"ville" said: My suggestion is to create a mod for a known game, that way you can have results sooner than later, and don't need to code that much. For example there are a lot of mods to redo the Ultima games, most notably on the Neverwinter Nights engine and the Dungeon Siege engine. This is indeed something we should decide upon. The backside to that story, though, is that it makes the game a whole lot less free, and that it probably limits our possibilities. And we'd still have to pick a game. Everyone who is interested, join the discussion over at my forum, somewhere in the Notrium 3D > Code section. That's here."ville" said: Remember that I'm allowing the usage of the Notrium characters and story for fan games, but one rule must be followed. It must be clearly noted as a fan game of Notrium and include a link to monkkonen.net. Sure. Slight question, can we use textures/sounds/... or should we create our own? We'll have to do the 3D models anyway, so it's not that we're lazy or anything ."ville" said: If you dare start this project, you have my thumbs up! Thanks! It's nice to have you supporting it .