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  • Notrium Version 1.3 Progress

    Arcade 20 years ago
    Will you tell us anything new about the psionic. We didn't hear anything new from him for quite some while.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    The Psionic is my deal entirely, even Ville isn't entirely informed about what I intend to do with it Sort of like me having no clue what additions he's made until he informs me of them

    So I guess i'll recap and perhaps add a bit about the Psionic.

    The Psionic the most physically weak race, it cannot carry anything to begin with because of this problem. It survives primarily through the use of its Psionic Abilities. You access these abilties through special Tokens which represent a focus of the Psionic's mind into a specific discipline. Which are Mass, Heat, Motion, Liquid, Lifeforce and Void. By combining the tokens the Psionic is able to access more abilities and even unlock its own mind. By accessing it and walking within the confines of its mind it can further its abilities and essentially make it more powerful.

    Asides from combining tokens they can be used on their own as each token has its own individual use. For example a Heat token will enflame the Psionic and cause it to heat up, protecting it from growing cold. The Mass Token can allow the Psionic to harness its Essence from a Healing Plant. Costing it the amount of health it stores. Giving it a portable means of healing itself. Which comes in handy being the Psionic's very low health.

    The Psionic's abilities which can be thought of like spells are separated into Four Tiers. The First Tier is instantly available, allowing the Psionic six abilties to start with. Each Tier requires a visit into the Psionic's mind to procure a new token. Each now token allowing for more combinations and thus more abilities. Creative use of its abilities is essential to its survival.

    The parts of the game which take place inside the Psionic's mind are called Dreamscapes and represent the Discipline you're able to obtain in them. You cannot leave a Dreamscape until you've obtained the token, so there is no turning back once you enter your mind. You either succeed in growing more powerful, or die trying. This serves as a difference to normal gameplay which allows you the option to run away. You will be able to re-enter your mind and leave at will once you've obtained the proper token, allowing you to more thoroughly explore that region of the Psionic's mind.

    I've not discussed any of the actual combined abilties thus far so I'll give you a teaser of just a few. Worried about the fact the Psionic can't carry anything to begin with ? Worry not, as Psionic Strength allows it to carry a fair amount with no trouble. The Psionic will possessing now real physical prowess might seem weak, yet one of its first abilties Psionic Blast allows it pound creatures with a projection of its mind, the Blast has its own dispersion as well, meaning it can do damage to nearby creatures as well which are near the struck creature. Be wary the blast can whiplash onto you as well. For a final teaser and my personal favorite, Brain Poison. Brain Poison allows you to infect the mind of a creature, slowly killing them while you turn them against their own allies, allowing a good deal of havok to ensue.

    That's all for now enjoy those bits of info
    Click 20 years ago
    so you can enter the mind like a new area? and how many tokens are there? once you collected all the tokens, can you still enter the dreamscape? are there eniemies in the dreamscape? if there are, are they the same as the ones on notrium?
    Arcade 20 years ago
    If you do enter the dreamscape, will there be like booby traps. Maybe like spikes sticking out of the ground?
    Click 20 years ago
    how does the poisonic thing eat? I see no mouth on it. come to think of it, it has no nose ether, so how does it breath if it has no mouth or nose?
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    By the way, Quanrian, will the Beta version have a modding FAQ, or can you even mod it?
    Crazy 20 years ago
    it doesent breathe or eat, i guess
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    so you can enter the mind like a new area? and how many tokens are there? once you collected all the tokens, can you still enter the dreamscape? are there eniemies in the dreamscape? if there are, are they the same as the ones on notrium?

    I'm going to do my best to make sure each Dreamscape is progressively more difficult as well as varied from the rest. There are a total of 6 main tokens. You will see unique enemies in the dreamscapes that will not be the same as those you see in Notrium.

    If you do enter the dreamscape, will there be like booby traps. Maybe like spikes sticking out of the ground?

    Something like that.. Though I'm not going to get into details now, you can expect the dreamscapes to present challenges so that you can't just go and grab each token.

    how does the poisonic thing eat? I see no mouth on it. come to think of it, it has no nose ether, so how does it breath if it has no mouth or nose?

    The Psionic eats and breathes through absorbing. They digest food far more efficiently as well which is why they don't require nourishment nearly as often as other races. They don't speak verbally since they do not have mouths, rather they speak telepathically.

    By the way, Quanrian, will the Beta version have a modding FAQ, or can you even mod it?

    No the beta wont have a Modding Faq since it wont be entirely complete. Yes you will be able to mod it, though there is no guarantee your mod will work with the final, non-beta version of 1.3.
    Click 20 years ago
    when will you release the beta? you said something about a May release but its already June(for me anyway)and still no beta
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Things have gotten pushed back because of certain larger features being added. One of them being the map editor that I know you'd all like to be done right Please don't keep asking when the beta will be out, we'll tell you when its ready
    ville 20 years ago
    We had certainly hoped for a May release, and I've already got all the features in the game that were planned for that release. As you can well guess there have been more additions planned. I'm not giving a release date now, but I can tell we are well past half way.
    Cerebret Brood 20 years ago
    this is gonna be great, can't wait but alas i won't be able to play in full 3d cause of my PII 733 comp

    unless they're on par with graphics like in half-life and homeworld.

    i'll still play it though, i've grown used to the top-down look.

    MAP..... EDITOR! (crys from over happinesse). yeah i know it's stupid to post here since it's not the idea area but i think it would be cool to type in your own journal entrys. i can probly get the 3d part to run on low settings. p.s. will there be a thirst bar and a water area?

    man this game is gettin really big, it's hard to think that this is all free. (p.s. i would pay or donate but i can't shop online or donate)

    p.s.s be carful with paypal, i heard that it's a giant money makin scam!

    oh man really sry for postin other topics here
    Arcade 20 years ago
    Since we won't be seeing Notrium 1.3 for a while. I'm just currious, how big is the game, (Like in Kb or Mgb.) ?
    Cerebret Brood 20 years ago
    well since the game is already in mbs, the file will be bigger in mbs.

    p.s. besides the new race, is there anything new for the 3 basic races?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    p.s. besides the new race, is there anything new for the 3 basic races?

    Yes, I've already discussed alot of changes to many of the races. At least one is going to show up in a very popular game.. which irked me quite a bit because I don't want people thinking that's where I got the idea, but oh well. Every single race in the game will have their quirks and things only they can do, so that means changes and additions to all of them. No race is entirely different from another, so if you get really good with one race it might make you better at playing another to a degree but you'll still have to master what makes that race unique as well.

    As far as the file size. I'll say its going to be over 10 mbs, because it already is and I can't see it getting smaller, only bigger as more content is added. I don't think it'll get bigger than 15 mbs.. but can't promise that. So I apologize to those of you on 56k's you'll just have to be patient as it downloads. Probably a good idea to get the game as soon as it's out as well, since once the world finds out 1.3 is out I'm fairly sure that the bandwidth will go real quick lol.

    Cerebret, we appreciate your ideas. Simply put them in the ideas thread. We've put very basic labels for the main threads. Questions for any questions about the game you might have. Ideas for any ideas and Bugs and Glitches if you've got a bug to report.

    If you simply are making comments that is alright, and asking questions about a post made by either Ville or myself is alright as well. Just don't plug you ideas here you'll be fine and you wont find your posts mysteriously vanishing
    Cerebret Brood 20 years ago
    ok sry bout that, just was having a bad day
    i'm also a new user (i signed on yesterday )

    well it seems that the project is doing fine, keep up the good work and i can't wait to play also will there be anymore changes to the alien that you grow
    Click 20 years ago
    "Cerebret Brood" said:
    also will there be anymore changes to the alien that you grow

    I think u'll find the answer if u read the entire ver. 1.3 thread
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Yes as click noted. Since you're new make sure you catch yourself up. Take the time to read through the entirety of the threads that you think you'll be posting in. That way you don't ask questions that have already been answered
    Blitzkrieg187 20 years ago
    I was curious about the environmental suit and such... You had mentioned it earlier and didn't really hint at too much then. Is there going to be a feature, either attached to it, or seperate from it which will have cloaking technology? I noticed that in the previous version the reaper corpse hinted at the possibility, but I'm curious if that will be implemented into the game.

    From the sounds of it, things are gonna look AWESOME... Keep up the good work.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    The environment suit isn't going to be too fancy. What it'll basically do is work against the effects of extreme weather conditions. You will wear it on your body. It will take up your chest slot. As expected the environment suit will drain energy will its in use. I can tell from my own testing its extremely helpful in the regions that are more harsh like the desert for example. Allowing you to explore more freely.
    Arcade 20 years ago
    Just one more question about the psionic Quanrian. Will he have a special mana/psi bar. Or will he use the energy bar to use is phsyicick attack?
    Duda 20 years ago
    hmm, sounds like there's some pretty cool stuff going on, especially the new race
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    The Psionic currently uses the same energy bar as the other races, just in a different manner. That may change in the final version though so there is no confusion.

    As for changing the player's visibility. I believe to some degree its affected by the light around the creature which is why when you shine a flashlight on a creature they become aware of you. Ville will have to confirm how the creatures actually detect you though himself. It certainly is a possibility, but its not currently possible to cloak the player. Despite that there is a good deal of stealth possible in 1.3 and cautious players will be able to avoid combat alot easier than those who run around carelessly.

    So perhaps you can expect an effect that changes the player's visiblity to the other creatures. I certainly wouldn't mind such an effect.
    Cerebret Brood 20 years ago
    wow this is good keep up the good work!
    Eternal 20 years ago
    In 1.3, with the new bar system, what text/values can we label each bar with!? Just wondering is all .
    ville 20 years ago
    The labels can have any textual names. The labels cannot be changed ingame.
    ville 20 years ago
    I've just added the talking capabilities for the creatures. Modders can now trigger an effect to start a dialog for a creature. It's not like a real dialog from an RPG, you just see a text on top of the creature. It's pretty hilarious as I immediately made the first blue little alien recipe Shakespeare when hit.

    Tazor zap!
    -To be or not to be?
    Eternal 20 years ago
    hahahahaha, very nice. is there an ultra vague update on the 1.3 release date?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Sometime in the near future, in a far off time
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Here's some updates for you guys on progress.

    - Map Editor is in now. 1.3 will come with a Map Editor for designing your maps, but you wont have to use it if you don't wan't as far as I can tell. It's ideal for creating intricate maps that would take hours easily being done from the data files themselves.

    - Terrains are no longer limited to a fixed set of effects. You can use the full range of effects with Terrains in 1.3.

    - Rain can now use the full range of effects as well. It can also have conditions. Allowing you to even place restrictions on the rain.

    - The Alien will gain a variety of attacks to use as it evolves.

    - Alot more interaction between the player and the game from a variety of sources. Objects, Items, Creatures, Terrains, Rain, Weapons, ect.

    - The length a of day and even the light coloring for each phase of the day can be defined in 1.3 now. This should allow for a variety of visual effects.

    Well there you go guys, sorry there hasn't been a big development update like this in a while
    ville 20 years ago
    I can give you an estimate of how much work I still have coding the game: Not much. There certainly are a lot of things to do still, but all the major additions are there. Once we iron out a few more bugs and add a decent bunch of content we should start the open beta phase.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Wow, talking is in, nice. What are the effects/conditions for talking? Can a creature only talk when hit by a gun, or can you define which weapon, and can a creature talk to you when it spots you?
    ville 20 years ago
    It's a normal effect. You can activate it from anywhere that accepts a effect/condition block. That means you can activate it from a timed creature event, or when a creature steps on some terrain type, or when the creature is shot. Of course you can limit the start of talking by conditions for example to start only when the player is near.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    what about the difficulty? is it going to raise or drop? becouse I read all the new cool stuff, but I'm not really good at this game so the difficulty bothers me.
    ville 20 years ago
    We haven't really started balancing the game yet, so we cannot be sure of the outcome. The plan is to keep the current difficulty on normal, while making easy simpler and hard more interesting. We're loosing all the bonuses given to the AI on hard level, instead the player will have more things to think about.
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