342: When you dump ether all around the building and use flamethrower on them to wreak havoc
343: When the computer suddenly sucks you in to the game and now the Notrium guy is playing the computer with you inside the game.
344: When you think you're an android and you need constant supply of electricity to keep you alive, thus you never eat and starve to death while getting electrified.
345: When AFKMaster actually come back to the forums (O noes, the end of humanity!... And manatees, or whatever they are called )
346: When you mistake a human corpse for a blue alien and eat it to replenish your hunger.
347: When you find out that Earth lost its gravity do to too much anti-gravity boxes (see the top left corner and watch how menacing it is. The cute look is only denying the true power it holds )
348: When you superglue yourself to your chair, keyboard, mouse, computer, power supply, monitor, and the floor so nobody can take you off without taking all of them with you.