Grimsy has gotten some of his lines done (although they're not quite up to the standard I want so he's going to redo them), so I expect great things from all of you soon...
Also, my keyboard is broken, so I can't do any more work on mission 3. Actually, that's not entirely true. I just can't test mission 3, which means I won't work on it until I get a new keyboard. How am I typing this, you might ask? Simple. I made a txt file of all the characters I can't type and ctrl+c it every time I boot up the computer. Sure, it takes a while to paste "jklJKL+=-_" every time I need just a "j" or an "l," but at least I can still post.
So progress is at a halt until I get a new keyboard. God, this sucks. That's like, three projects halted (Wazzal II, my book, this project) due to mechanical failure. Wazzal II, I can't use that computer now, my laptop with my book on it had it's power connector break, and now my keyboard is busted.