Well my idea is to make mines by haveing a wepon that the bullets dont move so when somthing walks into the bullets its just like geting hit
i used a throw wepon
well here's my go at it, didnt quite work out
In items.dat
Mine;//name--------------------------------------- 210;//identifier 0;//item class 0.050000;//weight A mine;//short description These will come in use!;//first pick up text 0.550000;//size on map 0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner 20;//particle to shown on radar 1;//visible in inventory 0=no (can only be used via quick keys), 1=yes mine.png;//texture name -1;//wielded script,-1=nothing, only applicable for wieldable items -1;//wielded item disabling script, -1=nothing, this script is only checked for conditions while the item is wielded, if the conditions prove false, the item is unwielded 1;//show help text for conditions begin_wield_slots; 0;//wield slot number end_wield_slots; begin_effects_block; yo put the mine in your hand;//event text none;//event failure text use.wav;//sound, none for nothing 0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes U;//use key z;//quick key begin_conditions; end_conditions; begin_effects; 9;//effect number 83.000000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_effects; end_effects_block; begin_combinations; end_combinations;
In wepons.dat
Mine;//name--------------------------------------- 83;//identifier 11;//class mine.png;//bullet texture 1;//bullets at one shot 0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop 1.000001;//bullet size 0.000001;//spread 0.000000;//bullet speed 9999.000000;//time until bullet disappears 100;//fire rate 0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam -1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue -1;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat none;//hit effect sound 0.900000;//push target back 0.000000;//push shooter back mine_blip.aif;//fire sound explosion.wav;//hit sound 0.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon begin_wield_conditions; 0;//condition 210.000000;//condition parameter0 1.000000;//condition parameter1 end_wield_conditions; begin_fire_effects; 16;//effect number 83.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_fire_effects; begin_hit_effects; 4;//effect number -500.000000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 1;//effect number 800.000000;//parameter1 -1.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 1.000000;//parameter4 end_hit_effects;
anyone give me some tips plz?