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Forum » Question about Release

Question about Release

Death Knight 12 years ago
1-Im pretty anxious about playing this game finished. I dont want to start a game however until it is finished. Can anyone tell me how many more patches there are before release?

2-And by the way, are any of the mods completed to the point where i can try one of them while i am waiting, or are they too short and im better off with main game release?
Anne 12 years ago
Death Knight said:
1-Im pretty anxious about playing this game finished. I dont want to start a game however until it is finished. Can anyone tell me how many more patches there are before release?

There is one more major area of Driftmoon missing before the final release. As much as we'd like to say it'll be released in a few weeks, I'm afraid we can't give you a reliable estimate yet. The game will be released, that we are certain of (and in 2012 too), but the time we can use on it daily is hard to estimate - mostly because of our two little kids, who are naturally our first priority. But rest assured, we're working on Driftmoon every day, and as much as we can. Unfortunately we're too perfectionistically inclined to compromise quality over a deadline...

I'm pretty certain, that most of the current content will remain as it currently is, though. So, if you can't stand the wait, I think it would be pretty safe for you to start playing from the beginning.

Death Knight said:
2-And by the way, are any of the mods completed to the point where i can try one of them while i am waiting, or are they too short and im better off with main game release?

I am not completely certain, but I believe at least Scavenge is pretty much done? (Is it so, Pete?) The rest are a question to me as well, but I know some of them are beeing currently worked on. You could send the modder a feedback from the starting screen of a given mod, and ask him/her whether the mod is finished. I'm sure they'd be very happy to get feedback and/or questions.
Pete 12 years ago
Scavenge is done. The ending could be less meta, but I really didnt want to recreate New York or whatever for a three seconds long cutscene. Potomac is left very open ended, but I dont imagine Ill ever touch it again either, since I have two mod-babies sitting in my mod-folder demanding mod-attention at the mo-ment.
Death Knight 12 years ago
Thanks for the replies. This might sound like an odd request but my main computer's internet which is a pc is down for internet. I bought drift moon already for this pc, is there any way to download mods on another computer and transfer them to my pc. This may be an odd request, but the pc works, just no internet. I have a back up computer but its a mac.

Edit-this message is for ville, anne or anyone that knows another place i can download them.

Edited 12 years ago
Anonymous1157 12 years ago
If that Windows PC is going to be out of an Internet connection for very long, you could play on the Mac instead. Officially (As in, it says so here under System Requirements), you can play Driftmoon on Mac with Crossover Games, but that costs money. I'd try PlayOnMac. It's the same underlying components, but it's free.

Otherwise, as far as I know, you're going to have to fix the Windows PC to play mods.
MageKing17 12 years ago
There should be nothing stopping you from copying the mod files directly to the folder mods get stored in.
Endymion 12 years ago
Yeah just copying the whole Driftmoon folder in your AppData(after installing any mods you might want) will probably work. You could just copy specific mods but if your mods.txt has some incorrect entries it might not work, but I haven't tried it so no idea really.

Also Trials is pretty much finished but unless you haven't updated Driftmoon since I released it, various things won't work. I guess I should try to fix it but I'm planning to copy most of the good parts/ideas to another mod I'm doing and as is I feel that it wastes too much time with just walking from one place to another so I'm not too motivated to do it.
And I probably won't do much with Dungeon test, at least in the form I originally planned but I could add some explanations of how it works and why I used items instead of tags and how cool it is that it can detect dead-ends and so on in case someone is interested.

Edited 12 years ago
Pete 12 years ago
Endymion said:
And I probably won't do much with Dungeon test, at least in the form I originally planned but I could add some explanations of how it works and why I used items instead of tags and how cool it is that it can detect dead-ends and so on in case someone is interested.
Thatd be nice. I might end up dabbling with some simplified version of random generation in mod no. 2, and itd be nice not to have to shamelessly reverse-engineer dungeon test.
Death Knight 12 years ago
Im not quite understanding how i download the files from the mod page. It doesnt allow me to download them unless i already have the game on mac. Does anyone know a process that is simple that explains what to do. Im sorry but sometimes i get confused with computer stuff. I just want to download port potomac and scavenge.
Pete 12 years ago
Thats how it works - you download the mods through the game itself. Just run Driftmoon and, under All Mods, click on those you want to install. Once theyre done downloading, just click on them again to play them.
Death Knight 12 years ago
Im not sure you understand what the problem is. My pc doesnt have internet anymore but has the latest version installed of driftmoon. I can find the newest version's patches online but am looking for the actual downloads (on my mac which has internet), so i can place them on my pc. Im sorry if that doesnt make much sense. Id play the game on mac but there is no download i can visibly find for it yet. Thats why im forced in this predicament.
Anonymous1157 12 years ago
Wow, I got ninja'd while writing this post. Anyhow...

Unless Ville says we've had web browser access to the mod repository all along, there is no way to directly download mods. Your best solution is to fix the Windows, but if that's not possible, the next best thing would be to play the game on the Mac.

You're not forced into anything; you've simply misunderstood how you play the game on a Mac. There is no Mac port for Driftmoon. You play the same Windows version everyone else is playing through PlayOnMac. Go there, install that, and let me know when you need help to continue.
ville 12 years ago
There is no direct way to download the mod files, mainly the reason being that you can usually install them through the game, and that installing them without the game is a bit complicated.

The easiest way would be this:

1) Install Driftmoon on some computer which has an internet connection.

2) Install all of the mods you want to try on that same computer (the one connected to the net)

3) Copy the Driftmoon data directory to the computer you want to use the mods on. Driftmoon installs mods and the mod listing to Local Settings\Application Data\Driftmoon
That's on XP, I can't remember what it is on Windows 7, but it's something similar.
shafk 12 years ago
For Win7 the mods are installed in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Driftmoon where %USERNAME% is the "Install Users Name". The mod.txt file will determine the ID# for the installed Module.

Edited 12 years ago
Death Knight 12 years ago
Wait a second, I might just have an answer. I have a laptop that is very small but nevertheless is pc. I can install mods on it and like shafk said, then put them on a flashdrive and get them on my main pc. Im guessing that this will work, and im hoping that windows vista has the same address that shafk listed.
MageKing17 12 years ago
Death Knight said:
Wait a second, I might just have an answer. I have a laptop that is very small but nevertheless is pc. I can install mods on it and like shafk said, then put them on a flashdrive and get them on my main pc. Im guessing that this will work, and im hoping that windows vista has the same address that shafk listed.
It probably does; the question is, why are you still using Windows Vista?
Death Knight 12 years ago
Yeah i know it sucks. It will have to do for a while though. Before windows 8 comes out (trying to be like mac) and ultimately fails, im getting windows 7.

One of my friends works on computers and has tested and used windows 8. Heh, he said it makes vista look good.
shafk 12 years ago

Windows Vista uses the same Directory, File and Driver Structure as Win7 does.

I can Second the Windows 8/Metro hate, I've run it on a Spare Computer and as a VM Session, unless you have a Touchscreen stick with Win7.

In my opinion Win8 is another Win Millennium and even at the Discounted Online Download Upgrade price of $40.00 US it won't sell.

Edited 12 years ago
Pete 12 years ago
shafk said:
Windows Vista uses the same Directory, File and Driver Structure as Vista does.
I simply can not let this mistake go un-immortalised.

Id say something witty but Im all tapped out on circle-related jokes for the day (due to a Skyrim livestream).
shafk 12 years ago
Pete thanks for catching it I'll correct the above post.
The Win8 File Structure is the same it's only the Driver Base that changed.
None of my IT Friends are looking forward to Deploying or Supporting Win8.

I don't think any Businesses are going to be happy with Win8 and will stick to Win7 until the option to remove the Metro Interface appears (Probably in Win8 SP1 about 3 months after the official Win8 Release).

Edited 12 years ago
Death Knight 12 years ago
Got the game up and running but with a few problems. I raised agility to 6 with no difference in running speed. Wasnt sure by how much it helped per point, so i tried raising dexterity to 6 and suffered from the same problem. I was playing port potomac and did a readup on one of the threads.

My question is is it true that the multiplier is .03 for the stats and if so when if ever do stats serve a purpose. As it stands intelligence might be the only one other than strength and maybe constitution that matters.
ville 12 years ago
Testing agility and dexterity, in both the normal game and Potomac mod, they do seem to work just as I thought they would. Agility will speed up your running, and being an 18 percent faster runner might mean you can get away from a lot of enemies. As for dexterity, it's actually a bit more useful than strength in the sense that it also works for archery. Mathematically they're the same, dexterity=more hits, strength=more damage per hit, the end result is the same for both. Stats definitely make a huge difference in the normal game. I wonder if the Potomac mod gives levels a bit slower?
Forum » Question about Release

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