Now, I figured this out before, but now it's posing a problem. I have a projectile that explodes (in the manner you can detonate a repair kit) when it hits the enemy, problem is the explosion only hurts allies and not the enemies.
Hellcast Rifle;//name--------------------------------------- 3;//identifier 0;//class bullet0.png;//bullet texture 1;//bullets at one shot 0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop 0.000000;//bullet size 0.005000;//spread 1.200000;//bullet speed 400.800000;//time until bullet disappears 300;//fire rate 3;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam 1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue 0;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat none;//hit effect sound 0.011000;//push target back 0.000000;//push shooter back laser.wav;//fire sound laser_hit.wav;//hit sound 1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon begin_wield_conditions; 3;//Cond 1; 8; end_wield_conditions; begin_fire_effects; 4; -7.960000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000; end_fire_effects; begin_hit_effects; 4;//effect number - Substracts points from health bar -15.200000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 24;//effect number - Substracts points from health bar 4.000000;//parameter1 30.000000;//parameter2 2.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_hit_effects; Hellcast effect;//name--------------------------------------- 4;//identifier 0;//class redbullet.png;//bullet texture 1;//bullets at one shot 0;//stop at hit 0=stop where hit, 1=don't stop 1.300000;//bullet size 6.100000;//spread 0.600000;//bullet speed 180.800000;//time until bullet disappears 110;//fire rate 0;//trace 0=no trace, 1=blue beam, 2=bullet trace, 3=red beam, 4=green beam, 5=yellow beam 1;//hit visual effect colour, -1=nothing 0=?, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue 0;//hit visual effect particle, -1=nothing, 0=>particle from particles.dat none;//hit effect sound 0.011000;//push target back 0.000000;//push shooter back laser.wav;//fire sound laser_hit.wav;//hit sound 1.000000;//AI hear volume, the amount of anger the AI gets when it hears the weapon begin_wield_conditions; end_wield_conditions; begin_fire_effects; end_fire_effects; begin_hit_effects; 4;//effect number - Substracts points from health bar -1.200000;//parameter1 0.000000;//parameter2 0.000000;//parameter3 0.000000;//parameter4 end_hit_effects;