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Forum » Notrium-Modder's-Coalition.gif


Redemption 18 years ago

Can that be used?
Inane 18 years ago
Not that the coalition is the most lively, but that is quite great.
Redemption 18 years ago
I didn't make it, I found it.
Quanrian 18 years ago
I don't see why not. It's not as if it's completely dead either. Just too many people got lazy for it to work, which I think I even brought up at some point. A group of people helping each other is great, but not if they sit on their butt and don't do anything. Most have also moved on by now, Notrium has been around years and it's got plenty of dust on it now.
Inane 18 years ago
It's sad...

Opportunity is usually disguised as hard work
So I'll help if anybody ever has an idea on how to revive the coalition.

Wait, I don't think I got my point across... I don't even know what it was.

[moving to better the context of previous statements!]I'm actually trying to make a TC but every once in awhile I start work on a new one and abandon the old one.
Quanrian 18 years ago
Stick the banner in your signature Redemption, than have it link to the Modder's Coalition thread. That will have some impact on reviving it. Than just distribute the banner with link to any interested in keeping it alive. That's about all the advice I'm giving for one day.
Redemption 18 years ago
I was thinking more along the lines of it being next to your rank.
It's in my sig now anyway.
Anonymous1157 18 years ago
If someone promises to figure out why none of my mods let me go past the border when my maps are in a fixed position, I'll join again.

*applies signature changes*
Inane 18 years ago
"Anonymous1157" said:
If someone promises to figure out why none of my mods let me go past the border when my maps are in a fixed position, I'll join again.
Please post your areas.dat and map.dat files into the modding questions thread.
Anonymous1157 18 years ago
Gladly. *Restores mod from archive*
Crazy 18 years ago
Hey... we could easily just replace the small pic there and we would have a pic for the Cormoon modders co., which will probably be created.
Anonymous1157 18 years ago
That can wait until we have a working version of that.
Crazy 18 years ago
Yeah... anyway, i had a whole different idea for a modders community, but i'm to pumped on adrenaline (read: listening to metal) right now
Forum » Notrium-Modder's-Coalition.gif

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