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Forum » Notrium; The Breeder's Expansion
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  • Notrium; The Breeder's Expansion

    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Ok, I've been thinking alot on this, Notrium needs an animal that you can capture and tame. When you have two of this animal, they can breed and get offspring, so you dont need to go around and search for parts to the food replicator.

    Sound good?

    Ill begin modding on this animal in the weekend, so the poll will be open for 4 days, ok?
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Ive said before and I will say it again: notrium needs more wombats.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    But what should I call it?

    Cow-Alien? Or Gruumhm, or Yhu, or Yak, or Boar, or Hey-There-You-Pig, or, or or or....

    God, I cant decide, can you post some ideas about the name?
    DRL 19 years ago
    Well.......................why you don´t name it..:
    Space-pet....NO,no,no tooo stupid,...........better you put a name by youself.......the name you will put it will be good,..........
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "DRL" said:
    Well.......................why you don´t name it..:
    Space-pet....NO,no,no tooo stupid,...........better you put a name by youself.......the name you will put it will be good,..........

    Oh, do you think so? Hmm, just give me some time, its hard to give animals names.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Call them Brahmin! Once you have two of then they will cotinue to breed as long as you provide them a steady diet of fungus. Hey, you can even draw them with two heads!
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    Call them Brahmin! Once you have two of then they will cotinue to breed as long as you provide them a steady diet of fungus. Hey, you can even draw them with two heads!

    Sounds good Casanova, but do you know what Brahmin means?
    Its a hindu priest actually(or buddhist, I dont remember) Anyway, what funny coincidence.
    Casanova 19 years ago
    Really? I got that name from the mutant cows that appear in the fallout games.
    Pete 19 years ago
    Oh... Falllout... Good old times...
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    OK, this is the things Im going to add: the animal(probably Brahmin), and a fungus spore, witch can grow into a fungus tree, that makes fungus grow in the area around it.
    DRL 19 years ago
    Good name!,and also is GREAT the idea of the fungus spore and tree! ........-
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    The fungus tree porpouse is that is makes the Brahmin feeding much more easely, since it removes the necesarity for finding food for your Brahmins. But will the Brahmin eat meat, or fungus, since you cannot pick up fungus.

    Heres a drawing of the Brahmin, anyone who can, and will, can draw a better version of this animal, but it the child must be blue, and mother/father must be yellow, ok? Dont make is too yellow/blue, have some brown too.(if you understand what I mean)
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    OK, guys, im going to make this animal for sure (only votes on yes!), but I realy need help with the texture for the Brahmin alien. Untill then, I must use an original graphic from Notrium...
    DRL 19 years ago
    I think you must test before the fungus spore,then for the animal you can use(for the moment) a small blue alien (the baby) and the blue alien or blue alien queen (the father and the mother) is my idea.......(for the moment he,he,he)........
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "DRL" said:
    I think you must test before the fungus spore,then for the animal you can use(for the moment) a small blue alien (the baby) and the blue alien or blue alien queen (the father and the mother) is my idea.......(for the moment he,he,he)........

    Yes, I might make them into another color.
    DRL 19 years ago
    Or well,you can use the brown aliens ,(if are an alien you lay it´s egg,so,use that alien;if you want(for the moment,he,he,he,he!!!!
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Hi, its me again
    Im also going to add a sleeping option, so you have a bar that shrinks, and when it is on zero, you move slower and react slower. In order to fill this bar, you need to sleep, eat reapers(high coffein level) and drink expresso.

    At this point, its too much information, so I drops the "Clip and paste" method, and just call this thing an expansion for Notrium. This means people, that im going to add much more, like Uber Waffe did/do with his expansion.

    But what am I going to call it? Notrium; Brahmin, Notrium; Fungus or Notrium; The Fungus Tree?
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    How about the Breeder's Expansion? Oh and you REALLY need more animals. How about duckies? Or chickens! YEAH, CHICKENS! GO FOR CHICKENS!

    ops: But really, you need more animals.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    I am going to begin modding tomorrow, on Prison-World, so Ill probably to to start wiht this one too
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    Start? I thought you were half-done! *Acts crazy*
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Start? I thought you were half-done! *Acts crazy*
    Hehe, i've done some, but I'm far from finished
    Anonymous1157 19 years ago
    WHAAAAAAAA!???!??!! EEK... OOP... ACK... URG... OOF... *Makes wierd poses* EEK... OOP... ACK... URG... OOF... *Continues posing* EEK... OOP... ACK... URG... OOF...*Apparently has lost his mind*

    And in case anyone is wiseGUY to wiseCRACK about said phrase (In other post!), I am 1)not a good actor and 2) would never act like THEE crazy. I might act like A crazy but not the former.
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    I'm happy to announce that this little expansion is not dead! I wont give you any release dates, but I will commence work with this thing.

    The name will be Notrium: Breeder's Expansion. At first I'll create the fungus tree and the Brahmin, then add some cool features if I can arse my self to do it. I also got some crazy idea that the Brahmin creature could actually assimilate genes from the food it eats, and put them into action in its offspring. I won't say anymore than that, but imagine what happenes if a Brahmin eats meat from an Alien Queen!

    I plan to make Notrium more dependant on the environment, so instead of using technology, you can survive on using the Notrium nature. I want also to add some more creatures to Notrium's ecosystem, but I'll have to see about that.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Please don't make the offspring lay alien eggs. I already had too many of them damn things following me as an alien in Vanilla...
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    try expanding off uberwaffes mod, so it will be even better (with his permission)
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    Well, that might be a good idea, but I thought this expansion to be original. If anyone wants to merge my mod with Uberwaffe's, then their allowed to do that.

    Anyway, I've now created the fungustree, and will proceed with the Brahmin. Then, I'll add a new map(or edit an existing one), and place my things there. Then, you'll get the demo.

    Here you see the fungustree. An error occured, causing the tree to spawn lots of huge funguses right under it.
    Murska 18 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    Really? I got that name from the mutant cows that appear in the fallout games.

    When I first saw the question about the name, I instantly thought: Fallout had this mutant cow... What was it... Brahmin! Then I saw this.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    Try making the fungus tree only spawn more if there is less than a certain amount nearby
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    The name will be Notrium: Breeder's Expansion.
    Yay! One of my ideas that I didn't have to make myself has finally been used! Not that anyone has never used my ideas at all... Make Notrium stereo-compatible! I want anaglyph 3D!
    kopana 18 years ago
    So then would a brahmin be like a large bug/cattle thing? maybe like this?

    I'm really curious as to how they would look
    eddeshun 18 years ago
    A cow with two heads that goes "moomoo", as the dumbarnus in the second city says.
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    You people dont know brahmins? SO YOU DONT KNOW FALLOUT! Fallout=the best game ever!!
    Pete 18 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    You people dont know brahmins? SO YOU DONT KNOW FALLOUT! Fallout=the best game ever!!

    Correction: Second best. SS2 was The Best. And yes, I played Fallout.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    What's a fallout?
    Inane 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    What's a fallout?
    fall·out Audio pronunciation of "Fallout" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fôlout)

    1. The slow descent of minute particles of debris in the atmosphere following an explosion, especially the descent of radioactive debris after a nuclear explosion.
    2. The particles that descend in this fashion.
    2. An incidental result or side effect.

    It's also the best RPG series ever made.

    Now back on topic, dammit!
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