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  • AETAS Discussion Thread

    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Since the recent downfall of EEToEE (and a suggestion by Gemini), I've made a thread for discussion about restarting the EEToEE.

    @EEToEE Participants: Post the suggestions about the new EEToEE, and I'll make a poll.

    Idiota: Poll added, if I did forget anything, notify me.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    As I said in the EEToEE thread:

    If we however start a new EEToEE thread, I think it should be a PLAIN universe in the start. Everyone have their empire/planet/country, with beneficials and negatives. Also, we can have four types of power: IMPERIAL, ECONOMIC, MILITARY, SCIENCE. There can be several sub types also, that the PC can make up it self.
    We can delete the NPCs and let the story elvolve freely. There is no need for a premade universe.

    You see that a plain universe will let people's imagination choose the history/present/future of the new RP thread, not one person.
    Different people have different fantasy.
    The only things that should be premade are "Is it in our universe?" and "Is it in the future?"
    The rest is up to the participants.
    No "Leader" that makes up the background.

    So if I am the leader for the Earth Federation, I can make up Earth's history.

    And if Zombie are the leader for an other race, he(she?) is freely to make up that race's history.
    Murska 19 years ago
    But then I'm in trouble. I firstly do not have an idea about any race/faction I could be, nor any powers. AND my imagination is so small I can't make up any history... I think that idea is good though.
    I could come up with something... But I will be interacting with PCs from the start. I think I would like to form an alliance with the first guy I see, and then keep it, but be in war with some other guys. And if the first guy I see is IN an alliance, I will not join. I would like an 2 man alliance fightning against some other powers. AND if in this EETEE someone get's an alliance/empire like Zombie and Mageking, I will gladly devastate myself to rid the world of them.
    void 19 years ago
    Everyone starts as they are right now. So it's like present day, don't need to do a page of who you are and the pointless name of your homeworld and your stupid generals name. I'm void... one day I fall into radioactive goo and I become far more intellegent then any human. Later I build a vessal to travel into earths orbit at which point I hold the world ransom..... enter some other character.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I gots me an idea!

    What if, for some reason, our characters from the current EEToEE have been translocated and scattered to another multiverse, from where they cannot leave for some reason? And they would also be weakened from the translocation process.
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    I like pie.
    Pete 19 years ago
    No way. I saw this in old EETEE one time:

    Notices that Zombie and Mageking have rebuilded their armies in seconds.

    Not sure about persons, but it was something like this.

    And I thing thats exacty that what is going to happen if we keep even the smallest piece of old new EETEE.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    No way. I saw this in old EETEE one time:

    Notices that Zombie and Mageking have rebuilded their armies in seconds.

    Not sure about persons, but it was something like this.

    And I thing thats exacty that what is going to happen if we keep even the smallest piece of old new EETEE.

    Hm, good spoken, Pete. Yea, we need rules in order to stop the "Super fast growing Empires" syndrome.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    We probably won't get a suitable thread of our own going for a while, so may I suggest a temporary thread using the Lords of Ether rule set? It's fairly well balanced, and would allow a quick start of a role-play thread while we think of how we would like our own rule system to work. I could set up a quick universe map without any hassle if everyone feels like this is a good idea.

    As for the "Super fast growing Empires" syndrome, if we make fast construction techniques unavailable, then ships will take months or years of game time to produce. I really don't care if we have fast growing empires or not, so long as it's all within reason.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    How about we don't start with empires at all?!

    Why does no one, other than me, even bring up that possibility?
    Pete 19 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    We probably won't get a suitable thread of our own going for a while, so may I suggest a temporary thread using the Lords of Ether rule set? It's fairly well balanced, and would allow a quick start of a role-play thread while we think of how we would like our own rule system to work. I could set up a quick universe map without any hassle if everyone feels like this is a good idea.

    As for the "Super fast growing Empires" syndrome, if we make fast construction techniques unavailable, then ships will take months or years of game time to produce. I really don't care if we have fast growing empires or not, so long as it's all within reason.

    I just had a guick look. It might work!

    Maybe some resource to fight for was that what was missing in old new EETEE.

    "Zombie" said:
    How about we don't start with empires at all?!

    Why does no one, other than me, even bring up that possibility?

    Eh, how do you suppose this to work? If we dont start with empires, we will have nothing to fight with. So, on start everyone will concentrate on building empire, at least something close to it, and just again, it will end in two too strong allied empires, because construction and developement time = connection time. How much time a day can post someone with 1 mb/s nonstop internet and how much time can post someone with dial-up? Just a example.

    EDIT: I just had a closer look. I like some of the ideas there, like routes and spacesailing, also everything around Ether sounds wery cool. But all those things around... Its too complicated to not be boring. Maybe someone who likes RCSCRPG (Really Confusing Super Complicated Role Playing Game ) can love that rules concept, but all those ships and mages and sciencist stats...

    EDIT EDIT: I cant see their starmap! Is it there, after all?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I do agree with Zobmie, no empires from start. This is how it was done in the old EEToEE and was one of the things I liked about that.


    Look how I got in. I was alone, on a planet with no recources or crew. Look what I had in the end.

    If everyone has set empires, there will be no specialties, like: "OMG, that dimble is really cool!", or "Iwish I had such an amazing amount of originality..."

    We should just go whereever our originality tells us to go, even if you have so little of it. Set empires don't fit into my EEToEE. I just want the randomness, not al the set stuff we had in the end of old EEtoEE.

    Oh, and dont get to hasty with starting up a nw one. We haven't even recieved Mageking's opinion yet. I wonder where he went...
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    How about we don't start with empires at all?!

    Why does no one, other than me, even bring up that possibility?

    What do you mean "no-one?"

    Well, actually I get it now. I didn't suggest starting a new EEToEE per se, I just made a suggestion about us being thrown into a different multiverse/dimension/universe/multimension/whatever with just ourselves, somewhat weakened though, and being unable to return.
    Pete 19 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    No way. I saw this in old EETEE one time:

    "Old old EETEE" said:
    Notices that Zombie and Mageking have rebuilded their armies in seconds.

    Not sure about persons, but it was something like this.

    And I thing thats exacty that what is going to happen if we keep even the smallest piece of old new EETEE.

    Grim, this is my answer. Simple, so I thing you just missed it or forgotten to reply. I want at least some arguments why Im not right if you think that Im not right.



    I just cant find any other topic where I can ask, so, Grim...

    Are you good Flash animator?
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Hmm, if we starts with no empires, it will be a possibility to make an empire, or at least have control of one planet, right?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    The idea I was having that we start off as, for example, the commander of a small fleet of a bigger faction. He will be tired of his job and steal all of the equipment by intimidating his fleet. He'd then start building on his own empire and compete against the rest.

    Dont steal this idea, please, it's mine
    Murska 19 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    No way. I saw this in old EETEE one time:

    Notices that Zombie and Mageking have rebuilded their armies in seconds.

    Not sure about persons, but it was something like this.

    And I thing thats exacty that what is going to happen if we keep even the smallest piece of old new EETEE.

    Actually, I posted that. It was about me teleporting the armies of Zombie, Idiota and Thaimodz to an empty field to face my army. Then I noticed that all of us rebuilt our armies so fast I could not destroy them fast enough.
    Ronsibaby 19 years ago
    Idea: Two factions, one military and one like rebels, you choose a side then customize your own troops, fight the opposition and amongst yourselves for better rankings, the military are like robots and clones while the rebels are a mish-mash of forces, losing but soon an awesome power will come blah blah blah blah, either team has a leader, to organize attacks and stuff.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    I think we should all start off with ourselves and that is all. The civilized societies will be in the background, and basic things will be assumed about it. We all start in the same solar system and we let things flow from there. We do have personal ships and whatnot, but no empires or anything.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    I almost hate to say it, but if we all have to start with a single character without any exceptions, I wouldn't even consider participating in the EEToEE, beyond being a nitpicker to ensure plausibility. A single character would be unable to construct even a tiny nation starting with just a ship and some cash. Starting so small may intrigue some people, but plausibility would pretty much guaranty that it would only be able to, at an absolute maximum, increase to the scale of one light cruiser per person with any kind of rapidity. Single people just don't gain capital ships within a year.

    I think we should, at a minimum, start in command of a taskforce (which are anywhere from 2-40 ships of varying sizes). Second, the previous power system should have suffered a massive and rapid destabilization. This will result in a power vacuum which can be exploited by ambitious individuals who already have a sizeable quantity of power. The much less attractive (to me) alternative is to have a universe where there are still large sections of uncharted space. The biggest downside is that the technology level would be considerably lower in this scenario, with FTL travel slow or non-existent. If there is slower FTL travel, then we'd have to reduce the scale of the RP, which also reduces the amount our characters can grow.

    Also, and I may get a LOT of flak from this, I don't think we should have "specialties." I just don't think that there would be that many unique technologies in a well developed universe, and if we play in a developing universe we would have to come from essentially the same factions (because we would be in an isolated corner of the universe), thus eliminating any uniqueness that could come from different backgrounds. And playing in an undeveloped universe would more or less prevent inter-system travel to the point where playing as a race not native to that system would be (if we tried for continuity) unusual in the extreme, which would have the effect of race-specific technologies (but we'd all be playing the same races anyways).
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Either way, I will be participating.

    I think we should allow people to choose how they want to start... With a small starting bonus, as in a foothold 'empire' or something, or with a single character and a ship and go it from there. RP-heavy people like me most likely will like starting from a single person first.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    I think we should, at a minimum, start in command of a taskforce (which are anywhere from 2-40 ships of varying sizes).

    That's exactly the idea in the poll, start off with minimum wealth and recources. Minimum doesn't mean nothing

    We want this EEToEE to live long, dont we? Dont start big then, that's the most stupid thing to do.


    I once had this game where you could set the tech level a player could start with. If I wanted a long game, I'd just set the starting tech level low, if I wanted a short game, I'd set it high. Makes sense, no?
    Murska 19 years ago
    I need an idea about how we get followers. As I might od course assasinate the leader of some planet and then rise in his place, but I don't wanna be cruel... Maybe I start as a one person in a colony... Hey, I got a idea. But can I in start be a part of some organisation or faction, like a son of a colony leader or something, or do you really need to start as a single person alone?
    Pete 19 years ago
    "Cejer" said:
    We probably won't get a suitable thread of our own going for a while, so may I suggest a temporary thread using the Lords of Ether rule set? It's fairly well balanced, and would allow a quick start of a role-play thread while we think of how we would like our own rule system to work. I could set up a quick universe map without any hassle if everyone feels like this is a good idea.

    As for the "Super fast growing Empires" syndrome, if we make fast construction techniques unavailable, then ships will take months or years of game time to produce. I really don't care if we have fast growing empires or not, so long as it's all within reason.

    "Lords of Ether" said:

    Ether is the key resource of Lords of Ether, hence the name of the game. Ether mines produce the amount listed in the Ether Production Category at the beginning of Ether every month.

    So, what exactly is Ether? It’s a magical substance of low density but with great conductive properties, and when properly used can generate large amounts of energy. It permeates the universe slightly out of phase with normal matter though it can be detected by its interaction with light. However, it does take tangible physical form under certain conditions; usually interaction with large dense objects like planets or stars.

    On planets it tends to gather underground in concentrated areas called Nodes, from which it emerges as a greenish gas, or, more rarely an ultra-dense hardened solid like a glowing emerald (an Ether Geode - very valuable). In its gaseous state it can also be occasionally found in small quantities on the surface layers of large planets like gas giants or even stars (if you’re daring). It can also be found in very rich pockets within nebulas, though the danger of passing through a nebula tends to prevent making harvesting operations there routine affairs. The most powerful mages and highest technologies can also tap hidden “Ley Lines” or “ZPE fluxes” that run across the universe just below our reality and draw Ether out of, what appears to the uninitiated, to be thin air.

    Over the past few thousand years, such procedures and magics have tended to pool Ether in a system around those worlds inhabited by Ether using societies. Usually the Ether in the rest of the solar system is thin, dispersed and irregular, and harvesting it more work than is profitable. Some systems and worlds however retain untapped reserves, but most will have to seek new, fallow ground to acquire more.

    This is the key point about Ether – unlike Industry, Wealth and Research, Ether Production cannot be increased by simply investing Wealth. New sources of Ether must be found and exploited.

    Ether is the most important commodity. Most advanced societies normally ship large quantities of it around continually. These civilian networks are of no concern to the player. Mostly what will be the focus of players is moving Ether for military purposes. Usually the lower the tech level the more space this transporting takes. Here are some general examples:
    Ether-specific mods:
    Tanker +1 point and doubles carrying capacity, however the ship can only carry fuel, and cannot be used in any other role.

    Pure Ether (available at Chem 2 or Transmog 1): 25,000 points of Cargo Space per 1 point of Ether
    Pure Ether is Ether in its gaseous state. It’s usually stored in sealed containers and can be difficult to transport.

    Ethernol (available at Chem 3): 5,000 points of Cargo Space per 1 point of Ether
    The most common form of Ether, this is the gas mixed with a liquid solution and burned in various engines. It comes in various types and can power everything from cars to rockets.

    Concentrated Ether (available at Transmog 3): 1,000 points of Cargo Space per 1 point of Ether
    Concentrated Ether is just that – Ether gas of extreme potency. Mages often carry small phials and glass spheres of Concentrated Ether to power their lesser spells.

    Ether Cell (available at Phys 4): 1,000 points of Cargo Space per 1 point of Ether
    An Ether Cell is concentrated Ether in a battery like apparatus. It can be recharged from lesser forms of Ether and is a very stable method of continued power, as well as less bulky.

    Etheric Fusion Catalyst (available at Chem 4): 1,000 points of Cargo Space per 1 point of Ether
    Etheric Fusion Catalysts drive the more advanced rocket propulsions. Where an Ether Cell puts out a steady stream of power, Catalysts are great for sudden, whopping great expenditures.

    ZPE reactor (Available at Phys 5): 100 points of Cargo Space per 1 point of Ether a month
    The Zero Point Ether reactor taps into distant stocks of Ether and the space is only that taken up by the device itself. It is thought that originally this Ether could be taken from anywhere in the universe, but now with the concentration and polarization of Ether resources, the ZPE reactor can only draw on stocks, or raw supplies of Ether, that have been specifically “attuned” to a specific wavelength (a very technical and in depth process). However, this can be done irregardless of distance, and means the vessel needs carry nothing more than the reactor itself.

    Etheric Anti-Matter (available at Chem 5): 100 points of Cargo Space
    The space taken is actually by the storage and containment and reaction apparatus, the space taken by the actual matter is negligible. Each container can store as much as 100 points worth of Ether in a stable fashion.

    Ether Geode (naturally occurring or Transmog 5): less than 1 point of Cargo Space per 1 point of Ether
    Ether Geodes can range in size, but the smallest are no more than fist sized. They are prized for Etheric Fission reactors and magic Castings. 1 point of naturally occurring Ether in every 100 is in the form of an Ether Geode. Ether Geode power in Fission Reactors saves a great deal of space, allowing Tech level 3 and 4 ships so equipped (and even the more advanced TL 2 ships using it as ultra-pure Etherite Coal) to pack in an extra Added Capability. This doesn't work at TL5 as by then ZPE and EAM reactors are already as small or smaller than Etheric Fission Reactors. The downside of course is that if you run out of Ether Geodes your ships aren't going to be going anywhere.


    However, not all Star Ways are equal. As well as varying in length, on some routes the flow of the Etheric Wind is faster. Travel on these “Blue Routes” is twice as fast as normal. These routes are usually well marked with various beacons, waypoints and markers suspended in the Ways by various means and operating through various functions.

    There are also “Red Routes,” Those dangerous and difficult paths. Travel on one is usually half as fast as normal, but that is not the only peril – these Ways are often changeable and fluctuating, making navigation difficult and passage perilous. Accidents are more common on such routes.

    Nebulas. Nebulas are the proverbial Dark Forests. There great Ether Winds sweep around aimlessly and massive clouds of star gasses drift in huge formations. Ships entering a Nebula can be lost for centuries if not careful. Which is, of course why so many try: There are rumoured to be great riches hidden inside Nebula. Certainly many strange things reside within, and few of them human born or made. . .

    Oh, I like this, I really like this!
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Hmmm, how long will the poll be open?
    I want to start the new EEToEE as soon as possible.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    sp, what's the point of lords of ether anyway?
    Cejer 19 years ago
    Lords of Ether is pretty much the same thing as the EEToEE. Several notable differences are the large rule system, the fixed time passage, the universe map, and the immense number of players. Lords of Ether has about 40-50 active member last time I checked, which is why I didn't join in. I brought up the rule system so we could get at least a temporary thread up and running.

    The biggest reason I want to start with a moderate force is that I enjoy combat at the strategic level much more than combat at the tactical level. No matter how large we get, we will still need to use combat at the tactical level, but smaller scales eliminate the need for strategic decisions.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Well, I would like to not give the EEToEE a full change here... I am not opposed to some of the things, but basing it off of another game is something I can not do. The EEToEE is meant to be unique.

    Here is what I propose:

    1) We appoint one person, or perhaps form some sort of council, to deal with complaints in regards to RP fairness/plausibility. Requirements include but are not limited to activeness, willingness to help, and good spelling/grammar.

    2) All matters are subject to arguments within reason.

    3) There are to be no definite stats in the EEToEE. The aim is for a highly believable RP, not some sort of game.

    4) Every 'player' of the EEToEE must acknowledge that they may be requested to redesign their character/empire if it is found to be unreasonable or unfair. In addition to this, 'players' agree that periodic resets may be, at times, necessary.

    5) 'Players' all have the option of starting with an empire or as a single character.

    5a) Empire 'players' will not be allowed a main character, even though they may have a preferred character. Preferred characters are highly subjectible to death, whereas main characters are able to thwart death if aforementioned thwarting is plausible. If a preferred character is destroyed, the empire 'player' is not eliminated and may chose a new preferred character, if they so wish. An empire 'player' is eliminated pending destruction of their central base.

    5b) Single character 'players' must start on/in a planet or orbital station and will not be allowed to posess more than one base. Single character 'players' are able to thwart death if aforementioned thwarting is plausible. A single character 'player' is eliminated pending destruction of their main character.

    6) Single character 'players' are allowed to exist within an empire 'player' controlled empire. The single character 'players' may seek whatever goals they wish, provided these goals are plausible. Empire 'players' may set up a sort of ranking system to allow single character 'players' in their employ to rise in ranks, power, and responsibility.

    7) Single character 'players' may have followers, either 'player' made or another single character 'player.'

    Creative roleplaying is a necessity here. You can not suceed all of the time and a single failure does not necessarily handicap you.

    What do you all think?
    Cejer 19 years ago
    That looks fairly well thought out Zombie. As it was thought out well, it must be responded to after being well thought out, so I don't have an overall opinion yet. Let me just go through your post one thing at a time.

    "Zombie" said:
    Well, I would like to not give the EEToEE a full change here... I am not opposed to some of the things, but basing it off of another game is something I can not do. The EEToEE is meant to be unique.
    If you had read (and remembered?) the original post concerning the Lords of Ether rule set and were remarking this at me, you would not have posted this, because I was only suggesting using it as the basis for a temporary RP thread.

    "Zombie" said:
    1) We appoint one person, or perhaps form some sort of council, to deal with complaints in regards to RP fairness/plausibility. Requirements include but are not limited to activeness, willingness to help, and good spelling/grammar.
    This is an absolute necessity, a single person would be able to keep things running more smoothly than a council, but people are biased much more commonly than councils.

    "Zombie" said:
    2) All matters are subject to arguments within reason.
    Your wording is a little ambiguous, but if I understand the idea (Person X thinks something unfair happened then appeals to the moderator(s) and presents his argument, the moderator(s) then make a decision, right?) it makes sense. The biggest problem is defining what is "within reason."

    "Zombie" said:
    3) There are to be no definite stats in the EEToEE. The aim is for a highly believable RP, not some sort of game.
    I'd like to argue against the wording there (in addition to any further arguments I may have against this). Character Y has 30 ships; therefore a definite stat of character Y is that he/she has 30 ships. I know what you’re trying to convey, but the wording is ambiguous.

    "Zombie" said:
    4) Every 'player' of the EEToEE must acknowledge that they may be requested to redesign their character/empire if it is found to be unreasonable or unfair. In addition to this, 'players' agree that periodic resets may be, at times, necessary.
    The 'redesign' should only happen before the 'player' enters the EEToEE (unless extreme circumstances apply, which would most likely result from improper role-playing and poor communication). It would just be cruel to require a redesign after a 'player' has played for a while because he/she is capable of using a mild advantage to great effect. I am against the idea of resets almost completely. Forced weakenings and redesigns are bad enough, assuming that the 'player' obtained such power legitimately, but resets strain the continuity of the thread. If a set majority (60% or 70% for example, but always > 50%) voted for a reset, or two consecutive simple majorities voted for a reset, then a universal reset would make sense, but individual resets or scheduled resets just don't make any sense (to me).

    "Zombie" said:
    5) 'Players' all have the option of starting with an empire or as a single character.
    No complaints, as long as single characters cannot hope to compete with empires. Single characters can be more entertaining to role-play and to read about than empires, but single characters should never be able to challenge a moderately powered empire in open battle.

    "Zombie" said:
    5a) Empire 'players' will not be allowed a main character, even though they may have a preferred character. Preferred characters are highly subjectible to death, whereas main characters are able to thwart death if aforementioned thwarting is plausible. If a preferred character is destroyed, the empire 'player' is not eliminated and may chose a new preferred character, if they so wish. An empire 'player' is eliminated pending destruction of their central base.
    I don't entirely agree. What if Character Z is the emperor of a (comparatively) huge empire, and character Y's 30 ships can't hope to compete, so character Y says his assassin killed Character Z in order to buy time. The problem with "preferred characters" being unable to thwart death is that it often won't make sense in the universe. An emperor is always going to be unbelievably (not literally) well guarded, and even a master assassin is going to have an incredibly hard time getting close enough to kill the emperor. I do agree that favorite commanders, soldiers, etc should be vulnerable, but even a general is going to have some pretty tight security on his own ship. The moderator(s) of the EEToEE should usually give the advantage to the person who is being targeted. Why do you think that destruction of the central base should eliminate an empire? If you take the rebellion from Star Wars as an example, you'd see that they abandoned their "central base" many times. Destroying an empire usually takes more effort than that. An additional minor note, rule 5a almost contradicts rule 2, and the two together create very ambiguous wording.

    "Zombie" said:
    5b) Single character 'players' must start on/in a planet or orbital station and will not be allowed to posess more than one base. Single character 'players' are able to thwart death if aforementioned thwarting is plausible. A single character 'player' is eliminated pending destruction of their main character.
    I think that this rule is too absolute, and yet ambiguous as well. If a 'player' comes up with a good reason why he/she is not on a planet of in an orbital station, they should be allowed to start where ever they came up with. Ignoring that, what defines an orbital station? A military base built into a comet almost certainly doesn't orbit anything, but would it be an acceptable choice? I think I see your reasoning behind that condition (you don't want a character to start with a large ship, correct?), but it could use a little work. Single character 'players' should be allowed to obtain a second or third base (in certain conditions without penalty), but upon obtaining the second sizable base they should immediately become an empire for purposes of applying rules. The method of eliminating single characters makes sense.

    "Zombie" said:
    6) Single character 'players' are allowed to exist within an empire 'player' controlled empire. The single character 'players' may seek whatever goals they wish, provided these goals are plausible. Empire 'players' may set up a sort of ranking system to allow single character 'players' in their employ to rise in ranks, power, and responsibility.
    I say this should apply only if the empire 'player' consents to such a start. I mean that if a new playing thinks that character Z's all-powerful empire looks spiffy and takes command of one of Z's soldiers, character Z should be able to veto the decision in his next post.

    "Zombie" said:
    7) Single character 'players' may have followers, either 'player' made or another single character 'player.'
    But I want it to be made clear, if a single character uses his/her followers for most of his/her 'dirty work,' then that character has actually become the leader of a new empire.

    "Zombie" said:
    Creative roleplaying is a necessity here. You can not suceed all of the time and a single failure does not necessarily handicap you.
    Actually, in vary rare circumstances, someone can succeed all the time. Similarly, a crushing failure could handicap someone for a long time after the event.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    *Strides into room and clears throat*


    *Looks around*

    It is my decided opinion...

    *dramatic pause*

    ...that we all start with new characters in a new universe with minimum resources following a set of member-created rules.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    That type of start has pretty much been decided upon. What remains to be done is the, very general, history of the universe, deciding upon the rules, and deciding what "minimum" means.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    *leans back into a chair he pulled out of nowhere*


    Each player should have, at the most, one business-type-thing (ship repair facility, trading station, engine factory, etc.), one small (10 frigate-class ships or equivilent) corporate fleet with average weapons, and their character should be any humanoid race. Within reason. All player's characters are judged by other members in order to maintain fairness.

    Then everything else is up to the player's cunning (and RPing).


    Wealth would be in something like a "Galactic Standard Credit," each player having no more money than enough to purchase a carrier-class vessel with no accessories.

    Zombie 19 years ago
    Sorry for the ambiguous wording... But I guess we have this so far:

    1) We form some sort of council, to deal with complaints in regards to RP fairness/plausibility. Requirements include but are not limited to activeness, willingness to help, and good spelling/grammar.

    2) All matters involving fairness/plausibility are subject to arguments with reasonable plausibility. Example: If X thinks something unfair has occured and it goes unnoticed by the council, then X is allowed to appeal to the council and present their argument provided that their argument is reasonable and sensible.

    3) There are to be no definite player character stats in the EEToEE. The aim is for a highly believable RP, not some sort of game. This refers to, but is not limited to, common RPG stats such as strength, agility, and dexterity.

    4) Every 'player' of the EEToEE must acknowledge that they may be requested to redesign their character/empire prior to their entry into the RP if it is found to be unreasonable or unfair. In addition to this, 'players' agree that while there are no scheduled resets, a reset may be, at times, necessary. Resets will be decided by a universal vote resulting in two consecutive simple majorities.

    5) 'Players' all have the option of starting with an empire or as a single character.

    5a) Empire 'players' will not be allowed a main character, even though they may have a preferred character. Preferred characters, while less capable than main characters, are backed by the entire empire they lead. If a preferred character is destroyed, the empire 'player' is not eliminated and may chose a new preferred character to rise to position of ruler of their empire provided that stability must be restored before rule resumes as normal and that new character must be different than destroyed character. An empire 'player' is eliminated pending destruction of their final base.

    5b) Single character 'players' must start on/in a planet or orbital station unless good reason otherwise can be presented. Single character 'players' will not be allowed to posess more than one major base without becoming an empire 'player.' Single character 'players' are able to thwart death if aforementioned thwarting is plausible. A single character 'player' is eliminated pending destruction of their main character.

    6) Single character 'players' are allowed to exist within an empire 'player' controlled empire providing that the empire 'player' consents. The single character 'players' may seek whatever goals they wish, provided these goals are plausible. Empire 'players' may set up a sort of ranking system to allow single character 'players' in their employ to rise in ranks, power, and responsibility.

    7) Single character 'players' may have followers, either 'player' made or another single character 'player.' Followers are to be for assistance and not simply the brunt of the work. Single character 'players' may not use their followers for most of their 'dirty work' without becoming an empire 'player' beforehand.

    "Cejer" said:
    Actually, in vary rare circumstances, someone can succeed all the time. Similarly, a crushing failure could handicap someone for a long time after the event.

    True, but I meant more to say that you do not need to succeed all the time. A failure could be a valuable learning experience and if you are always succeeding then where is the fun?

    Anywho, what do you think of the revised suggestion of rules so far?
    Cejer 19 years ago
    Looks good to me Zombie, although I have one fairly off-topic question. Do you live where people use English English or American English?

    Second, a question for everyone, when are you usually awake? For simplicity you should reply in time.
    Zombie 19 years ago
    Alright! We at least have a basic set of rules down, unless others have any other objections?

    Now to go from there...

    "Cejer" said:
    Do you live where people use English English or American English?

    I live where people use not-English. I am plauged with 'LOL-ers' and whatnot... Well, ok... American English...

    However, I do get a talking to from my english teachers because I have a habit of sometimes using English English...

    I happen to like using 'colour' instead of that boring non-u-containing version!

    "Cejer" said:
    Second, a question for everyone, when are you usually awake? For simplicity you should reply in time.

    Uhh... I'm in central time. I am usually awake... Well... Whenever.
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