and a large weight capacity.
    A detachable fast-moving landrover that can attach to the hoversled two-person capacaty, About the size of a metro geo and very "boxy" purchased second hand from an airport because it "Was" a luggage carrier also refitted.

    also a shovel.


    An arm mounted spring loaded forearm blade that springs back to your upper arm when not in use, comes with a mount for a .50cal pistol that I thought up on my head.

    When in use has a deflector sheild on the shoulder, like a protoss zealot from starcraft arch next its next but a deflecter sheild.

    "the slow knife gets through the oversheild" -Obscure dune quote

    If you dont get what I said think of bloodraynes katars much like that.

    A machete for foilage

    A spear but not just any spear a naginata

    Plan: first when trapped (after panicing) I would check for animal signs and chart where they travel etc and find a relativly safe area and build a perimiter. (small perimiter)

    Then I would find out whats good to eat and whats not among the animals and plants (marine survival techiques ftw!!) hoping theres good leaves for "wiping"

    Then I would build a mobile shelter from the hovercart with a roof etc (possibly have one for rainy days at the airports pre-reinforced)

    then build a hole in the ground then lower the hoversled into it make an entrance. then check if its watertight camoflage that along with the hovercar (lightly so it can rise up for a quick escape) dragging the hoversled along.

    more later if i feel like it.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    I would, after much effort and scavenging, construct myself a silenced sniper rifle with a scope. Over the course of several weeks, using ammo I found around and ether, I would one my one eradicate all the marines from a safe distance.

    Once I managed to acquire a shuttle key card, I would take the shuttle back to my base of operations. Using a scavenged warp coil, I would manufacture a warp drive for the shuttle, hopefully successfully installing it. If time was not of the essence, I may even construct a laser or two to mount on my shuttle in case of unknown threats.

    Fleeing to the closest safe world, never to return to that dreadful planet, I would live a happy life!
    Pete 17 years ago
    I still stand by my statement that most people would probably crawl to the corner of the escape pod and cry themselves to sleep. Bravery is a bad thing
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    I still stand by my statement that most people would probably crawl to the corner of the escape pod and cry themselves to sleep. Bravery is a bad thing

    i agree with you, bravery is a bad thing, but love is bad too! bravery gets you killed but love just makes you suffer forever. but yeah crying myself to sleep as the hermit tries breaking in would be fun
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    The point is, when you woke up, where would you go from there. Some would probably admit defeat, but the stronger of us would do what it takes to survive. Maybe even returning to civilization some day.
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    eh? who says you'd wake up? if you fall asleep in a space pod with a hermit pounding n your door hes gonna get in eventually, and if he doesnt then the pounding is going to attract something... and since you just blew a hole in the roof i dont think theres anything keeping you safe cept some several layers of metal
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    Those several layers of metal were enough to protect you during an uncontrolled reentry and a crash landing, so I think they can keep a hermit out while you sleep.
    zerocoal 17 years ago
    haha but dont you think the crash landing woulda ruined chunks of it, and mostly the part that actually hit the ground? if a bunch of things got together and decided to "lean" against it... BYE BYE SPACE PIRATE! bwahahahhaa
    Sherimital 17 years ago
    As a Human: Build a whole crapload of turrets, make a bunch of barriers, stock up on medkits, and go take over the northern area to barricade myself to hell and send a distress signal. Sip Specimen Containers of Eden rain with slices of lemon while I watch a massacre, then get picked up from the middle of a base which would defend itself for ages and ages.

    As an Alien: Kill off the pesky Ville Corp. presence, destroy the Missile Base, and start breeding Blue, Brown, and Reaper aliens as foodstock and entertainment for myself and my brood. Rule the planet, and make plans to conquer others.

    I dunno about the others, I havn't played them yet
    D0M0 17 years ago
    I'd crawl out pf the escape pod. Beat the hell out of hermit, take his key, exit his hut and... get eaten by a first alien that comes by
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Hm. A realistic outlook.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Elukka 17 years ago
    Let's see. I can't build much anything, i'm just a kid and i'm not in very good shape.

    Err, maybe i wouldn't do too well.

    First, food. Then i'd try to build some sort of hut in a high tree and then a simple weapon, like a spear. I'd probably get eaten before that, though.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:

    It's just the truth. Nothing less, nothing more
    Valor 17 years ago
    Step 1: Get to fire extinguisher
    Step 2: Put nozzle in mouth
    Step 3: Pull trigger

    Nobody said suicide had to be graceful.
    Orange Lightning 17 years ago
    1: Get the Fire extinguisher.

    2: Get out of escape pod.

    3: Blast the Hermit in the face with the Fire Extinguisher.

    4: Punch the Hermit

    5: Take Key from the Hermit's Corpse

    6: Locate the Missile Facility.

    7: Sneak into the Missile Facility.

    9a: Fail to sneak in and get blasted by a turret, OR.

    9b: Succeed in sneaking in, and Get blown away by the Planetary Defence System.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    If I were stuck on Notrium, nothing would say that I'd land exactly on the Hermit's house. So I'd get some defences and food. Then for some weapons. Then I'd get the pieces to go back.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    (6 months later from original posts )
    I would remove the player dies script, live happily, get bored, shot myself, then wish I never got rid of that script.
    1. Walk around until I find a mushroom.
    2. I'd then eat it and throw up.
    3. I'd then kill a blue alien
    4. Eat it and throw up some more.
    5. Kill a brown alien.
    6. Eat it and die of poisoning.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Actually, being stuck on Notrium wouldn't mean you were stuck in the game, I suppose. You'd be stuck in the actual world, so no scripts.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Yes, that's why I provided my second solution.
    Forum » If you were stuck on notrium what would you do?
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