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  • - Forsaken II -

    Casanova 19 years ago
    Thanks for reminding me about the bonfire fuel stats, ill try to make it more realistic and practical.
    hojedaniel 19 years ago
    Another detail I was bothered was the cursor. Althought the graphics are very proper, the cursor pointer is not at finger tip as you would first think. It is actually in the middle of the hand. I tried hard fixing it but couldnt move the finger without making the hand smaller, even tried finding a hand pic with finger pointing forward so it would be closer to the middle of the pic. What I ended up was superimposing the hand on a half transparent classic Notrium cursor. Its much easier targeting with it, not classy as original thought. I know u can fix that with a better solution, thanks Casanova.
    Igor 19 years ago
    Where can i get the latest version of this mod? If you have hosting problems, i could host it for you if you sent it to me. I have an unlimited bandwidth account on my school server, and it's really fast, so if you sent it to me your hosting problems would be over. PM me on this forum, or mail me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> if you want me to host it.
    Licossa 19 years ago
    Wow, this mod sounds amazing! I would be *very* happy to beta test it. If you have any room for more beta testers, send me an email at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    Licossa 19 years ago
    The mod was awesome! I found it pretty cool that you can actually survive indefinetly by only taking the timber at the beggining (try to make it, leaves + knife = timber, or just make leaves burnable.) You can get flint and rocks by the edge of the beach (make them respawnable after a week or so.) It wasn't very hard actually but I'm sure it will be when it is finished (due to the weather.)

    What I think should be added/fixed

    - Knife + leaves = timber
    - Rain more harsh, comes more often. (Difficulty levels? On easy the enemies should have less health, on medium it should be pretty much how it is now, more weather though. And on hard, the enemies should have more health and the weather comes more often, and destroys items, less helpful item descriptions.)
    - More weather conditions (Hot day, cold day, hail (destroys tent,) etc.
    - More areas, more "secret spots" i.e. caves, cliffs etc.
    - Random areas
    - Clothes, more buildings.
    - Daylight, realistic sun/moon.
    - More item combinations/variations/different ways of making things, for example, Use branch with a fire close by = torch. Boar hide + branch/tree nearby = tent (tent would be up against the tree, and would protect you better than a tree.)
    - More animals...
    - Snakes should be less aggresive, should only bite if you're almost standing on them, also should be more camoflauged.
    - Able to clean/stitch wounds.
    - If you cut down a tree you get different amounts (for the different trees) of leaves, sticks, and vines.

    Great mod! Don't give up on this one, because its an awesome idea! I would be glad to help on anything (ideas, etc.) (well... as much as I can help anyways, seeing as I just got Notrium 2 days ago .) Please feel free to contact me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    Marevix 19 years ago
    Casanova, are you still working on this? I personally like this mod over Opposing Force, but you don't seem to be doing too much. I might've even passed you in post count by now, I haven't checked yet. This really is a great mod, it has alot of potential in it.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    I suppose i should continue to work on it, I have even considered to start it from scratch to accomodate all the new options that have been made avalible since I satarted working on it. Its just that I dont have the interest to do it right now.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    This mod sounds cool but u cannot download any way could u put it up again please!
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "nosboi" said:
    This mod sounds cool but u cannot download any way could u put it up again please!

    And "U" could use proper english... [/OT]
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    i like the idea too, but where to download? Some new link? Or how large it is? If i will like it i will put it on my page too After Werivar, oc
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Since summer break is starting soon, I suppose I could continue work king on the mod and pick up where I left. Ill re-host the beta if you want to.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    When will your filehosting be back, Cas?
    Casanova 19 years ago
    I dont see why someone would want me to host the mod as it currently is, but here it is anyways:

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    DRL 19 years ago
    Thanks for this new link,the old link doen´t work on my computer........-.............----.-
    Covetski 18 years ago
    Hey, I like the way the mod is sounding from everything I've read, but err I can't find a single place to download it from, none of the links are working...

    If anyone could sent me the zip/rar to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> that would be great!

    Silent Seeker 18 years ago
    "Covetski" said:
    Hey, I like the way the mod is sounding from everything I've read, but err I can't find a single place to download it from, none of the links are working...

    If anyone could sent me the zip/rar to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> that would be great!

    Yes, I have hte same problem, I cant download this mod. can somebody help me?
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    I need liiiiiiiiiiiink .
    Danwood 18 years ago
    please send me the mod too

    <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

    Rezan 18 years ago
    I'd like to betatest as well if it's possible? I haven't been playing as much Notrium as I should.
    Inane 18 years ago
    Erghads! How can you guys not realize that the last update before link requests was 11 months ago?!
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    I know but we want it .
    Rezan 18 years ago
    Spoken like a true "We want"-er.
    Casanova 18 years ago
    Isn't there a download link on the main notrium page? Scroll down the screen, it should still be there unless ville removed it.
    Danwood 18 years ago
    there isnt any link in the monkonen's page for forsaken, and i didnt find a good link in the forum and in ur site, please i would like to try your mod !

    the idea of a "robinson crusoe style" mod for notrium is just great, let me try it
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    Actually I don't think it was ever listed. It was largely considered a unfinished mod by a large degree. I remember there being tons of glitches. I believe the only links were in this thread and possibly one other in this forum section. Emailing the mod to Ville with the information he needs for a description would probably get it a spot, but I'd still suggest at least trying to fix some of the many bugs.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Or let the community fix them.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Or let the community fix them.

    That'd be great, but first you'd need Casanova's permission to take over his mod. Secondly you'd probably need to consult him to some degree as it's not an easy thing trying to fix someone else's scripts. Other than those two hurdles it's not out of the question.
    brownie 18 years ago
    hey, can you please send me a link to the download at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->? the one you sent went out of date. And how do you get those symbols (e.g: administrating corpse,ant,blue alien) next to your name?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    The little pictures indicate your rank according to posts. I earned my rocket.

    I think I might have Forsaken somewhere, hold on while I check.

    Edit: Crap, my archives are on DVDs and I can barely read CDs on this thing! That was important and I forgot!
    brownie 18 years ago
    haha ok, thanks anyway anonymous Casanova should put the download on fileplanet again and re-link it.
    Lord of the Harvest 18 years ago
    Cool-sounding mod, Pets are a good idea, but to train wild wolves...

    Mean way to train pets:
    Well, it should be made so that they have a "cycle" a few times a day. It will happen less and less after more training.
    Cycle: They try to run away, then you stop them (run in their path), then they attack you, then if you do the correct damage to them, then they come back, and grow in "mean" loyalty. When trained this way, it is easier, plus they do more damage in combat, but you may get hurt when training.

    Kind Way:
    It is harder, but...
    you have to feed them a LOT. They will try to escape, and attack you, you have to feed them, and heal them when hurt. If you sucseed, then they will find items for you, you have more options for them (hold firm, attack agressive, follow mode etc) and can smell (you can see of radar) enemies. But, they can't do as much damage.

    Anyway, I hope the mod gets up for DL soon! (and my ideas are possible, coding the "good" and "bad" training as the same bar, in the middle being wild, negative being meanly trained, positive being kindly trained)
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I don't think that complexity is possible in Notrium 2D, but in time, Notrium 3D might... just... pwn the original.

    It's not ready for the general morons... er, public, just yet.
    Rezan 18 years ago
    [OT SMACKTALK]If it isn't ready for general morons, how come you know of it? :X[/OT SMACKTALK]

    Meh, nice idea I think. I doubt it could be accomplished in this stage of Notrium, but as Ano said, if they complete Notrium 3D, it might be possible there..
    Lord of the Harvest 18 years ago
    Its easy to do (I think) the cycles through AI, but not the bar and suchlike.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Go have some fun with scripts for a while. You might figure it out yourself, but if you're not doing something that complex-sounding yourself, nobody will.

    And yes, switching AI is easy. Just right-click a multi-tactic animal. Just kidding. You should be able to script not being allowed to do that, as well as auto-switching. However, I once tried to script a bit... *Patches hole in the wall*
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