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Forum » Driftmoon: Enchanted Edition Guardian achievement bug

Driftmoon: Enchanted Edition Guardian achievement bug

Robert (guest) 4 years ago
Just finished my third playthrough of Driftmoon (first was on the original version, second when the enchanted edition first released), getting the two achievements I was missing (Guardian and secret quest). Unlocked the secret quest one fine, but the guardian one never activated after I defeated Ixal.

Not sure what happened, I chose the Guardian difficulty when I started my save, played through up to the Nomon Docks, then came back today and finished the rest of the game. Is there a secret to unlocking it or did I just happen across a bug?
ville 4 years ago
Looking at the code there are two options. One is if the game tells you that you got the bad ending, that counts as not having finished the game. The second option is that if you've at any point during the game changed the game difficulty level in the game menu even for a second, it doesn't allow the achievement. The game has to be started with the highest difficulty, and never changed after that. Looking at the stats on Steam it seems that it's the hardest achievement to get, but some people have managed it, so I'm hoping it's not bugged.
Robert (guest) 4 years ago
Hmm, I think at one point I looked at the menu for difficulty once during the playthrough (for double checking), I believe I clicked on the different options to read their text, so that must have been it. Oops. Guess I get to play through again and be more careful about opening that menu. Do cheats disable achievements? (In case I took a little shortcut.)
ville 4 years ago
That must be it, though it's a bit unfair to penalize you for just looking at the other options. Cheats don't affect the achievements, I know because I use them for testing the achievements. In all fairness I would consider you've earned the achievement already, so feel free to use the cheats to actually get it.
Robert (guest) 4 years ago
This is most unusual. I have done two playthroughs of Driftmoon using cheats since, both on Guardian difficulty. The first time I didn't get the achievement, the second time I did. The only notable difference between the two runs is that in the first one I had saved and reloaded, only from the autosave. In the second I did it in one sitting, with no saves used.

Perhaps some flag for the achievement doesn't get overwritten when there's an autosave over a previous file? Not sure, but there's something strange going on here. And that's definitely something that both of my Guardian playthroughs have shared, reloading from the autosave slot which previously held a Warlord save.

I love the game though, it's been a joy to play through all three of my regular playthroughs.
Robert (guest) 4 years ago
Side note on other minor bugs I encountered on Guardian (perhaps due to increased damage and new enemies):

I had Belinda in Northrop get killed before I even saw her. I believe she had been killed by the two Spikeys that spawned nearby.

Also Bill got killed before I could talk to him by a Ticker explosion, though they don't spawn next to each other.

And twice the Jumbo Bee was outside of its cage and flying around when I found it. Not sure what caused that, but perhaps a Ticker explosion caused knockback that pushed it out.
ville 4 years ago
Thanks for the bugfindings! The difficulty save bug might be possible, though I couldn't see it straight from the code, will have to test further.
Forum » Driftmoon: Enchanted Edition Guardian achievement bug

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